Honda Accord *Updated*

We had previously owned 3 Nissans (2 Quests and a Maxima) 2 of which were driven to 100K and past. I loved the cars - would not really look at much else when we needed to replace other cars.

Last summer we had to start replacing ancient vehicles again. It started with a 2000 Accord EX which I love. The family has grown now to include another Honda and 2 Acuras. Great cars.

The Accord is a great car, the RSX by Acura too, along with the TSX. My 2000 Accord EX has all the bling, without being flashy. You are looking at a great car. Can't go wrong with Acura or Honda IMHO. The only thing I would change would be to have a 4 door rather than a 2 door, but only because on car pool day it is a minor pain in the rear, still very tolerable though.

i LOVE my TSX, have had it since january. it's fun to drive, beautiful interior, and lots of great extras for an incredible price - got mine for right around 26k. all TSX's come fully loaded, with or without the navi system. a great, reliable, practical, but still fun car.
had an audi for 5 years, and it was the worst car ever - i will never go with audi again.
My first car was a hand-me-down accord with 150k miles from my parents. I loved that car.

After graduation and working a bit, I decided I wanted something new and went out and bought a prelude. I still like the prelude, but I wish I'd bought another accord.
Nissan uses a different grade steel in side beams. I'd consider safety issues with nissans. I know they are slight, but my point is that hondas are safer.
The newer accords have everything you need, and you can get one loaded for very cheap.
I bought 94 lx new. It is a great car mechanically. My teenage son inherited it and still runs great with 194k miles. It makes me wonder why america can't build cars as good.
Well, after all the research, dealing, and choosing of accessories, i finally did it. I picked up a brand new 2005 accord coupe ex v6 with all the bells and whistles last night. i drove it to work this morning screwing around with the nav and xm radio and its pretty sweet.

This is the first big purchase that i have made and was pretty excited about it.

looks nice, congrats and I'm sure you'll join the ranks of happy honda owners. Did you get any incentives/deals purchasing this vehicle? I'm thinking of buying a new vehicle in December.
No real incentives, but i think i got a pretty good deal on the price. But they sure seemed pleased to have me walk out the door with it, so now i'm not so sure. i went on edmunds and it said there were no factory to customer or factory to dealer incentives on the coupe right now, and i actually got it for about $700 below dealer invoice, so i can't see how i could have gotten hosed too much. my out the door price, with taxes, registration and all fees was actually about $700 below the MSRP as well. I don't really know if i want to find out if i got screwed on the deal now that its done though
$700 below invoice is fine. You might have haggled a few hundred more out of them, but that's not a very appealing process to most people.
jimmy, like i said, this was my first car purchase, so i'm not really an expert negotiator yet, but at the end, i was talking to 3 different dealerships, and told them i was, and threw out lowball prices, but not one sank any lower than this. i figured that was a pretty good indicator of getting pretty close to the lowest possible price, hopefully there wouldn't be any collusion going on. I also spoke with the USAA negotiating team, and asked them what there target price would be, and they said about 500 above invoice, so i felt pretty good about myself for that too. Anyway, done now, and i'm pleased with the car so far.
Of course Honda is a Japenese company, but the cars in the US are built in three places: Canada, the US, and Japan. If the VIN# starts with J, it is built in Japan, with a 2, in Canada, and with a 1, in the USA.