How does Trump defeat Hillary?

I don't know if it's possible for Trump to win, but if he wants a chance he needs to change his talking points pretty quickly.
His attempts to paint Hillary as against women due to Bill's bad behavior will do absolutely nothing to change the mind of someone, especially women, who support HC.
Why in the world is he bringing this up? It is decades old, and his anti-woman comments are fresh.
Also, quit talking trash about the other GOP candidates. You have beaten them--but now you need to steal that vote. Insulting their candidate is like telling someone their baby is ugly. You don't do it.
Right now, you're hitting as many bad notes as a contestant of "The Voice".

If I were Trump's campaign manager, I would make HC as scary as possible. I think fear is the only reason people will vote for Trump, beyond his current supporters.
So, I would tell him:
1) Focus on SCOTUS and the ramifications of HC appointments. HC's choices will impact your children, and your children's children.
2) Focus on guns, gunz, and more guns! HC is coming to take them.
3) Abortion. The only social point that still resonates. I would try and pander this very hard with Mexican/Hispanic voters. She wants to kill babies late term.
4) Lyin' Hillary. There are plenty of options out there to create ugly she said/she said commercials that show her lying, and being angry and rude. There is even plenty that show her speaking rudely to black voters. She has flipped, flopped, and flipped again. Use her own words, spoken in this decade, against her.
5) Start talking about Section 8 housing, educate the public on how it works. One of her rumored VP selections, Julian Castro, loves the idea of moving the poor in to higher income neighborhoods, whether they want to go or not.
Does anyone want their home values to go down, and their neighborhood potentially trashed? Explain what recently happened in Baltimore, (forced to spend $30 million to build 1000 affordable housing units in high income neighborhoods, as just one thing) and Small- Area Fair Market rents and what they mean for your streets and families.
Do you want your neighborhood turned in to an area such as this?
6) Help millennial crowd understand how Obamacare is impacting them. They are shouldering the health costs of the elderly, and with the exit of a 123 year old United Health, along with Aetna, Blue Cross-Blue Shield and Humana, the rates they pay for insurance will only get higher.
The less insurers, more you pay, and you get worse care, and fewer physicians.
7) Pick someone with experience and a steady hand for VP., and make sure we understand he is more of a co-pilot than the normal VP. I understand how hard this will be for a guy like you.
8) Jobs. I don't even think you have to present a real plan, just focus on jobs. Say the word, lots of times. People want to feel secure in the fact that they will have a good job. Business is supposed to be your area of expertise, so prove it. If you have a plan, now may be a good time to give up the details.
9) The Wall is stupid. You sound stupid when you speak of it. People trying to cross our borders are willing to pay every cent they have to crawl in to an empty freight car, and hope the driver lets them out. These people walk across deserts, sometimes dying of thirst. Here in Texas, they swim through a river with deadly undercurrents. Do you honestly think that these people will risk all of that, get to a wall, and say, "whoops, it's over. There is a wall there." Speak instead of ways to legally allow Mexican people in to the US. I don't want to be over-run by people from Mexico, but, if I had been born in Mexico, you can damn well bet I would be doing everything in my power to get my family here. The toothpaste is out of the tube, lets focus on how we can make it manageable and maybe work with Mexico to help make it a place Mexicans don't want to leave so badly.

I try and keep my ears open and hear all sides of things politically. I have friends that are HC or die, (usually my attorney female friends) and absolutely nothing will shake them. The vast majority of them laugh of any attempt at a reasonable question about emails, Benghazi, etc. So, Trump, give up on these folks. Nothing you could ever say will take the blinders off.
I have another group that are getting ready to jump off the cliff, (usually my friends who are MDs or in the medical field) Right now, they (including me) are shaken, and don't know what to do. We don't want to vote Trump, but we can't stand the thought of HC.
I don't really have any angry, lower income friends, but, I have a true-blue Bernie supporter who despises HC. Her name is Cat, she walks my dogs. She is 28 and lives with her parents. She has some college, but hasn't graduated. She has never held a "real" job, except for waitressing, and has been fired from all of those jobs. Her favorite past times are smoking weed, and watching tv. (you guys can PM me for her number--she's a keeper!)

I asked her if there would be anything that would make her vote for Trump. In her own words, "expose Hillary for the lying b**** she is. If he could make Americans understand what a liar she is, that would be cool."

So, quit talking old news if you really want to win. I don't even know who I want to win--right now I don't have choices, but I think I speak for many of my friends and acquaintances when I say--if you focus on the above, and mean it--you will most likely win our votes. If it will be enough to beat Hillary, I have no idea.
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I agree with almost everything you said with a few concerns.

