Gotta Love to Hate 'em - AGGY PICTURE THREAD

Hook. Line. And sinker.

You learnt how board up dem dare windows WildlifeAg?

"do you really want me to play the "Rick Perry" card? "

You mean the fact that it took you guys over 150 years to get an agroid elected???

Yeah, go ahead play your governor by default card...LOL
Yeah, go ahead and play the "I'm governing by mandate but I really got a plurality and was perhaps just the least crappy of all evils" Rick Perry card. Please. Do it.

And don't forget the fact that he practically blew us at our National Championship celebration ceremony last year. Squeeze that.
Fake Army doesn't actually do anything 'real'...
Case in point: two photos showing the Guidon (carries the flag which is adorned with streamers which represent awards, battles or conflicts the group has been through in it's history).

REAL Army would have something like "Battle of Chancellorsville" or "Battle of New Market" - VMI, 15 May 1864. VMI cadets fought as an independent unit at the Battle of New Market. As such, VMI is the only military college in the nation that holds this distinction and is therefore the only school authorized to "fix bayonets" during parades & have an actual battle streamer on their Guidon.

Instead, this is what aggy gets:

1st place OR Simpson Drill Competition
2nd Place JJ Sanchez Recruiting award
2nd Place Commandant’s award (extracurricular involvement)
2nd Place Hochmuth Award (military proficiency)
3rd Place Obstacle Course competition

aggy Source


aggy Aspires to be VMI, but they fail.

VMI has graduated 265 General and Flag Officers, more than any other state military college in the United States. Six graduates have received the Medal of Honor, the highest award of the U.S. military.

someone needs to make a Priceless Ad for Faggy

Big 12 Titles - 0
National Championships - 0
Heisman winners - 1

Still believing your program is a national powerhouse --- priceless

A&M, where the only tradition missing is winning games.

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