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Oh man. What is CNN thinking? I guess you can get a lot of attention with that leaked audio, but it doesn't prove much.
Oh man. What is CNN thinking? I guess you can get a lot of attention with that leaked audio, but it doesn't prove much.

Though this is enlightening to Trump's character amidst his consistent denials of any knowledge about these women, this is ultimately much ado about nothing. From what I've read, there is very little chance of any legal jeopardy for DJT. It's more of a PR problem.
Though this is enlightening to Trump's character amidst his consistent denials of any knowledge about these women, this is ultimately much ado about nothing. From what I've read, there is very little chance of any legal jeopardy for DJT. It's more of a PR problem.
PR problem that he boinks playboy playmates? I would like that problem.
I can deal with a guy that tells lies about Mickey Mouse stuff that amounts to nothing than the serious stuff Obama lied about.
I can deal with a guy that tells lies about Mickey Mouse stuff that amounts to nothing than the serious stuff Obama lied about.

It's been my experience that if someone easily lies about "mickey mouse stuff" they'll also lie about more consequential items. The two are rarely mutually exclusive.
It's been my experience that if someone easily lies about "mickey mouse stuff" they'll also lie about more consequential items. The two are rarely mutually exclusive.

Well, he hasn't yet. Maybe he will. However, lies Obama told like Obamacare (which affected me directly) and the Iran deal were extremely serious. If Trump does something like that then I'll ***** about it.
The only honest presidents that we've had in my lifetime were Carter and the Bushes. Neither of these guys were worth a damn. I'm done looking for angels to put into the White House. However, don't let your dishonesty affect my life or damage the country and we're good.
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Well, he hasn't yet. Maybe he will. However, lies Obama told like Obamacare (which affected me directly) and the Iran deal were extremely serious. If Trump does something like that then I'll ***** about it.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Over the course of a week Trump took following position on Russian election interference.

1. Russia didn't interfere.
2. Russia did interfere.
3. It's all a hoax.
4. They will interfere on behalf of the Democrats in the midterms.

Keep in mind, he was shown evidence of the interference 2 weeks before his inauguration.

Obama was absolutely wrong for saying "if you like your insurance you'll get to keep it." The fact that we have to compare that specific example to yet another Trump example each day/week is telling. Kellyanne Conway had to define "alternative facts" to justify the Trump's admin straying from truthfulness.

As an aside, did ya'll notice the the WH Communications team edited the transcript/video for Trump's Press Conference with Putin? It was reported that they removed the question about who Putin supported in the last election where he stated Trump. Just that question was removed...nothing else. By itself that's nothing to be upset about but rather a consistent pattern of behavior to alter reality.
We'll have to agree to disagree. Over the course of a week Trump took following position on Russian election interference.

1. Russia didn't interfere.
2. Russia did interfere.
3. It's all a hoax.
4. They will interfere on behalf of the Democrats in the midterms.

Keep in mind, he was shown evidence of the interference 2 weeks before his inauguration.

Obama was absolutely wrong for saying "if you like your insurance you'll get to keep it." The fact that we have to compare that specific example to yet another Trump example each day/week is telling. Kellyanne Conway had to define "alternative facts" to justify the Trump's admin straying from truthfulness.

As an aside, did ya'll notice the the WH Communications team edited the transcript/video for Trump's Press Conference with Putin? It was reported that they removed the question about who Putin supported in the last election where he stated Trump. Just that question was removed...nothing else. By itself that's nothing to be upset about but rather a consistent pattern of behavior to alter reality.

Trump has talked about Russia interfering many times before this summitt. Much of your position here is what the media is spinning. If Hillary had won we wouldn't even be talking about Russia. Even Rosenstein admits the Russian interference had minimal effect. It's something that occurs during every election. I'm sorry but you're being manipulated into making a molehill into a mountain. When they start affecting voting integrity then call me. Conway's 'alternative" facts came from a different source that looks to be wrong. Big deal. About that edit:
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"It was reported that they removed the question about who Putin supported in the last election where he stated Trump"

Interesting that the Wapo AND NYTimes both said the WH did not remove anything
"The Washington Post – not a likely co-conspirator for the president – also omitted the first part of Mason's question from its transcript and video. "We did not edit the question out," reporter Phillip Bump wrote in response to the Maddow segment. "This is the feed we were provided."

