General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

What exactly do you expect me to say? DOJ is sleazy and has conflicts all over the place. That's why I've been calling for a special persecutor for months.

Nevertheless, I don't follow your logic. What does any of this have to do with posting the unsupported rumor-mongering child sex blog post?
I think JFan was testing if posters were paying attention to any of the stink on Hillary. Really, it's hard to make two points at once. Better to hammer at them one at a time.

"..... But while a presidential pardon might avoid the sorry spectacle of a national security investigation by the FBI of an incoming president for her reckless mishandling of classified information while secretary of State, it would in no way deter Republicans in Congress from conducting their own investigations of Mrs. Clinton, up to and including impeachment proceedings.

For example, we now know that four separate FBI field offices have been conducting a corruption investigation of the Clinton Foundation for well over a year.

Imagine for a moment how Congress would react if Obama were to pardon Mrs. Clinton not just for her email woes but for her past corruption, even for corruption not yet discovered? Do you really think Republicans, even if they were in the minority, would let that one go?

Here are just a few of the Hillary scandals Congress could pursue:

• The Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac of the Phoenix airport, just as the FBI was getting ready to make public its conclusions on the Hillary Clinton private email server. Did Bill Clinton promise Lynch that Hillary, if elected president, would reappoint her as Attorney General?

• Pay for play at the Clinton Foundation. I can imagine several committee chairmen exploring whether the actions of the Clinton Foundation violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). While a presidential pardon might clear Mrs. Clinton of RICO charges, it wouldn’t cover Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Doug Band, Huma Abedin, or a host of other Clinton Foundation officials who solicited donations from foreign corporations and foreign governments in exchange for official favors while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State.

Will they all go to the mat (or jail) to protect Mrs. Clinton and her scandal-plagued presidency?....."
Sounds like FBI sources are leaking like 100 pin holes in a water balloon.

Heard on Fox now and read on other places earlier that multiple FBI sources claim the Clinton Foundation investigation is extensive and now "very high priority".

IMHO, this is the investigation both Clintons and many cohorts will be ousted by.

Too much proof already out there with Wiki, etc. Also they say Mills' and the other Aide's laptops were not destroyed per agreement and are in evidence being searched in connection with the foundation investigation.

Also there are several places reporting FBI sources are saying lots of new material is being uncovered on Weiner's laptop and almost sure some is classified.

The reason agents wouldn't be sure if emails in question are officially classified is they have to run it through the appropriate agency to confirm once found.

Yeah I know "sources" is a bogus way of people masking their own opinions and pretending to know something. Quotes should be banned without naming the speaker.

But in this case everything they're saying is exactly what I'd assumed would be going on once this investigation cranked back up and details were revealed.

Same with the Clinton Foundation, any honest person with a 5th grade education knows that criminal scheme was as illegal as it gets.

Too much proof is being leaked out there now. Everybody not in the WH, DOJ, or HRC's clan are scurrying to cover their *ss from the coming fallout.

Wiki has done this country a tremendous service. They unmasked the entangled depths of gov corruption no one would've believed without proof from the criminals own words.

This type of stuff was supposed to be conspiracy theory nonsense, wow.

This sh*t is really bad and infecting all levels of gov. These are supposed to be representatives of the people, and they laugh at rigging everything to screw us all over.

Voting HRC and essentially expand this level of corruption is moral bankruptcy.
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...... What does any of this have to do with posting the unsupported rumor-mongering child sex blog post?

The one girl we know of in the underlying Weiner investigation is a minor. There are probably more. Underage selfie sexting is still child porn.

In any event, the more important question, indeed the only important one here, is why you guys care so much more about what a blogger wrote than you do about corruption at the highest levels of your own government. Your priorities are wasted. You are lost in the weeds, missing the big stuff.

Is it avoidance? Are you only willing to deal with topics you can handle? Do you simply prefer not to know what Obama/Lynch/Clinton are up to? Are you afraid? Is it too scary? Is it too emotionally unsettling to think about? Did you vote for them in the past and just dont want to have been wrong about them now? I dont get it.
Also there are several places reporting FBI sources are saying lots of new material is being uncovered on Weiner's laptop and almost sure some is classified.......

