Just a short update on the Jose.
Slipped off for a quick visit to Jose about 2:45PM today. He was still sedated and resting comfortably.
The nurse thinks they are going to do the tracheostomy in the morning. The "starter kit" was laying on the cabinet and Rick and I were wondering if we should go ahead and do the procedure-probably not. It should take about 20 minutes and, after the procedure, they will take him off the sedative. He should began to be awake more tomorrow afternoon.
While we were there, he had a workout with the PT. He didn't know it, but he had a workout. He looked pretty good today, not as puffed up as he was the last few days. They lowered the % of oxygen they are giving him to 40%. Heart rate 93.
Keep on prayin' and your rally hats on! It's all working.