It's not the actual profession that should be reformed. Obviously there are exceptions, but the officers themselves are generally conscientious professionals trying to do a good job. However, there's room for improvement in the broader system in which we make them work.
I think it will reform if we incentivize reform. We need to celebrate the nuclear family more and encourage dads to love and marry the women they impregnate rather than encouraging the opposite.
White people could also clean our own culture up a little especially as it interacts with black culture. If a black girl becomes an elite concert violinist, a few will use her as a virtue signaling prop. However, are we going to spend much of our money on her work? No, we're going to pay money for our 14-year-old daughter to go to a concert and watch Cardi B dance half naked and rap about having her ******* eaten out. Well, that sends a terrible message to blacks.