"This is not a conspiracy from the White House," Bump continued. "While the White House certainly has a track record of misrepresenting facts, this would have been a remarkably futile revision of reality to attempt. As it turns out, they didn’t."
The NYTimes is also missing the full question

The haters SO want to see boogie men they forget to or don't want to fact check. Have to admit neither Wapo nor NYtimes will be carrying water for Potus Trump
I can deal with a guy that tells lies about Mickey Mouse stuff that amounts to nothing than the serious stuff Obama lied about.

During the Clinton era, we used to say that lying about screwing around wasn't Mickey Mouse stuff. (And of course, Democrats said it was.)
During the Clinton era, we used to say that lying about screwing around wasn't Mickey Mouse stuff. (And of course, Democrats said it was.)

I voted for Clinton in '92. I didn't care about his past. However, committing adultery while in the White House was probably a bridge too far.
I voted for Clinton in '92. I didn't care about his past. However, committing adultery while in the White House was probably a bridge too far.

Respectfully, I don't believe you. If Trump commits adultery in the White House, you will not throw him under the bus.
Respectfully, I don't believe you. If Trump commits adultery in the White House, you will not throw him under the bus.

Don't care.


It's ok that you don't care. I didn't expect you to. I'm just preemptively calling BS on you and going on the record. If Trump cheats on Melania in the White House, it will not impact your support.

Yeah, you know me so well. :rolleyes1: I heard Mrs. Clinton will run in 2020. Here's another chance for you to get her in the White House.
Yeah, you know me so well. :rolleyes1: I heard Mrs. Clinton will run in 2020. Here's another chance for you to get her in the White House.

And that's precisely why you won't bail on him. You'll look at the political impact of him paying a price (HRC or some other freak show Leftist benefitting), and you'll stand by your man. In other words, you'll follow the Left's mentality on Clinton.
And that's precisely why you won't bail on him. You'll look at the political impact of him paying a price (HRC or some other freak show Leftist benefitting), and you'll stand by your man. In other words, you'll follow the Left's mentality on Clinton.

If he porks an intern I wouldn't vote for him at all. I'm not sure he'd make it past the republican primary because the Christian Right would turn on him.
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Donald Trump was basically a young rich playboy, while also a focused businessman. That was his background. Now, older and extremely successful, and on his third wife, he and Melania present almost as Monarch and consort. Knowing that when he was elected, the public isn’t really surprised or upset that he ran around with a playboy bunny type.

If George Bush had cheated on Laura, even his base would have been devastated, because he was elected on character, not on specific programs he promised or a lot of political experience. Obama’s base would have been very upset if he cheated on Michelle, but I doubt he would lose even a percentage point of support, because he was delivering the programs his base wanted.

Trump was elected for his high IQ (I know that is hard to hear), his unparalleled real world experience and success, and his distance from the two political parties. Also that he was not Hillary and willing to call out our despicable media. Not on his personal character—despite it. The grab-her-by-the-crotch tape came out before the election.

Now, he has actually added a constituency: the Republican Party, who are surprised to find that they actually like his policies. None of this support hinges on any misconceptions about his niceness or interpersonal character.
If he porks an intern I wouldn't vote for him at all. I'm not sure he'd make it past the republican primary because the Christian Right would turn on him.
No, I don’t think they (we) will for the reasons I just posted. We don’t want an inside dog for a pet; we want an outside dog that will bite robbers.
Trump has talked about Russia interfering many times before this summitt.

Yes, he says it then he says the exact opposite. That's the point. At some point you have to admit the man literally talks out of both ends, even when he's supposed to be reading a script.
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Yes, he says it then he says the exact opposite. That's the point. At some point you have to admit the man literally talks out of both ends, even when he's supposed to be reading a script.

No, what he's doing is what he does on Twitter. Keep trolling and watch the media and the left keep overreacting. The left's constant overreaction is damaging the democrat brand.
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If he porks an intern I wouldn't vote for him at all. I'm not sure he'd make it past the republican primary because the Christian Right would turn on him.

Most Democrats would have said they'd bail on Clinton if asked about it in a vacuum. But here's what would happen. The people calling for Trump's head would be people you hate. It would be liberal politicians and shrill media figures and political pundits. They would be extremely obnoxious and sanctimonious about it. To deny them the orgasmic delight they'd get out of seeing Trump ousted, you'd rationalize. You'd say that Trump did something bad but that it's between him and Melania and isn't bad enough to warrant impeachment, especially since a previous President had done the same thing and got away with it, even though he committed a felony to cover it up.

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