Germany's Refugee Crises

Mr D
I haven't read of any incidents in almost a week. Have things calmed down?
Will Merkel really prevent as many coming in as last year?
Mr D
I haven't read of any incidents in almost a week. Have things calmed down?
Will Merkel really prevent as many coming in as last year?

With the media censorship and neglect, there's no way to know if things are calming down. However, in the last week or two, the bigger story has been in Stockholm, where migrants have essentially taken over the main reason station and Swedish nationalist vigilante groups (essentially neo-Nazi thugs) have gone into the station and started randomly beating migrants in part because of what has been going on in the station as well as the murder of a 22 year old chick who was working in migrant children's shelter.

Obviously, I can't condone neo-Nazis attacking innocent people just because they look like migrants. However, I understand their frustration.
is that in the town that wouldn't allow a memorial to her?

and this surely is sarcasm since it is from Breitbart although I do know the migrants were defecating on floors and in pools. But that must be a joke, that a musim can never have their back to Mecca .Didn't Europe just go completely inisex restrooms?
"Because everyone knows: Different cultures also mean different scale latrines. For Muslims, it is important that when using a toilet, one’s back does not face Mecca. In addition, latrines for men and women have to separate from each other, and the floor cannot be green in colour, because that is the colour of Islam”, reads their report.

The article describes refugees standing on toilet bowls and breaking them, and some who resort to defecating in bushes.

“German toilets are a mystery to many refugees and this has already led to problems. A new mobile multicultural toilet should remedy this—and along the way teach something about the coexistence of cultures”, declares the article.

In concludes: “And so, as the refugees have brought about many changes in German society solely by their presence… so is it now with the toilet in the future with this pressing issue.

“With some justification, one could say: Here we can even learn something from the refugees.”
is that in the town that wouldn't allow a memorial to her?

That is actually in Mölndal, where she was killed. They're afraid a memorial would upset the migrants, especially the children. The level of politically correct fear these people live in is astounding. In a way, it's worse than a US college campus.

and this surely is sarcasm since it is from Breitbart although I do know the migrants were defecating on floors and in pools. But that must be a joke, that a musim can never have their back to Mecca .Didn't Europe just go completely inisex restrooms?
"Because everyone knows: Different cultures also mean different scale latrines. For Muslims, it is important that when using a toilet, one’s back does not face Mecca. In addition, latrines for men and women have to separate from each other, and the floor cannot be green in colour, because that is the colour of Islam”, reads their report.

The article describes refugees standing on toilet bowls and breaking them, and some who resort to defecating in bushes.

“German toilets are a mystery to many refugees and this has already led to problems. A new mobile multicultural toilet should remedy this—and along the way teach something about the coexistence of cultures”, declares the article.

In concludes: “And so, as the refugees have brought about many changes in German society solely by their presence… so is it now with the toilet in the future with this pressing issue.

“With some justification, one could say: Here we can even learn something from the refugees.”

On this, I am somewhat more sympathetic to the migrants. I'm not a big fan of the toilets here. I've uploaded a picture of my own for reference. As you can see, there's VERY little water in the bowl. Not to be overly graphic, but that means that anytime someone craps in it, it leaves smears all over the bowl. Basically the bowl has to get scrubbed and cleaned with cleanser every time it's used. If you don't, it looks gross and reeks. We go through toilet brushes and toilet bowl cleaner faster than I ever thought was pdiapers for a family of three, one of which uses diapers. In addition, you'll notice there are two buttons on the wall. They flush the toilet. The button on the left uses little water (for urine). If you push both at the same time, you get more flow (obviously for "solid waste"). OK, that's fine, but there's one thing you don't see. Where the hell is the tank? It's in the wall. That means you have to open up the wall if something has to be repaired. Beating.

As you probably know, that device on the right is a bidet, which I still don't quite understand. I've been told that you're supposed to plug the drain, fill it with water, crouch on the bidet, and using your hand, splash your still-dirty *** with that water. Sorry, but I'll not doing that. That's gross. If I don't feel clean enough after the normal wiping process, I'll walk 8 feet and take a shower.

To be clear, I'm not going to protest this by crapping on the street like the migrants, but I'm not a big fan.

Speaking of toilets and migrants, these signs are starting to show up in German bathrooms. It translates as "Toilet brush instructions." The words under the graphics mean "completely wrong," "almost right", and "completely right." Not sure how scrubbing your *** with some nasty, used toilet brush in a public bathroom qualifies as "almost right," but I guess it's a little better than using it on your head.

So the whole "Poop like a Unicorn" campaign is just a plot to get Westerners to poop like Middle Easterners?


My parents were stationed in Morocco for two years (luckily I was grown and didn't have to go). I heard that Moroccan women, clad in those ridiculous outfits, would squat down right in front of you on the street and take a whiz.
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I heard that Moroccan women, glad in those ridiculous outfits, would squat down right in front of you on the street and take a whiz.

I went on a date with a girl who did that in a gas station parking lot. She wasn't Moroccan though.
At least The Poles have the cojones to tell it like it is.

