Germany's Refugee Crises

So you disagree with the authors representation of the briefing?

There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.

Look, neither you or I know the full screening process. Could it be improved? I'm sure it could. Based on the article I posted Director Comey feels the process is effective in vetting refugees. He also recognizes no process is void of risk which you may disagree with. I agree with Director Comey.
Good article in the Wall Street Journal. Regardless of what one thinks of annoying refugees or migrants, ignoring stories about them to serve a political narrative is indefensible.

The Cologne Portent
By Brett Stephens
Among the hard lessons of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, surely one of them is that it’s foolish to expect that backward and often barbaric societies can be transformed into functioning liberal democracies. So why do liberals seem so surprised that so many people from these societies behave in barbaric ways after they’ve shoved their way into the West?

As I write, 516 criminal complaints have been filed in Germany against men of mainly North African or Arab origin who went on a New Year’s Eve sexual-assault rampage in the city of Cologne.

“Twenty or 30 men, foreign men, surrounded us and we couldn’t even move anymore,” a woman identified as Michelletold the BBC. “They just grabbed our arms and tried to tear us apart and pushed our clothes away and tried to get between our legs.”

Similar events also took place in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Berlin. In Sweden, a scandal erupted after it emerged that police had suppressed a report of mass groping by Middle East migrants at a festival last summer. In September, Soeren Kern of the Gatestone Institute chronicled some 30 cases of rape and sexual assault perpetrated by migrants against German and migrant women alike.

In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter. . . are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis,” Mr. Kern writes, citing reports from women’s rights groups. “The price for sex with female asylum seekers is 10 euros.”

For anyone even minimally acquainted with Mideast mores, none of this is news. Mob sexual assaults in Egypt became notorious after the 2011 attack on reporterLara Logan, but they have become a staple of Egyptian life. “Suddenly I was in the middle, surrounded by hundreds of men in a circle that was getting smaller and smaller around me,” one Egyptian womanwrote of a 2013 attack in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. “They were touching and groping me everywhere.”

The World Economic Forum publishes aGlobal Gender Gap Report, which ranks the status of women in 142 countries. Bottom of the list: Yemen, Pakistan, Chad, Syria, Mali and Iran, all Muslim-majority countries. A 2013 Pew survey of Muslim views on women’s rights found that only 22% of Egyptians and 14% of Iraqis thought that women should have a right to divorce their husbands, while fully 92% of Moroccans and 87% of Palestinians thought a wife must always obey her husband.

Put bluntly, there is a pronounced tendency among Middle Eastern men to view women either as chattel or as whores. This is not a pleasant reality to acknowledge, but it’s an even more dangerous thing to ignore. So why is it ignored?

Mr. Kern writes that police have remained silent about incidents of rape “because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.” That fits the pattern in Sweden, as it does with the Rotherham child sex-ring case, involving some 1,400 English girls abused over 16 years by men of Pakistani descent. In that case, police and social services ignored evidence of the abuse for fear of “giving oxygen to racist perspectives,” according to the Independent Inquiry into the case.

Or, as Denis MacShane, Rotherham’s former Labour MP and self-declared “Guardian-reading liberal leftie” put it, it was a matter of “not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat.”

That’s a telling admission. Multiculturalism is a liberal fetish that is also the antithesis of liberalism, classical or modern—a simultaneous belief in individual autonomy and cultural equality, irrespective of whether different cultures believe in individual rights or not.

Typically liberals have elided this incoherence by pretending, as President Obama often does, that Western cultures are no better than non-Western cultures in respecting human rights, or by demanding radical liberalism inside the West while supinely accepting violent anti-liberalism outside it.

But the events in Cologne make a nonsense of this. What was outside the West is now inside. In the spirit of Christian charity,Angela Merkel and other European leaders have imported a culture of Muslim misogyny. In the name of humanity, the benefactors are asked to close their eyes to the brutishness of so many of their beneficiaries.

At his State of the Union address Tuesday night, Mr. Obama is expected to make the case for opening our doors to Syrian refugees. As the son of a displaced person who arrived with her mother in the United States after World War II with seven dollars, I’m sympathetic to immigrants, particularly the lowliest among them. Whether their papers are in order doesn’t matter to me. It’s their intentions that count.

