How do you ask a woman out on a date?

This thread is the gift that keeps on giving.
Ok, since this thread has turned into finances and scholarships, this is how it was for me.

5 classes, 3 hours each, 15 hours total -- $60
there were 3 or 4 building/facilities fees at $20-$30 each -- call it $90
2 English classes, 10 books each at roughly $3-$5 -- maybe $90
Philosophy and Classics classes -- more $3-$5 books
History, Government, Calculus, Physics, Astronomy -- those books were probably in the $15-20 range, but I only had to buy one for each class; and I didn't take those classes every semester.

Oh, and I took 3 years of Spanish at UT but those books weren't very expensive.


So, I'll increase my cost per semester to $300. The primary cost was books.
And now what the heck does "Praise of" boasting about himself have to do about this guy's date question. I see someone here knows nothing about picking up women.

Lesson ONE: Talk about something OTHER THAN YOURSELF. Most people really could care less about YOU and would rather talk about something else.

On the other hand: If you are so wealthy, how about paying MY way through college?? I'm sure your low cost college education is paying dividends by now!!!!!
re cheap *** tuition: one of my ped surg attendings during intern year had attended UTMB in the early-mid 80's. med school tuition was 250 per semester. 2 grand total for an MD. I figure law school was prob around the same. how awesome would that have been?

and for Praise: Brevity is the soul of something....
sawbonz, cool. Yeah, it was cheap back in the day.

When I went to UT it was $4 per credit hour and $40 per hour for out of state students. When UT tripled tuition to $12/hr., we students marched to the Capitol to protest. Paul Begala was our student body president (he finished second to Hank the Hallucination -- you can Google that if you don't know, but the Hallucination was a character in the comic strip Eyebeam; I voted for the Hallucination, I've been doing that for a long time) -- anyway, Begala was allowed to speak on the Tx Capitol House floor about our concerns.

Of course, Begala went on to bigger and better things than I have accomplished.

In reply to:

Praise, I'd figure a badass like yourself wouldn't have trouble getting dates or asking a girl out. Or was the original point of this post was to draw attention to the possibility that a girl might like you? Were you looking for support posts because you're unsure of yourself or was it just a sly way for you to boast about a girl liking you?

So, now you do remember that you got scholarships but you just turned them down?

In reply to:


I'd have to go back and read the first post. Yeah, no doubt, I'm unsure of myself with regard to relations with women. I had some long-term relationships (that has already been discussed). I had a couple of recent dates. They went well.

Regarding this weird obsession with "memory," I'll say it again -- it was 25 years ago -- and I didn't need the money, UT was cheap, so I didn't give a ___ about scholarship offers. Yeesh.

Well, by the time I took the LSAT, I was driving a Buick Regal. It only had a 305ci engine and could probably only hit about 115-120 mph.

I'm not trying to impress anybody. This is a freakin' message board where people just throw out random thoughts to see how people respond and to see if anyone has anything constructive to say.

I appreciate those of you who have given good advice, for the rest of you who just want to snicker -- you can blow me.

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