had a feeling this would happen...Westerman

Heck Christian wear a dress if you want, watch GLEE to your hearts content just come on to Austin and help out our o-line!!!!!!
now that we're essentially at the starting point of recruiting with no assistant coaches hired, how long does it take for Auburn/Oregon to start the negative recruiting and how long will it take for this guy to take all of his visits?

Will he be able to attend the NC game as a guest of Oregon?

I know I'm impatient, but I can't imagine how an 18 year old feels, especially if he was told hires would be made, and here the dead period is over and the school you've committed to is waiting for something.

It's been 6 weeks since Aggy game.
Has there been any updates now that we have our OC or is he waiting to see who our OL coach will be?
The only update I've heard is that he's cancelled his visit to USC, so they're apparently out. Guessing our competition is still going to be Allbarn or Oregon if he reopens his recruitment.
I have a question...does anybody else have a sour feeling for Westerman now? Not to say I don't want him. But will anybody else be expecting HUGE things from him and more critical than normal now? I certainly will. All Mack asked was to wait to meet the new coaches, and then decide. Instead he opened it back up and took a visit. Now that it seems Grimes is coming to Austin, Westerman will follow. So now he got his every little demand, let me see something special Westerman...above average won't cut it after what happened here in my eyes. Maybe I'm just the type who believes very strongly in a person's word.
.does anybody else have a sour feeling for Westerman now?

No, I see a 17/18 year old kid making the most important decision of his young life. He was thrown a giant curve with the coaching shake-up. I think we can cut him just a little slack.
I almost took the bait on going sour with Westerman, but after looking at our season as a whole and all the firings/retirements/resignations, along with the exodus of the coach formerly known as Boom, I can't blame the kid for second guessing his decision. He didn't grow up in Texas, he's not a life long Horn, and I'm sure he's hearing it from every which direction about why he'd want to come play for a program, that to the rest of the world, looked like it was in complete shambles.

You also have to consider that if he waited too long on Mack to make the hires, it might not have left him with enough time to take the official visits he may have wanted to take if he and his family weren't happy with who we brought in.
HousHorn09...are you f'n kidding me??? I follow our recruits very closely and knew all about the Grimes connection. That was the point in saying Westerman will got everything he wants now and has no excuse not to excel. He wanted to go to UT...yet also wanted to play for Grimes. Now it seems Horns are getting Grimes so he got the best of both worlds for him and his needs. All that is left is to produce in his perfect world scenario. That was my point. So how in the hell is that not following recruits? Really now.
We need to get the best OL coach for Texas; a coach that fits in with what Harsin wants to run.

I don't give a **** what some kid from Arizona thinks about the situation. He can go to school wherever the **** he wants.
It is not Westerman's fault Texas crapped itself this year.

Who is to say he might not stick with us if we get any top notch o line coach, which is pretty much a foregone conclusion? Whoever its going to be, it will be an upgrade from McWhorter without a doubt. I think he'll give us a reasonable chance but he may be more comfortable with Auburn. I wish him well either way and would hold nothing against him.
Westerman's choice - he can come to Texas and fight to be the best or he can go to Auburn and enjoy those 7-5 seasons.
I believe I read - or heard - somewhere that Westerman is visiting Austin on 1/21.

I think it would be a Good Thing if he gets to talk with an actual Offensive Line Coach, rather than a selection of heads photoshopped onto Burnt Orange shirts... ya think?
Call me crazy, but I think he keeps his commitment to us (Grimes or no Grimes)
thanks to the dedication and hard work of Mr. Major Applewhite.
Well SanteFe if the kid makes a decision on one season I guess Texas is in danger of losing all of their recruits. Texas is DOONED.

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