No amount of vetting is going to find all the bad apples in the new wave of Middle Eastern refugees. So here’s my modest proposal, for Mr. Obama and Ms. Merkel. Let’s open our doors wide to women, young children and the elderly. And let’s close it shut to the men. They have a mess to clean up in their own countries. And much to prove in the horrifying wake of Cologne.

Write [email protected].
Letting in women like Tasheen Farik who our gov't vetted for a fiancé visa?
letting in 8 y o olds like the ones shooting men in the back of the head or using knives to slash throats?

What happened to the idea of creating places in their own countries? That way they are able to live as families and maybe the men could help their country fight ISIS etc
Plus they will be needed to grow their own countries .
So here’s my modest proposal, for Mr. Obama and Ms. Merkel. Let’s open our doors wide to women, young children and the elderly. And let’s close it shut to the men.

In the "No More Migrants" thread I suggested something similar. I also think it forces them back into the fight against ISIS. Additionally, everyone hopes that these refugees can return to Syria when the fighting ends. What better way to ensured that then if their husbands and fathers are still in Syria and the families simply return to them.
Thinking any refugee we let in will return is naïve at best. Why would they give up all the life we will provide for them and return to hard work?
I bet even you can see that what is far more likely is the gov't would allow the men to join their families here. look no further than what happens with illegals here. Ever heard of chain migration?
Thinking any refugee we let in will return is naïve at best. Why would they give up all the life we will provide for them and return to hard work?
I bet even you can see that what is far more likely is the gov't would allow the men to join their families here. look no further than what happens with illegals here. Ever heard of chain migration? you need me to pull your original quote in the No More Migrants thread where you pointed out that refugees ultimately want to return home as justification for keeping them there in those camps? Did you forget?
The Leftist European governments suppressed the truth for as long as they could. They were aided and abetted by the press and even the police. The European press is reluctantly printing these stories now, mainly to cover their asses. They suppressed them because they didn't want to provide fuel for right wing movements.

When a country's press sides with the government to hide the truth from the people so that one party will remain in power, that country won't remain a democracy for much longer.
Actually I did not write that they would want to go back. I asked MIGHT they want to go back to their home.
After reading so many reports on what is happening I now doubt they are willing to work to restore their country when they can free load off much of Europe and us.
The Leftist European governments suppressed the truth for as long as they could. They were aided and abetted by the press and even the police. The European press is reluctantly printing these stories now, mainly to cover their asses. They suppressed them because they didn't want to provide fuel for right wing movements.

When a country's press sides with the government to hide the truth from the people so that one party will remain in power, that country won't remain a democracy for much longer.

What I find remarkable is that they don't even ******** about it. They brazenly admit that they keep quiet about these stories for political reasons. If your media and government do this, then you don't have a free press.
The Leftist European governments suppressed the truth for as long as they could. They were aided and abetted by the press and even the police. The European press is reluctantly printing these stories now, mainly to cover their asses. They suppressed them because they didn't want to provide fuel for right wing movements.

When a country's press sides with the government to hide the truth from the people so that one party will remain in power, that country won't remain a democracy for much longer.
The European countries are faux democracies. The people aren't really represented by the lawmakers. The US is only half a step behind and closing fast.
The NYT forced to write about it (they blame the police)

"As Germany Welcomes Migrants, Sexual Attacks in Cologne Point to a New Reality"

".... “We were just pressed on all sides by people,” recalled one victim, Johanna, 18, who agreed to speak by telephone from Lake Constance, Germany, where she lives, only if her last name was not used, fearing hostility, particularly over social media. “I was grabbed continually. I have never experienced such a thing in any German city.”
* * *
Another woman who was there, Sara, a 25-year-old from the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, said the situation was still precarious at 4 a.m., when she arrived at the station with a girlfriend. Hundreds of what she described as “foreign” men “began to circle around us,” she said, agreeing to speak only if her last name was not used, also for fear of being attacked over social media .............. Sara said that she and her friend decided to seek safety outside the station with police officers, who were themselves helpless. “I never experienced that a policeman says, ‘I would love to help you, but I can’t.’ That was really the worst,” she said. “Who should I turn to as a woman? What should I do?”
* * *
Even the relatively dry language of the police report issued this week — summarizing at least 90 complaints of sexual harassment — makes the situation graphically clear. It refers over and over to victims surrounded by men and “groped in intimate area,” “grabbed by breasts and bottoms,” or even “fingers inserted in vagina.”
I'd say the "refugees" are winning in Germany.
Yesterday it was announced that an annual parade has been cancelled.
Deutsche Welle reporter Laura Schneider reported:
German town Rheinberg (near Cologne) cancels its carnival parade because a big refugee camp is close to the route, among other reasons."

