Get Well, Jose Pena!

I've known Jose for around 20 years. He's always been an inspiration to me because of his positive outlook on life in general and on UT sports in particular. When whiners like me were cussin' and gettin' down on the team for whatever reason, Jose always seemed to be there waving the FLAG and staying positive.

Stay positive, Jose, and beat this thing, whatever the odds.

UT & Wild Bunch ' 76

"You can win them all, if you're good enough" - Coach Gus
Left the hospital about 10:30pm Friday night and Jose was still fightin'. We had quite a crew in there earlier in the evening. It was a sometimes sad, sometimes funny gathering. We were all talking to Jose knowing he was hearing us, sedation and all. There was no significant change from earlier in the day, although his systems are beginning to slow down. There is a 24 hour vigil with him. The ICU crew has been very accommodating to everyone even allowing a group in the room.

Keep prayin' and your rally caps on. He's still fightin'

Bill Goodwin
Jose-We all love you with all of our heart's. You have alway's been a big brother to me and a wonderful friend to my Mom and I. The Texas flag will forever wave. Give 'em hell Jose! We all Love you and Hook'em Horn's!!!!
Jose, you and your family our in everyones thoughts and prayers at May God watch over and take care of you!
This may be the most difficult post I've ever written. Earlier this afternoon, Jose was taken off the ventilator and quietly passed into God's hands 30-40 minutes later. I'm sure with all my soul that God was waiting for him with open arms. Unfortunately, that doesn't assauge the intense grief that I feel. Truly, the Longhorn community and EVERY community that Jose ever became related to has suffered an inestimable loss.

Please express your condolences at The Link

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