His attempts to paint Hillary as against women due to Bill's bad behavior will do absolutely nothing to change the mind of someone, especially women, who support HC.
Why in the world is he bringing this up? It is decades old, and his anti-woman comments are fresh.

What I think he would say is that he's not going after her for Bill's bad behavior but for punitive actions she took against the women who dared to come out against Bill or call him on his actions. I still think it's a bad strategy. It's too convoluted, and unless he's got irrefutable proof of Hillary doing something pretty terrible to one of these women, it's going to backfire. And of course, even if he executes this perfectly, it's going to be hard for him to benefit from it after all the ridiculous things he says every week.

1) Focus on SCOTUS and the ramifications of HC appointments. HC's choices will impact your children, and your children's children.

This is huge, and if anything could tempt me to vote for Trump, this would be it. The GOP is astoundingly weak on taking advantage of this. Democrats have long been able to avoid taking unpopular stands on social issues, because they can just appoint judges who will do their dirty work, and they seldom get called on it. If HC wins, the Court will legalized late-term abortion, eliminate the death penalty, impose goofy transgender rules in public schools, and probably destroy federalism as we know it by rolling back the Rehnquist Court's limits on the commerce clause. Does Trump have the nuance and rhetorical discipline to really make an issue of this? Probably not.

9) The Wall is stupid. You sound stupid when you speak of it. People trying to cross our borders are willing to pay every cent they have to crawl in to an empty freight car, and hope the driver lets them out. These people walk across deserts, sometimes dying of thirst. Here in Texas, they swim through a river with deadly undercurrents. Do you honestly think that these people will risk all of that, get to a wall, and say, "whoops, it's over. There is a wall there." Speak instead of ways to legally allow Mexican people in to the US. I don't want to be over-run by people from Mexico, but, if I had been born in Mexico, you can damn well bet I would be doing everything in my power to get my family here. The toothpaste is out of the tube, lets focus on how we can make it manageable and maybe work with Mexico to help make it a place Mexicans don't want to leave so badly.

I completely agree, but to a great extent, Trump owes his nomination to taking a very rigid and very bombastic approach on illegal immigration, and the wall was the core of this approach. Millions of voters backed him for no reason other than this issue. I don't see how he can possible backpedal on it now.

I have a true-blue Bernie supporter who despises HC. Her name is Cat, she walks my dogs. She is 28 and lives with her parents. She has some college, but hasn't graduated. She has never held a "real" job, except for waitressing, and has been fired from all of those jobs. Her favorite past times are smoking weed, and watching tv. (you guys can PM me for her number--she's a keeper!)

Sidebar comment - If there are any single men on this board, somebody will PM you for her number, because guys could not care less what a woman does or doesn't do for a living or whether or not she has graduated from college. It's not that we're not impressed with education or career success, but those things would never be deal breakers. Personally, I'm glad my wife is well-educated and successful, but if she had dropped out of college and walked dogs for a living, that wouldn't have bothered me. (The pot smoking would have turned me off even at 28, but I was mature beyond my years.)

As for exposing Hillary for being a big liar, I'm not too worried about Trump not pushing this. I'm sure he'll point out what a liar she is every chance he gets. In fact, he might really impress your dog walker and actually call her a lying *****. That certainly wouldn't be out of character for him.
5) Start talking about Section 8 housing, educate the public on how it works. One of her rumored VP selections, Julian Castro, loves the idea of moving the poor in to higher income neighborhoods, whether they want to go or not.
Does anyone want their home values to go down, and their neighborhood potentially trashed? Explain what recently happened in Baltimore, (forced to spend $30 million to build 1000 affordable housing units in high income neighborhoods, as just one thing) and Small- Area Fair Market rents and what they mean for your streets and families.
Do you want your neighborhood turned in to an area such as this?

Great suggestion! I am not sure why this has not received more play from Republican candidates as it is an issue that many homeowners have been affected by and feel very passionately about. HUD is one of the most difficult, pigheaded Federal departments. They act with nearly complete autonomy and reek havoc on homeowners with little to no empathy. They have kicked off a major development near my neighborhood where the local schools are already overcrowded with long waiting lists. At the town hall, it was clear they did little to no vetting of the capacity for services and completely ignore any feedback from the existing community.

I am not planning on voting for Trump but if he promised to eliminate HUD then it would definitely peak my interest.
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He has to win swing states (is that too much stating the obvious?)

