had a feeling this would happen...Westerman

Looks like Grimes is out officially now. Staying at Auburn. And Westerman will be in Austin on Friday. So we have 3-4 days to get an OL coach in here, or Westerman won't even get to meet his position coach while in town. That would be a big mistake on our part. We've had plenty of time to get this done. Getting a bad feeling about this. Not only did we not get Grimes, but we kinda seem incompetent also. Hmmmmmmm.
"we've had plenty of time to get this done"

yeah lets go make a hasty O-line hire so we can try and save 1 recruit, who could eventually turn out like Tray Allen anyways

Mack will get this right, leave it up to him - he's the head coach. he wants this done more than anyone, i dont think hes sitting around playing solitaire and dragging his feet. its taking a little longer, but let's get it right
I am not concerned with one recruit. I want aq soild coach that can get the Texas o-line into a top performing unit consistently year in and year out. Whether one guy wants to decommit or not is of little concern in the overall picture.
Burton reporting Westerman is going to Auburn and Texas has been eliminated because they did not hire the OL Coach Westerman wanted? Good Luck Westerman, i had a feeling he was never really coming to Texas anyway.

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