Hillary: How could you be so stupid?

I appreciate and understand your nuance but I didn't take your original statement as saying Hillary was stupid, as in too stupid to not know what she was doing. I took it to mean how stupid was she to think she could get away with it and bamboozle her way out of it.?
Actually the verdict is still out on whether she will get away with it with most of the media and with voters outside of her core base.
It was not an accident or a mistake. She wanted to be able to censor her emails so nothing she did could hurt her run for President. But she has said that her staff has kept "relevant" emails. Like I would trust her or anyone on her staff. Wow, that's a load off my mind!!:whiteflag: Nothing the Clintons do is accidental. And I'm sure Hillary think this latest scandal is a "vast right-wing conspiracy". Pathetic, and although I would like to see a woman President, America deserves better than Hillary.

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