And, according to the latest polling in 3 swing states, he will have a decent shot
Ohio - he leads
FLA and PA are deadlocked/tiny Clinton lead

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Great suggestion! I am not sure why this has not received more play from Republican candidates as it is an issue that many homeowners have been affected by and feel very passionately about. HUD is one of the most difficult, pigheaded Federal departments. They act with nearly complete autonomy and reek havoc on homeowners with little to no empathy. They have kicked off a major development near my neighborhood where the local schools are already overcrowded with long waiting lists. At the town hall, it was clear they did little to no vetting of the capacity for services and completely ignore any feedback from the existing community.

I am not planning on voting for Trump but if he promised to eliminate HUD then it would definitely peak my interest.

Two things to keep in mind on this. First, anyone who opposes this will be called a racist who doesn't want blacks and Hispanics moving into his neighborhood. Second, if Trump is going to make an issue about this, he's going to need to figure out a way to discuss it in simple terms that the public can easily discern.
He has to win swing states (is that too much stating the obvious?)

And, according to the latest polling in 3 swing states, he will have a decent shot
Ohio - he leads
FLA and PA are deadlocked/tiny Clinton lead


If Trump wins all three of these states, he'll win the election if he holds every state Romney carried, which I think is unlikely. I think he's going to lose Arizona, which means that in addition to winning these three, he's going to have to flip another state of similar or larger size, such as Wisconsin or Michigan.
you mentioned this in reference to HUD threatening to give super vouchers for section 8 housing,
"where the local schools are already overcrowded with long waiting lists"
Off topic but I did not think any public school other than Charters could deny a kid who lived near a school?

What BO Castro and HUD want to do will just drive upper lower to middle class people of any race or ethnicity out of those areas.
you mentioned this in reference to HUD threatening to give super vouchers for section 8 housing,
"where the local schools are already overcrowded with long waiting lists"
Off topic but I did not think any public school other than Charters could deny a kid who lived near a school?

What BO Castro and HUD want to do will just drive upper lower to middle class people of any race or ethnicity out of those areas.

That's what I would have thought as well, but apparently not. My son is not in school yet so I have not paid to much attention to it. Just hearing these grumblings from my neighbors. I will probably move out of this area before too long in any case. Here is an article about this mess if you are interested.
Holy Moly., That is a scary article. Hard to call the resistance to building hundreds of section 8 units racist or nativist when some of the people concerned about their children being forced to be bussed are Hispanic.
So the units will look upscale, for how long?
and what happens to the crime rate?
There are reams of stats that show exactly what happens to areas where section 8 was forced in.
I don't know the answer and each child does deserve an education
but to pull down neighborhoods and even classes is not the answer.
When they build hundreds of section 8 apartments next to where the Castros live and deny their children the schools closest to them ( want to bet they go to private schools?) then we can revisit the idea.
Until then Please don't let Hillary win and maybe this can go away.
Hillary has gotten $21,667,000 in speaking fees out of corporate America over just the past couple years. Click to make larger

Back to the original question, I think Trump wins by saying "Crooked Hillary" never mind that when it comes to doing something unethical to gain advantage, Trump is as willing as anybody. The Lying Cruz thing stuck, though Cruz, as detestable as I find him, was much more reliable in getting his facts straight than Trump, who according to Politifact is no more concerned about being factually correct than he is politically correct.
Wouldn't pointing out Hillary's "crookedness" be factually correct depending on one's definition of crookedness of course.
Wouldn't pointing out Hillary's "crookedness" be factually correct depending on one's definition of crookedness of course.
Yep, it fits with the public perceptions. Crooked Donald or Double Dealing Donald would fit pretty good too if you look at how Trump has treated investors, creditors, spouses and competitors over the years.
Yep, it fits with the public perceptions. Crooked Donald or Double Dealing Donald would fit pretty good too if you look at how Trump has treated investors, creditors, spouses and competitors over the years.

Neither side will win this election by driving voters towards their candidate but rather away from the other major candidate. This will be a historic election in terms of disfavorability with the candidates.
I hadn't realized how much California's drought conditions have improved in the last 12 months. If I'm reading the table correctly, the percentage of California under severe drought (or worse) has fallen from 93.91% to 61.00%. That's still very high, but promising.

This certainly helps but during this drought farmers went on a well drilling frenzy. In some spots in the San Joaquin Valley the water tables dropped as much as 50 feet and the ground literally dropped as much as a foot per year. California may be getting more rain by they still have a very serious longterm problem. Trump's inference that there is/was no drought is a continuation of his long list of harebrained conspiracy theories that a subset of his supporters slurp up.

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