What other reasons could there be? Maybe they fear the refugees would be offended by a parade. Who is adapting to whom?
First, the vast majority of refugees are not political refugees, but economic ones. What they want is a share of the pie, of what they imagine to be the wealthy lifestyle of the West.

I really don't think this can be overemphasized. The picture of Western wealth sometimes seems like it portrays people being successful simply because they were "fortunate enough" to live in a country that's successful. There is rarely an understanding of why those countries are successful to begin with, and how some of the third-world structural issues have often hindered their own countries. So they assume that they can take the same worldview, the same politics, the same approach to life, move into a new geography and automatically enjoy success. So when that doesn't happen (i.e. massive unemployment among Middle Eastern youth in Western Europe), it must be about racism.

In addition, this indicates an attitude that many of the immigrants have no interest at all in becoming part of "society". They only want and demand the benefits that come from it, with no connection or allegiance to the societal framework from which they seek to benefit.

Those really serious issues, and I'm afraid they go completely ignored in much of the immigration debate.
report on transgenders being "stoned" by migrants in Germany:
"The two victims were walking together in the early hours of Monday morning when they were approached by three North African men while walking down the Leopoldstrasse. The men attempted sexual advances, but upon realising the victims were transsexuals began attacking them.

Elisa, 37, and Jasmin, 50, reported to police that the men initially hurled insults in Arabic toward them and spoke of their need to stone (to death) “such persons.” Presseportal reports the victims responded with insults which escalated the situation to violence. The trio of men then began to throw rocks at the victims.

The victims also reported the suspects grabbed at their hair and breasts during the ordeal.

Local police were in the vicinity and were able to witness and stop the violence before it became life threatening. The suspects stopped their attack and attempted to flee when they noticed the police.

The suspects were described as being between 16-18 years of age and of North African descent. Police gave a statement to German television channel Sat.1 saying, “we intervened immediately. The three North Africans have been put into custody.”

Police also mentioned that the suspects are known to them and that they have been arrested several times before for theft and aggravated assault.":whiteflag:

Why were these thugs allowed to remain in Germany?
Why were these thugs allowed to remain in Germany?

I think it's because of how much political capital Merkel had invested in the migrant and refugee issue. If the government starts deporting people for criminal activity, it's a tacit admission that something is wrong and that perhaps they shouldn't have been admitted in the first place.

Despite what has happened, I think Merkel is still in the "I can make this work" mode. So long as the media ignores or downplays the criminal activity, she could keep things in order. Furthermore, when really big attacks like Paris or the fußball match threat in Hanover occurred, she could always point to the fact that EU citizens planned the attack, not migrants. That was always a shallow, ******** diversion tactic, but if you're a sanctimonious, politically correct self-loather who's ashamed of his German heritage and looking for a reason to be pro-migrant to atone for the fact that your great grandparents elected leaders who did some really horrible things, then the tactic is enough to keep you from addressing the real issue.

However, I think the NYE attacks are a game changer. It's the first time that migrants played a major role in mass (and yes, organized) criminal activity. There's no escaping that fact like there was with previous attacks. Furthermore, how long it took to report on the attacks, the lackadaisical and indifferent police action, and the outrageous victim-shaming is showing people that their fears are rational and that their government and media aren't on their side. That spells trouble for Merkel.
This sentence from Mr D's link should sum up any country's policy.
"“Anyone who arrives at our border is subject to control,” Faymann said."

too bad many don't think a country should have the right to control who enters and too bad leaders of many countries ignore the rights and interests of their citizens .
This sentence from Mr D's link should sum up any country's policy.
"“Anyone who arrives at our border is subject to control,” Faymann said."

too bad many don't think a country should have the right to control who enters and too bad leaders of many countries ignore the rights and interests of their citizens .

