Interesting article. Powell used private email. "He was not aware of any restrictions nor does he recall being made aware of any over the four years he served at State." The Condi portion is carefully worded to avoid the minefield: "she did not 'routinely' use her personal email to contact staffers." So it was not routine, but it was done. It also says that she "did not use her personal e-mail for official communication as Secretary." What is official? What is not? Was Condi only using emailing ex cathedra? How do we know that this former staffer even knows? Will you take their word for it if Clinton staffers come forth and say that none of the emails were "official communications?"
So the difference between Condi and Clinton is that Clinton did it "routinely", Condi less often. That distinction may matter to you, probably for partisan reasons.
What about Eric Holder? The article says: "Attorney General Eric Holder regularly uses his government account." Did you notice that he too failed to say that he "always" used the government account? Looks like he is dancing in the minefield too.
The "they did it too" excuse is nothing of the kind. You insist on assigning nefarious motive to Clinton, when you don't for Condi or Powell. "They did it to" demonstrates that this was not uncommon among people of good will in government, then. That doesn't mean it was smart. I can envision your argument if the shoe were on the other foot: "My guy did it routinely, your guy only did it when she wanted to hide the email."
Think about the number of people that received emails from her and sent emails to the address. They all knew she was using the private account. There was no effort to hide the fact, it was ignorance. I don't think Condi was doing anything underhanded, nor was Powell, nor Holder, nor was Clinton; it was cyber ignorance, by all these people. Hopefully the next generation of politicians will have more savvy. That is one of the reasons that I will likely not support Hillary in her presidential run - we need a new generation of leaders. If she gets the nomination, I might vote Republican in the general election, but not because of this "scandal" or the BENGHAZI!! nonsense.
This newest feeding frenzy will continue to feed your over-the-top rage, however. Enjoy it.