One of Poland's most popular magazine has this cover photo and a heading which reads "Islamic Rape of Europe".

Another myth which has to be broken is the naive notion that refugees are grateful for the countries which give them asylum. This is plainly not so. For many years I worked as an interpreter for the Swiss Federal authorities and I have participated in numerous interviews of refugees and I can attest that the vast majority absolutely despise the country they are asking to grant them asylum. There are several reasons for that. First, the vast majority of refugees are not political refugees, but economic ones. What they want is a share of the pie, of what they imagine to be the wealthy lifestyle of the West. Second, many refugees are from the underclass and even criminal word from the countries they left: usually petty thugs who fled their country’s jails. Third, since they very much feel the hostility and condescension of the local people, the asylum seekers return it in kind. Fourth, these “refugees” have no respect (or fear) at all from the local cops whom they consider as ridiculous clowns, especially when compared to the kind of police they would be dealing with in their own country. As for the local jails, they are often more comfortable than the homes they have left behind. Last but not least, refugees are mostly miserable, lonely, alienated and depressed and they have a lot of a lot of pent up anger and frustration. All this is a toxic mix which can result in all sorts of criminal behavior.

You can't accept large numbers of foreigners without a clash of civilizations. Immigration is ok in small scale because the expectation is the the 1 new family will adopt the the customs and mannerisms of the 500 families that already live there. When you have large numbers and enclaves of foreigners, they start to coalesce around the idea that they system should accept them and their values the way they are. They get disgruntled about it and feed each others discontent and animosity. that's how you get "home grown" terrorism.

We need to go back to Iraq and cut out a slice and make a "hong kong of the middle east" and then make it the migration destination for all these folks. We can send aid in that direction and keep this out of our country and Europe.
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Here's an example of media bias in Germany when it comes to the refugee story. (DW stands for Deutsche Welle, which is a big media outlet here and pretty liberal from what I can tell.) It spins the crime levels attributable to the refugees as a positive thing, because the increase in the past year is much smaller than the increase in the number of refugees, but it omits two critical facts.

First, it doesn't offer any sense of proportionality. Germany has admitted around 1 million refugees, who have committed over 200,000 crimes. That's a hell of lot for 1 million people. Second, we're not really even talking about 1 million, because they're leaving out Hamburg, Bremen, and North-Rhine Westphalia (which includes Essen, Dortmund, Köln, and Düsseldorf). That's huge. For perspective, they're leaving out six of the ten largest cities in Germany.

In short, the crime rates for the refugees is sky high, despite the spin.
Merkel gets curb stomped. Link.
Sorry for the ignorance, but I do not really follow German politics. More interested in Germany-US foreign relations. Evidently the AfD (Alternative for Germany) is a party with an anti-immigrant platform and is sucking votes from Merkel. Is that a relatively new party there, and is its main platform objective the recent immigrants? Or is that part of a bigger picture? Cannot really tell from this article. Thanks for the link.
Sorry for the ignorance, but I do not really follow German politics. More interested in Germany-US foreign relations. Evidently the AfD (Alternative for Germany) is a party with an anti-immigrant platform and is sucking votes from Merkel. Is that a relatively new party there, and is its main platform objective the recent immigrants? Or is that part of a bigger picture? Cannot really tell from this article. Thanks for the link.

Yeah, I'd be curious if AfD's platform is centered on nationalism.
can someone be concerned about the many many negative effects already playing out in Germany without being considered a "nationalist"?
Bevo and SH,

Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is relatively new (last five or six years). I first heard about them back in 2013 during the federal elections. Their big unifying issue back then was Euroscepticism - hostility to the EU, a gradual withdrawal from the Eurozone (dropping the Euro and presumably bringing back the Deutsche Mark), and opposition to the Greek bailouts. I don't remember immigration being a big issue for them at the time, but of course, the migrant crisis hadn't occurred yet. They seem to run single issue campaigns, but if you look at their website (use Google Chrome unless you know German), they do have positions on most major issues.

What I think is noteworthy about AfD is that they offer people who are at least somewhat nationalistic a political party that isn't nutty. All the other major political parties (the center-right Christian Democrats, the center-left Social Democrats, the economic libertarian Free Democrats, the Greens, and Die Linke (the successor to the former East German communists)) are pro-European integration, pro-Euro, and generally favorable to admitting migrants.

The other nationalist party is the National Democratic Party (NPD), which walks on the line of neo-Nazism. Like AfD, they are anti-EU, anti-Euro, and anti-migrant. However, they are far more extreme, use inflammatory rhetoric, and are overtly "Nordic" (a nice way of saying Aryan) - lots of cute, blonde haired, blue eyed girls in their ads. They also advocate withdrawal from NATO and hint at an aggressive foreign policy. For example, they once displayed a map of Germany that included Austria and the former eastern territories of Germany, which are now part of Poland and Russia. Not good.

