Some lawsuits over FOIA requests and an investigation by a newspaper in DC have lifted the cover a bit on how the Clinton Crime Family operated. See chronicles
While Hillary was acting as Secretary of State, Bill Clinton gave 215 speeches earning a staggering $48 million. Each speech had to be reviewed and approved by State Department officials. The documents show they never disapproved of any speech or appearance.
Many of these "speeches" were paid by a rogues gallery of dodgy regimes and nations including China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Panama,Turkey, Taiwan, India and the Cayman Islands. These Govts and entities had serious business/policy interests inside the US or with the US Govt. All of this occurred while Bill's wife presided over US foreign policy. And each approval memo copied to Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s senior counsel and chief of staff.
The Clintons had this act down pat. For each dodgy deal they did, the main payment method was Bill's speeches and/or donations to the Clinton Foundation. The donor dealt with Bill and then Hillary would use her power as Sect of State to make sure the donor got what they wanted.
In many cases, the actual donors would donate to a charity in another country first (often Canada), which would then donate to the Clinton Foundation. This acted to hide the actual identity of the "donors."
Once the funds landed in the US accounts of the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons could then use it as their personal bank account. They also funded some genuine charitable to keep up the front. One infamous example was when Chelsea Clinton used Foundation’s cash to pay for her wedding, living expenses and even taxes on gifts.
See also
The Clinton Foundation was a criminal scheme from the outset. Most sensible people recognize this. Bill and Hillary even used the expertise of heavyweight crooks to help them set it up, such as Marc Rich, who Bill Clinton pardoned on his last day in office. At the time, Rich was on the FBIs most wanted list. The Rich pardon was approved by Eric Holder
Rich's specialty, the reason he was on the Most Wanted List, is that he was world class at tax evasion, money laundering, wire fraud and racketeering (his indictment contained 65 separate charges). Rich had been a loyal Clintonista for along time. But he was only useful to them only if he was free. So if you ever wondered about the Marc Rich pardon, there you go.
In summary, the Clinton Foundation was a front for a criminal enterprise created by Hillary and Bill Clinton. They were protected by pros. They engaged in racketeering, tax evasion, money laundering, fraud and numerous other serious crimes. After the Clintons left the White House, they were close to insolvent. Today they are worth $250 million, that out. They pulled this off in only ~15 years, despite one of them being unemployed and the other working on a Govt salary most of those years.
As far as how they got away with it. They havent yet. I think they never thought they would lose power like we are seeing now. I still look for justice to be done.
See also