How bad is this economy going to get?

Now he is whining about the Navy hospital ships starting off with policies that did not work, resulting in few patients.
Those policies have been adjusted
Just like policies will be adjusted in the PPP program when needed

Although over 2 Billion loaned out first day is a good start
Now he is whining about the Navy hospital ships starting off with policies that did not work, resulting in few patients.
Those policies have been adjusted
Just like policies will be adjusted in the PPP program when needed

Although over 2 Billion loaned out first day is a good start
Yes, at this rate, all of the $350 billion will get dispersed in about 120 days. Small business is saved!

And with three months advance warning the pandemic was going to arrive, we should be glad that corrective policies will soon be worked out and that both China and Russia are now shipping the supplies we failed to procure in advance.
Yes, thank tha Lort for the commies saving the day.
Well I’m sure the medical workers are happy to have something to protect themselves with. Don’t you see the irony of how your wonderful globalized economy, where production has been outsourced, now has proven inadequate to respond timely in a crises? Hell, our space program has to rely on Russia now to supply the parts in order for the rockets to get off the ground.
What is timely for a virus no one has experienced before? As I told you before, any jackass can criticize, and most of them do.
South Korea would be the best example of a proper response. They were able to test large numbers of people, quickly identify nonasymptotic cases (thatt we don’t test), isolate them, thus limiting the spread of the virus and not overwhelming the health system. That’s what you do. That’s what we didn’t do.
Yes, but the South Koreans were also using the pharmaceuticals that our politicians were arguing about. Why didn't our "protectors" communicate with the Koreans? Israel had 5 million doses ready to ship. As stupid as the French are, they even tested it. (78 out of 80 is a pretty good finding)
South Korea would be the best example of a proper response. They were able to test large numbers of people, quickly identify nonasymptotic cases (thatt we don’t test), isolate them, thus limiting the spread of the virus and not overwhelming the health system. That’s what you do. That’s what we didn’t do.
I would have gone with Papua New Guinea
South Korea would be the best example of a proper response. They were able to test large numbers of people, quickly identify nonasymptotic cases (thatt we don’t test), isolate them, thus limiting the spread of the virus and not overwhelming the health system. That’s what you do. That’s what we didn’t do.

They had more experience than we do(due to MERS) and they are a small xenophobic nation that's easy enough to shut off from the rest of the world. Dr. Fauci has already stated what hurt us in our preparation was that we bought into China's misinformation about the disease and was caught off guard.
Dr. Fauci has already stated what hurt us in our preparation was that we bought into China's misinformation about the disease and was caught off guard.
That's Dr. Fauci (reluctantly?) spewing state propaganda.

Listen. We have a multi-hundred billion dollar intelligence budget and several intelligence agencies whose job it is to protect and prepare the nation. The notion that we weren't prepared because China bamboozled us is absurd. If our intelligence apparatus is so poor that they can't figure out what's going on, then we can save perhaps a trillion dollars annually by scrapping it altogether.

Hell, we even spy on our allies. For that matter, we even spy on our own people (Trump knows this; he was spied on). We have embassies and bases all over the planet. Trump, Fauci, FOX and whomever else blames China for us not being prepared is just political expediency. There is no excuse. China lied? So what. I guarantee at some levels of the government, there was knowledge of what was coming.
PPP gave out 3.5 billion to small biz today.
If they can get that to $10 billion per day or $50 billion per week, then all the money can be out in 7 weeks. I guess, if that happens, that could be interpreted a success. If by that time, we've licked the virus, then the efforts probably will have been worth it. If the virus is still going strong, do we do it again?
When people don’t spend what that does is slow down the velocity of money.

trying to get "Passion Polly" to the interior shop before we're all locked down, for rahzeel,

my velocity of money is at least exceeding the Mach by orders over ... perhaps approaching warp.

I'm doing MY part!
We had better congresses when the state legislatures elected the senators and better presidents when the nominees were picked in smoke filled rooms

we have gone from Washington and Jefferson to Clinton, W and President Pig’s Breakfast in just over 200 years
WWII saw new industries like synthetic rubber and other polymers which would expand hugely post war. Synthetic rubber was here to stay and BF Goodrich, Goodyear, TexasUS Chemical continued with Neches Butane being created to make butadiene for the others.

Sandia & eventually NASA experimenting with polyurethane & polypropolene created thousands of jobs in revamped plants. My favorite was the day my dad came home talking about these guys from Houston who had been in the plant to use Goodrich polymers to build a plastic ice chest. They made four ice chests and set a pickup truck with one ice chest under each tire, then left, 3-4 weeks later the ice chests were still undamaged. Their first sale was to Lone Star beer. Paul Jorgensen was the local distributor, and Igloo guys made sure my dad got two of the first ones made to keep his Pearl beer cold on camping trips. Their second sale was to Pearl beer.

Will new industries spring up from this fiasco as happened after WWII?
After putting on my rose colored glasses, I foresaw a revolution in pharmaceuticals, bio-medicine, genetics, and all sorts of amazing new medical stuff in our future.

No offense, but Wells Fargo has been doing **** like that since I was introduced to them in the early 80s. The fake account thing is the least egregious thing they done. Perhaps the worst is they lie to their officers and employees during training and about how their procedures work. I can't blame a manager in Tyler for following the company book when it's all they know, and questioning it will get them fired.
Serious question—do you think there is anything a huge nationwide bank, such as Chase, BOA, Wells Fargo, Capital One, etc., could do that would result in the loss of license or a breakup. They get away with things that the officers of smaller players would be jailed for.
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do you think there is anything a huge nationwide bank, such as Chase, BOA, Wells Fargo, Capital One, etc., could do that would result in the loss of license or a breakup.

Absolutely NOT! They may throw a sacrificial lamb to the idiots in the federal government from time to time. The FDIC is broke; it has been broke since before either of us was around. ****, they have been lying to the American public for nearly fifty years, Those brochures they print up aren't correct. Sad part is that they don't even know it.
I think it is pretty obvious the US government wasn't prepared. They are doing some good things now, but not really enough. They are also making the situation worse.

Corona viruses have been a threat for a long time now. It was just a matter of time before one of them mutated and killed people. The CDC didn't have any plan. The medical industry didn't have any plan. Their answer is to lock people at home and create the next great depression.

They are all morons that need to find another line of work. They are all fascists and idiots at this point.

I think we would all be better off without any of them.
If they can get that to $10 billion per day or $50 billion per week, then all the money can be out in 7 weeks. I guess, if that happens, that could be interpreted a success. If by that time, we've licked the virus, then the efforts probably will have been worth it. If the virus is still going strong, do we do it again?

As long as we get 4 more years of Trump, I'm happy. Never thought I would say that, but anything is better liberal of lower IQ taking the office of president (see I didn't call him a retard).
Corona viruses have been a threat for a long time now. It was just a matter of time before one of them mutated and killed people. The CDC didn't have any plan. The medical industry didn't have any plan. Their answer is to lock people at home and create the next great depression.

This is the problem with people like you. You think it is the government's responsibility to take care of you.

Grow up dude, put on some big boy pants and take responsibility to care for yourself. Sh1t happens, deal with it.

Liberals are such weak people.