Gilbert to Texas

So strange he goes to my HS...and just won us a State Championship.

The guy is damn good!
Can't wait to read the NYT article on this one...think his mom laid out just the one card and they talked about it in a room filled with scented candles?
This is just what the team needs for a first '09 recruit... Welcome GG and here is to staying healthy and getting stronger and faster!!
It is sad that this is not the top post. He is a 5 star recruit, and the #2 rated QB in the country.

Looks like a great start to 2009 recruiting.
Great choice for a great player. I watched him in the state championship this year against Highland Park and he is an excellent quarterback. He will be an outstanding addition to our team. Good luck this season Mr. Gilbert!

He might not get on the field for a couple years, but having a stud QB on the list only helps with other recruits....some of which will get some PT much sooner.

This is huge...we haven'ty picked up a stud QB since vy...and that WAS a long time ago.

I heard something about him be an this true?

And what about Shep? He comit without telling anyone?

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