The EU should have been designed to promote free trade between European nations. However, it has instead become a mechanism to supersede the nation state, which is naïve and dangerous. The Schengen Agreement essentially opened the borders between EU nations mainly to allow free flow of labor. However, that essentially left the bordering nations responsible for securing the entire continent. Once you get into Greece, you can go anywhere in the EU. Sorry, but a bunch of lazy, drunk Greeks simply don't care enough to stop migrants from entering. Furthermore, it isn't fair to expect them to carry that burden alone, even if they were making a serious effort.

Schengen has to go. If individual nations want to negotiate loose borders with other countries, that's their prerogative. For example, if Germany and Austria want to enter into a bilateral agreement to have an open border, that's fine (though some would criticize that as a modern day Anschluß). However, the idea of having a continent-wide agreement is silly.
Fine each of the offenders 50K$ per occurrence and let them work it off in Saudi Arabia at servants wages(in addition to the cost of food, transportation, servant uniforms, etc). When it is paid off Saudi Arabia gets to choose what is done with these fine rapefugees.

Edit: btw, we could include the Iranian option as well. Like this: Sunni offenders get to go to Iran as servants while Shiite offenders get the Saudi option. Just to make it less desireable for those rapefugees of various sects.

Furthermore, they each get to wear go-pro cameras and have their exploits made into a reality tv series.
That seems to be a quite prevalent belief and practice in the muslim world not just among jihadists.
A question might be will the "migrants" in EU and then here is USA be willing to change their beliefs on this and other practices antithetical to Western values culture and laws?
So far the answer is no.
It is funny that many came out and said she was wrong but there are many many more pronouncements by Imams and other muslim leaders who have written over and over that muslim men do have Allah's blessing to rape non muslim women.
So who to believe?
A question might be will the "migrants" in EU and then here is USA be willing to change their beliefs on this and other practices antithetical to Western values culture and laws?
So far the answer is no.

Without a major effort to assimilate them, I'm not sure why they'd change their beliefs. Instead, we embrace multiculturalism and celebrate "differences," when we should be encouraging them to abandon Islamic cultural practices (of not theology) and to embrace Western culture.
The problem would be that it's not as simple as abandoning a culture. It's the way a culture views certain people... well, women, to be precise. That doesn't just go away because an immigration officer tells you "this is the way we treat women in the United States."

If you're someone who believes women are objects to be groped at will, that's not going to change for most people who have grown up in that culture - especially if they see rejecting that concept as a sign of weakness or non-virility. And if you've determined in your mind that Western culture is so decadent that women want to be treated as sexual objects, you may not even believe the guy who's telling you it's inappropriate.

Maybe there's a fix, but if there is, it takes a lot more time, resources and controls than people are currently putting into it.
It's not that women don't want to be groped. They want to have the directorial and veto powers before said groping is to be allowed.(if at all)

Weren't many of the terrorists basically losers who could not convince the typical Western woman that they should be the starring person in a potential upcoming grope-fest of the woman's choosing if the terrorist candidate's life depended on it? That is also why they are groping imho. They can't schmooze or whatever it would take for a loser rapefugee to get the time of day from a woman.(without threat of stoning, or clitorectomy, etc)

The above is more from an individual rapefugee failing perspective. The NYE stuff apparently was coordinated and across the whole of Europe.(via twitter or some secret rapefugee website?)

They need to be sent somewhere if they screw up. The women should be able to walk around and go to dinner, shopping, etc, without worrying about your everyday ordinary rapefugee shoving his wicket in her crumpet.

BTW check this out:

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It's not that women don't want to be groped. They want to have the directorial and veto powers before said groping is to be allowed.(if at all)

Weren't many of the terrorists basically losers who could not convince the typical Western woman that they should be the starring person in a potential upcoming grope-fest of the woman's choosing if the terrorist candidate's life depended on it? That is also why they are groping imho. They can't schmooze or whatever it would take for a loser rapefugee to get the time of day from a woman.(without threat of stoning, or clitorectomy, etc)

The above is more from an individual rapefugee failing perspective. The NYE stuff apparently was coordinated and across the whole of Europe.(via twitter or some secret rapefugee website?)

They need to be sent somewhere if they screw up. The women should be able to walk around and go to dinner, shopping, etc, without worrying about your everyday ordinary rapefugee shoving his wicket in her crumpet.

BTW check this out:

This is a better clip. "A testosterone bomb."


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