How prepared are you for a zombie infestation?

M.O.P.P. suits are a no go. Way to hard to manuever in and they are hot as hell.

I'm definitely a fan of the yard markers and designated shooters. You're a good shot, we give you a scope. You suck, you get to pour Greek Fire.
Actually Oklahoma wouldn't be too bad. The majority of those zombies are missing the majority of their teeth. That makes brain chewin real hard. The constant moaning of boomer sooner would get old though.
I would guess you haven't chewed many brains. They are soft and squishy and easy to masticate. If Dr. Lecter took out his false teeth, he would still have no problem eating them.

There are other roles to be played in a fortress besides sniping and pouring Greek Fire. At my advanced age, I would prefer to stand in back, look through my German binoculars and point out targets with a riding crop. I used to be a really good shot, not so much, maybe, anymore.
I will assume that zombies do most of their attacking after dark - will we need some sort of Starlight or other night vision systems?

We also need to be prepared in the event other hostile survivors try to raid us for provisions.

Someone needs to get working on that angle.

Let's turn that last sock inside-out. If there are other survivors (or non-survivors) how do we get their provisions, whether they are hostile or not?

I'd bet we could get night vision devices from the same arms rooms we loot to get Claymores.
I think it is just silly to consider only Ruger 10/22's when shooting these buggers, even with bizarre 90 round triple clips. If they come in with any speed at all, and in large numbers, when they are close enough to hit with any .22, it could be problematic.

You need to reach out and touch them starting at six or seven hundred yards (marked with nice white stakes, just like in Zulu Dawn); preferably with semi-automatic weapons. This is precisely what the M-14 was designed for in the 1950's. Yes, it is a fairly large caliber-.308. But we seem to have dropped the whole mobility thing in favor of an 18th Century French model of pointed symmetry. We might consider saving space by using the shells over and over by getting bullets and powder and reloading gear (about which I know absolutely nothing).

Slings are essential, given the kick of this cartridge. First elongate the sling, then wrap it around the upper left arm. Then a full turn around the lower left arm. Nestle the stock in the right shoulder and adjust the sling for a tight fit with the left hand on the front stock. Your left arm, chest/shoulder, and the rifle are a triangular, solid, one piece unit. If you have a good rubber shock absorber at the end of the stock, then rapid, accurate, and prolonged fire is a real possibility.

Ideally, shooters should be in a sitting position with something upon which to rest, and stabilize, the rifle. Each shooter should have an assigned field of fire--so far to the left and so far to the right. These fields should overlap.

When the undead get within, say 250 yards, switch to a lighter caliber; there is a lot of .223 ammo out there, so an M-16 variant or a Ruger Mini-14 (perhaps with an accurized longer barrel). Again semi-automatic is best, but with a lesser kick, the sling might be dispensed with.

At 150 yds "Unleash Hell" (I had to use that) with the above-described Claymore-propelled Greek Fire. If they get within 50 yds, break out the 10/22's and hope the 90 rd clips are more manageable than they appear.

Let's hope it doesn't end up being a reenactment of Zulu Dawn.

Assuming you have at least knocked them all down, send a few folks out with .22 semi-auto pistols and put a round in each brain pan. (For the perfectionists.)

Move. If it doesn't smell really bad yet, it soon will. Or 'steal' a D-9 Caterpillar.
How about driving down to Galveston and taking a cruise ship and using it as some sort of floating fortress/mobile command base? We can become pirates raiding other settlements for supplies and fuel.
Everybody keeps wanting to get sheltered up above ground, but I think going underground would be best.

Titan 1 Missile Silo

Unless zombies somehow learn how to burrow, this would be ideal. Few entrance/exit points require fewer people to guard, but still give enough options in the event that an evacuation is required. Maybe some exits could be hidden for such a reason and only one entrance be used. Hallways could also be sealed off if needed. The large domes would provide plenty of space to store any provisions needed for an extended stay. The only problem that I forsee is getting light and circulating the air. It could be possible to build an above ground structure that is only accessible from underground for air vents and maybe a large mirror system to distribute sunlight throughout the complex. Other than that, the extended stay could be very pleasant.
Underground = eternal darkness, Zombies don't need to sleep.

I like the cruise ship idea. I've yet to see a swimming Zombie. Eventually they'll starve and die out.
Ships are like beseiged forts--sooner or later they have to connect with the economy, i.e., come to land.

Underground--would there not be a likelihood of encountering the types first documented for us in H.G. Wells' Time Machine?
Maybe some sort of Destroyer Escort or a guided missile frigate.

As for under ground, I can't see giving up our mobility like that.

We'd basically be holding doorways and long halls where they can overwhelm with numbers and we give up engagement at long distance and being able to mass our firepower.

The 18th century fort or a small ship of war.

That's my vote.
This thread is filled with potential sig material. Good work.

My twin bro and best friend are Marines in a heavy weapons company. When the zombie attack comes, I'm staying no further than 36 inches away from these dudes. They know how to fuckin kill.
That's the attitude Truck's Son.

When you are in need of sheer mayhem and destruction, just find you a grunt or two and point out the enemy.

Guns, knives, garden tools, kitchen appliances, feminine hygiene products..... It doesn't matter. Any grunt worth his salt will turn anything into a zombie killer.

Just don't count on any advanced social skills.
We need artillery. And tanks. Once the tanks run out of fuel, they can be dug into the ground and used as static artillery. A Stryker or two would be optimum for sorties. Those bad boys can be sealed up tight enough to withstand a chemical attack so zombies shouldn't be an issue.
Two words.........Machu Picchu... I think it could work...Geographically speaking it's remote and very high up...easily defended with a smaller number of people. Discuss
Machu Picchu = little to no water, right? IIRC, I saw a piece on National Geographic channel where they use large screens stretched between poles to interrupt fog & mist which then collects into water & is stored.

Our basic needs are water, food, shelter, protection, communication... & in that order, IMO.

Plus, I don't care so much for the Fedora look.

Do you think a z will be climb though good fencing, like a welded wire panel and some barbed wire on top? Obviously they won't be persuaded by the barbs, but I wonder if a z would just kind of amble down the street past the hideout. It wouldn't be expensive to have multiple layers of fencing to slow them down and make a headshot that much easier. I say this because I'm hoping to z-proof the homestead. Or at least make it easier to defend with a small number of marksmen. A force multiplier, if you will.

Yesterday I staked out where I'll dig the footer for the mini-fort. Digging a framing the forms will be in Jan. Planning on concrete over spring break.
Just watched "I Am Legend". This type of viral zombie is definitely a step above the old kind. They can climb, work in groups and even have some rudimentary intelligence to make traps.

I def think you need a compound with slanted, smooth walls to at least 15 feet with a nice, cleared kill-zone out at least a hundred yards. The walls need to slant out, so that it is difficult to use a ladder and hard to climb.

Also, really bright lights mounted around the perimeter since zombies seem to only operate (or operate best) in the dark. This also means you don't need to worry about shooting anything further than you are able to light. I would think some static light towers with movable spots. Of course, this means you have to have juice and extra bulbs. The nuclear reactor seems more and more necessary.

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