horns vs rice 2023

His accuracy is no better than last year. It's frustrating watching Deion's son light it up and hit every receiver all day long, while our 3rd-year-in-college guy still misfires like a high schooler.
He doesn’t appear to be checking down to the open receiver
Everything seems so slow to develop for the offense. Watching all of the other games (even SMU) make it seem like they're playing at 1.5x speed.
I think this team bought into its own hype. I can't believe how poorly certain parts of the team are playing.

Who is #5? He absolutely didn't even touch and completely whiffed on the guy he was supposed to block on that 4th down.
Well the replay shows TE missed his block and his man made the tackle on 4th and 1. Shhheeesh!

So my question is what are the coaches going to do about it? Both Helm and Mitchell chose to block the 2nd level guy instead of the blitzing man right in front of them.