The article I posted just above raises questions such as -- what if Obama preemptively pardons her? Which he can do. It would be a dirty move, but I doubt it would shock anyone -- no matter what they might say publicly.

Or, what if she wins then starts pardoning everyone herself? What if she tries to pardon herself? Is that even possible?

The House would carry on. But they might be stifled from getting any actual results. Which means they might take it out on her in other ways. Ways they could have used to slow Obama's roll but chose not to.

Or, how about this? \/
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Podesta's browser

Lou Dobbs: "Investigators ...... 99% sure that as many as five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into the Clinton email server."
Contradicting Obama's public claim.

check out #4 below - read it as "Lynch/Kadzik"

Bret Baier: FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards an Indictment

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton's secret server on Anthony Weiner's laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is "likely" in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, "barring some obstruction in some way" from the Justice Department.

-- more at the link --

(Do you still think Kadzik is less worthy of discussion than some blogger?)
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Lou Dobbs: "Investigators ...... 99% sure that as many as five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into the Clinton email server."

Waiting for that one poster to say the 5 foreign intelligence agencies were the Russians, the Russians, the Russians, the Russians and the Russians.
We've got serious security problems now which will only worsen if Putin's puppet, Trump, is able to steal the election. Putin has stolen state secrets and disseminated them through Assange, his agent at Wikileaks. But it's much worse. Comey, a Republican is working for Putin too. And he was appointed by Obama. This means Putin has infiltrated both parties and is also running the FBI. If we let Trump steal the election, Putin will control the entire government. Only Hillary will stand up to this evil man. We must elect her if we wish to regain the integrity in our government. Don't let Putin take over America. Vote for the patriotic Hillary Clinton.
Musburger you better watch out. If HRC's spin patrol sees that last post you may be kidnapped and forced to start drafting statements immediately. :smile1:
Well, after reading statements from Hillary, Obama, and Harry Reid I realized how grave the situation has become. Hillary will protect our state secrets from the Russians whereas Trump will sellout America to Russia. It's our duty as citizens to vote for Hillary to watch over our nation and protect us.
What exactly do you expect me to say? DOJ is sleazy and has conflicts all over the place. That's why I've been calling for a special persecutor for months.

Nevertheless, I don't follow your logic. What does any of this have to do with posting the unsupported rumor-mongering child sex blog post?
Now Deez appears to be drunk, too!
Think of the irony and obscene double-standard of this...

Per the norm for each party's presidential nominee, HRC is receiving classified briefings and materials.

At the exact moment she hears/reads them she's actively under FBI investigation over her mishandling of classified information. WTF? :smh:
Here's an interesting twist on polling. So many are wondering how much impact closet Trump supporters will have.

Or better yet if poll numbers are deflated for Trump due to many not willing to share the information. I've said significant (2+ points), some here said little if any.

The Trafalgar Group is trying to get a glimpse by adding an interesting question.

Their latest poll (10/27 - 11/1) surveyed 1,154 people in North Carolina. FBI news broke on 10/28, so not all days were prior to the event.

Trump won the NC poll 49-44. After asking for the respondent's own choice, they then asked a second question...

"Who do you believe most of your neighbors will vote for?"

Surprisingly the result jumped 9 points in Trump's favor to 54-40.

Their rationale is as follows and it's been my line of thinking all along...

“It’s our belief that there is a significant ‘Brexit’ type undercurrent of support for Trump that many polls are not capturing,” Cahaly said.

“We have been asking a second ballot test question to measure who survey takers believe most their neighbors will vote for. In our Ohio, Florida, and this North Carolina survey we find a consistent pattern of Clinton support dropping 5-6% while Trump support increases 4.5-5.5% for this question.”

“We believe the most accurate measure of support for each candidate is somewhere between how people answer for themselves and answer on behalf of their neighbors,” Cahaly added.

“Lastly we have noted that there will likely be a major influx of participation from registered voters who haven’t voted since 2006 or before,” Cahaly also said.

