HornFans.com Trivia Game

Thanks to dustin for running an experiment for us. It looks like the maximum time deduction is 600 for this one. So basically once you've taken 10 minutes go ahead and take as long as you'd like.
Stupid me didn't realize there was a timer. I sat here trying to do it while the kiddo ran around me. Not that I would have done any better without her doing that.
Alright... fess up... Who had google on a second window?
Dude, I got F'ed in the A by one of the roman history questions. It asked who was elected roman tribune in 133BC and two of the answers were Gaius Gracchus and Tiberius Gracchus. All the friggin romans were named tiberius or gaius, I can't remember which one it was!
Actually what I did was this:

I started the quiz and got bummed that it wasn't trivia about hornfans. So I closed it. A little later I decided to go aheand and take it. I opened it and saw a bunch of religious questions that I knew nothing about. So I decided to cheat. I copy pasted the webpage and closed it again.

I googled the ones I didn't know (4 of them I think, 2 of them obscure religious ones).

I took the test again by answering them all in 10 seconds.

But it looks like a database timer started when I *first* opened the webpage.

So actually, I win. 100% of the questions right in 10 seconds.
I didn't have the question on mine...was it Tiberius?
Just wandering if my four years of Latin and two years of Roman Civ are paying off?...

When I got to the question about the Babysitters Club book or whatever the **** it was I just quit. As soon as that site starts asking worthwhile questions I'll play again.
Dragonlance!! Allsome!! Read the first 16 books or so in junior high. And the only question I missed was a Star Wars question!! Granted it was from one of the new films which all sucked Sooner dong. That means really sucked, btw. hehe

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