Get me a Coke Please

Most Democrats would have said they'd bail on Clinton if asked about it in a vacuum. But here's what would happen. The people calling for Trump's head would be people you hate. It would be liberal politicians and shrill media figures and political pundits. They would be extremely obnoxious and sanctimonious about it. To deny them the orgasmic delight they'd get out of seeing Trump ousted, you'd rationalize. You'd say that Trump did something bad but that it's between him and Melania and isn't bad enough to warrant impeachment, especially since a previous President had done the same thing and got away with it, even though he committed a felony to cover it up.

No, what he's doing is what he does on Twitter. Keep trolling and watch the media and the left keep overreacting. The left's constant overreaction is damaging the democrat brand.

That "trolling" may be used to establish a pattern of behavior by Mueller according to this article. Maybe this is a lesson that America needs to learn...trolling has consequences. I can see the legal argument now..."yes, your honors, Mr. Trump did tweet those things but you should only believe the alternate tweets."

However, Trump’s lawyers told the Times that they don’t believe Mueller is focused on a particular action for obstruction of justice, but rather is looking at the tweets as part of a larger pattern of behavior.
That "trolling" may be used to establish a pattern of behavior by Mueller according to this article. Maybe this is a lesson that America needs to learn...trolling has consequences. I can see the legal argument now..."yes, your honors, Mr. Trump did tweet those things but you should only believe the alternate tweets."

Yeah, i hope Mueller tries that crap. I really do. However, more than likely it's just more fake news.
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