“This mobilization is reminiscent to the Obama turnout of 2008. These voters’ primary motivation is the rejection of the establishment, just as the Obama ’08 voters who rejected the establishment of that time.”
We've got serious security problems now which will only worsen if Putin's puppet, Trump, is able to steal the election. Putin has stolen state secrets and disseminated them through Assange, his agent at Wikileaks. But it's much worse. Comey, a Republican is working for Putin too. And he was appointed by Obama. This means Putin has infiltrated both parties and is also running the FBI. If we let Trump steal the election, Putin will control the entire government. Only Hillary will stand up to this evil man. We must elect her if we wish to regain the integrity in our government. Don't let Putin take over America. Vote for the patriotic Hillary Clinton.

Musburger = nekulturny
The one girl we know of in the underlying Weiner investigation is a minor. There are probably more. Underage selfie sexting is still child porn.

Yes, I know that. However, that reflects badly on Anthony Weiner, who's not running for President. Until there's at least some evidence that Hillary Clinton was involved, I don't see why it should reflect on her. Obviously, there are plenty of other things one can blame on her, but without evidence, it's more of a diversion from her real problems than anything else.

In any event, the more important question, indeed the only important one here, is why you guys care so much more about what a blogger wrote than you do about corruption at the highest levels of your own government. Your priorities are wasted. You are lost in the weeds, missing the big stuff.

Is it avoidance? Are you only willing to deal with topics you can handle? Do you simply prefer not to know what Obama/Lynch/Clinton are up to? Are you afraid? Is it too scary? Is it too emotionally unsettling to think about? Did you vote for them in the past and just dont want to have been wrong about them now? I dont get it.

I don't care what a blogger posts. I didn't post it here. You did, so I assume you care about it. Furthermore, I do know and care what Obama/Lynch/Clinton are up to, but it's somewhat moot for me, because even if she was clean as a whistle, I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, because I disagree with her politics. Nevertheless, as I said months ago, there should have been a special prosecutor. The conflicts were blatant.

Should Seattle Husker care more about it? Yes, he should, and I think he made the wrong call by voting for her. However, why do you think he and other moderates like him don't care as much as they should? It's because the "throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" approach doesn't cut ice with people like him. They hear the "Clinton is a monster" trope thrown around repeatedly and often without merit or evidence (like the blog you posted here), and eventually they tune her self-interested accusers out.

I just don't see the point. You post plenty of relevant information and material. Why undermine your own credibility and divert attention away from the relevant things you post with goofy stuff like some unsourced blogger spouting speculative blather?
Should Seattle Husker care more about it? Yes, he should, and I think he made the wrong call by voting for her. However, why do you think he and other moderates like him don't care as much as they should? It's because the "throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" approach doesn't cut ice with people like him. They hear the "Clinton is a monster" trope thrown around repeatedly and often without merit or evidence (like the blog you posted here), and eventually they tune her self-interested accusers out.

^ this! It is like the boy who cried wolf and really it applies to Trump and Clinton. With Hillary, many republicans cry wolf when there is not one so moderates and dems do not believe the republicans when there really is a wolf. The media constantly gets offended by everything Trump says, even when he does not say anything bad, so Trump supporters tend to ignore the cries of "wolf" when Trump actually says something bad. This whole election is a failure and huge black mark on democracy because rather than having an informed electorate make decisions, we have two sides/candidates spewing misinformation to the point there is total confusion and the important stuff gets ignored/lost.
Neither MSNBC or CNN are even covering this latest FBI/Clinton Foundation story

MSNBC is about Cubs and Trump
CNN is about Cubs, Brexit! and Trump
How can any "news service" in this country not cover this story?

Anyone remember when the media got scent of some Sarah Pail email thing? They assigned 759 reporters to go to Alaska to dig up the dirt

Double standard?
Yes, media is whistling by the graveyard. On their behalf, it's likely some stooge is going to prison, not Bill or Hillary.
The latest from Fox on this story
Imagine if there were no Fox News, as some people wish and want -- that would mean no news service in the country or the entire world for that matter, would be covering this story.


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