AfD is far more pragmatic than the NPD on the EU, Euro, and the migrant issue, far less inflammatory in their rhetoric, and doesn't include the racism, picking fights with the rest of Europe, and hinting about bringing back the Anschluß and invading Poland. Basically, if you aren't ashamed to be a German but aren't a neo-Nazi, the AfD is for you.
Bevo and SH,

Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is relatively new (last five or six years). I first heard about them back in 2013 during the federal elections. Their big unifying issue back then was Euroscepticism - hostility to the EU, a gradual withdrawal from the Eurozone (dropping the Euro and presumably bringing back the Deutsche Mark), and opposition to the Greek bailouts. I don't remember immigration being a big issue for them at the time, but of course, the migrant crisis hadn't occurred yet. They seem to run single issue campaigns, but if you look at their website (use Google Chrome unless you know German), they do have positions on most major issues.

What I think is noteworthy about AfD is that they offer people who are at least somewhat nationalistic a political party that isn't nutty. All the other major political parties (the center-right Christian Democrats, the center-left Social Democrats, the economic libertarian Free Democrats, the Greens, and Die Linke (the successor to the former East German communists)) are pro-European integration, pro-Euro, and generally favorable to admitting migrants.

The other nationalist party is the National Democratic Party (NPD), which walks on the line of neo-Nazism. Like AfD, they are anti-EU, anti-Euro, and anti-migrant. However, they are far more extreme, use inflammatory rhetoric, and are overtly "Nordic" (a nice way of saying Aryan) - lots of cute, blonde haired, blue eyed girls in their ads. They also advocate withdrawal from NATO and hint at an aggressive foreign policy. For example, they once displayed a map of Germany that included Austria and the former eastern territories of Germany, which are now part of Poland and Russia. Not good.

AfD is far more pragmatic than the NPD on the EU, Euro, and the migrant issue, far less inflammatory in their rhetoric, and doesn't include the racism, picking fights with the rest of Europe, and hinting about bringing back the Anschluß and invading Poland. Basically, if you aren't ashamed to be a German but aren't a neo-Nazi, the AfD is for you.

Thanks for the detailed overview of AfD. How is AfD's rise being perceived in the German press? As a country, Germany has worked hard to hold down nationalist elements of their country due to their history. It's good that a moderate party with a nationalist platform is emerging. I'd be interested to now if that "moderate" stance holds over the longterm.
Thanks for the detailed overview of AfD. How is AfD's rise being perceived in the German press?

The press labels them "hard-right." The German press is very hostile to anyone who opposes Merkel's invitation for migrants to move to Germany.

It's good that a moderate party with a nationalist platform is emerging. I'd be interested to now if that "moderate" stance holds over the longterm.

I think it depends on how the situation turns out. If Merkel gets things under control, most of AfD's voters will probably go back to the CDU (Merkel's party). However, if we keep having bedlam, they'll probably take a more aggressive stance. They've strongly distanced themselves from the NPD, and I doubt they'll ever get that extreme or invoke racial and ethnic crap like NPD does. However, every time people see a chaotic situation on the borders or see migrants attacking the local population, it invites AfD and other more nationalistic groups to become more aggressive.

I think this was a political gaffe and not real sentiment (though I admit I do not know enough about the speaker to know for sure), but it illustrates that moderately nationalistic german parties probably need to be careful with their political rhetoric and their use of exaggeration as a tatic.

Yeah, that was a dumb *** thing to say, and I'm sure he regretted it the second it came out of his mouth. To be fair, Poggenburg isn't the national leader of AfD. He's the party chairman in Saxony-Anhalt. The leader is actually a chick named Frauke Petry. She's more disciplined in her rhetoric, though she did stir up controversy by saying people who enter Germany illegally should be stopped with guns if necessary.

For those who care, Petry is a bit of a "decepticon." She can be attractive at times but depending on the angle and lighting she can be ugly as sin.
had to google Frauke. She does appear attractive.

She looks pretty weird at times, but if I was single and it had been a while, might I go there? Probably. I wouldn't stay there, but I might go there.

I think Julia Klöckner, who ran for Minister-President of Rheinland-Pfalz (where I live) is better looking. Link. Though it's not apparent from this photo, she has a reasonably nice set.

For me, that German accent would be an instant turnoff.

Yes. It's the least attractive European accent. For an illustration . . .
For those who care, Petry is a bit of a "decepticon." She can be attractive at times but depending on the angle and lighting she can be ugly as sin.

For those with no time to Google, this is what Deez is talking about

Julia Klöckner is more my type. And with the culture in Europe, I'm in hopes we could converse in Spanish, French or English.
Forgive me my Cactus café moment but I'd hit that in hopes she doesn't talk.

I could make an extremely lewd comment that would be right on point, but I'm going to abstain. I'll be a bigger man than Donald Trump would be.

If you're a leg man, Frauke probably isn't bad, but I already have legs. In fact, I've been told that I have very nice legs for a guy. I don't see much reason for me to be a leg man. Where I lack is in bosom department, so Klöckner appeals to me more. She also doesn't look as severe and harsh.
Which team does she play for?

Not sure what you mean by team, so I'll answer for both possible interpretations. Petry is the leader of the AfD Party. Klöckner was at the top of the ticket for the Christian Democratic Union (the center right party) in my state. She lost.

Both women are straight.

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