General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Hidden Jihadi is right. Why isn't Trump making more or her possible ties to terrorism? She is the closest person to Hillary and fair game, especially given Hill's inability to keep anything secret. Hell, Huma even wrote in one of the revealed emails that she had classified documents in her car........

I think Trump will start focusing on Hillary ' s lies and her danger to our national security.

Perhaps things changed today.
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per Ipsos Polling --

Trump leads in --
New Hampshire (by 14%)
Missouri (by 6%)
Wisconsin/Georgia/Arizona (by 3%)
Michigan/Maine (by 1%)

from @NateSilver538
SH, the President of Mexico has no choice. They will pay for the wall one way or other. They get a very lopsided trade agreement that they depend on. They have far more to lose than we do if we threaten to stop trade. Yes it would hurt us some, but it would flat out kill Mexico. Mexico may not write a check for a wall, but they would be forced to negotiate a new trade agreement and the savings we get from that will easily pay for a wall. Trump is a master at trade and a new trade agreement would save face for Mexico without looking like they paid for it while Trump declares success of the money saved from the new deal to pay for the wall. If Mexico refuses the paying for a wall would be minor to what it would do to there economy if we stopped free trade.
SH, the President of Mexico has no choice. They will pay for the wall one way or other. They get a very lopsided trade agreement that they depend on. They have far more to lose than we do if we threaten to stop trade. ......

I have never thought his "pay for the wall" line was a challenge to figure out. It's amazing how he stumps so much of the talking heads with that.

The same idea came to me many years ago when I was trying to figure out how Western Union was surviving in the age of the internet. Why were there so many Western Union offices still open all over the place? That technology seemed so 20th Century (if not 19th).

Once you figure it out, it becomes obvious. Adding a small fee to remittances would add up quick. And it could be so small as to be almost unnoticeable to the users. Say .05 cents or .08 cents per transaction - possibly a little less or a little more.

There are other methods as well --
1) Fees on Visas
2) Trade Tariffs
3) Reduced welfare payments (for example, one of the biggest areas of saving would be public hospitals - country hospitals for most places. The amounts of funds flowing through these places are 'off the charts')
I caught the last part of an interview on talk radio this morning talking about who pays for the wall. I did not get the name, but basically Mexico will pay for the wall through changes in NAFTA. Also, the point was made that how they would pay was not discussed. Basically, Nieto Pena does not have a choice even if he says they will not pay for it.
I have never thought his "pay for the wall" line was a challenge to figure out. It's amazing how he stumps so much of the talking heads with that.

The same idea came to me many years ago when I was trying to figure out how Western Union was surviving in the age of the internet. Why were there so many Western Union offices still open all over the place? That technology seemed so 20th Century (if not 19th).

Once you figure it out, it becomes obvious. Adding a small fee to remittances would add up quick. And it could be so small as to be almost unnoticeable to the users. Say .05 cents or .08 cents per transaction - possibly a little less or a little more.

There are other methods as well --
1) Fees on Visas
2) Trade Tariffs
3) Reduced welfare payments (for example, one of the biggest areas of saving would be public hospitals - country hospitals for most places. The amounts of funds flowing through these places are 'off the charts')

I guess it all depends on what you mean by "Mexico." Most people probably assume it means the Mexican government. However, a tax on wire transfers taxes individuals in the United States sending money to individuals and businesses in Mexico. That's not necessarily nefarious. I buy fancy-*** cheese, gummy bears, and booze from German and Dutch companies and other items from German eBay all the time and use a PayPal account, which charges me in US Dollars and pays the vendors in whatever currency I want. If I was doing that with Mexican companies, why should I get singled out to pay for a wall? It's true that a PayPal payment isn't the same as a wire transfer, but if you don't tax PayPal payments, then it seems like the tax would be very easy to evade.

A fee on visas taxes people who are coming to the United States legally. Shouldn't they be the last people who get singled out to pay for the wall? You'd create an incentive to come illegally.

Trade tariffs tax American consumers who are buying Mexican-made goods. That's definitely not an example of Mexico paying for the wall.

Reduced welfare benefits by cutting payments to public hospitals? That isn't making Mexico pay for the wall. That's making public hospitals pay for the wall.
I guess it all depends on what you mean by "Mexico." Most people probably assume it means the Mexican government. .....

That assumption is incorrect, IMO.

Trump has avoided stating the means with any specificity. As he should at this point. But he has multiple tools at his disposal. Some might or would require Congressional cooperation, some would not.

Also worthy of consideration is the way Trump is able to manipulate the media with all the "Wall, no Wall" combined with the "Who Pays" issue. I think they know what he is doing, but they keep sliding into same pattern.
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How do we know this? What trade agreements has he negotiated?

The key word is "negotiate." He went from $30 million to $5 billion because he can negotiate. Negotiating with Mexico will be a light snack for Trump since the US has all the leverage over Mexico.
That assumption is incorrect, IMO.

Trump has avoided stating the means with any specificity. As he should at this point. But he has multiple tools at his disposal. Some might or would require Congressional cooperation, some would not.

Really? You don't think everyone in those rallies doesn't believe that Mexico will be paying for the wall? Sounds like you are assisting a future flip-flop for Trump.
The key word is "negotiate." He went from $30 million to $5 billion because he can negotiate. Negotiating with Mexico will be a light snack for Trump since the US has all the leverage over Mexico.

LOL! Like most of Trumps policies, that statement is pretty thin.
I guess it all depends on what you mean by "Mexico." Most people probably assume it means the Mexican government. However, a tax on wire transfers taxes individuals in the United States sending money to individuals and businesses in Mexico. That's not necessarily nefarious. I buy fancy-*** cheese, gummy bears, and booze from German and Dutch companies and other items from German eBay all the time and use a PayPal account, which charges me in US Dollars and pays the vendors in whatever currency I want. If I was doing that with Mexican companies, why should I get singled out to pay for a wall? It's true that a PayPal payment isn't the same as a wire transfer, but if you don't tax PayPal payments, then it seems like the tax would be very easy to evade.

A fee on visas taxes people who are coming to the United States legally. Shouldn't they be the last people who get singled out to pay for the wall? You'd create an incentive to come illegally.

Trade tariffs tax American consumers who are buying Mexican-made goods. That's definitely not an example of Mexico paying for the wall.

Reduced welfare benefits by cutting payments to public hospitals? That isn't making Mexico pay for the wall. That's making public hospitals pay for the wall.

Agreed, most of those ideas are truly making people in America pay for the wall. Then again, Trump won't actually put any specific policy on how he intends to do this so all we have is guessing.
Really? You don't think everyone in those rallies doesn't believe that Mexico will be paying for the wall? Sounds like you are assisting a future flip-flop for Trump.

Oh look, like the 'ol Reading Comprehension Monster has reappeared.

But maybe it's not your fault? The US media also seems to envision the Mex. Govt directly sending cash to the US Govt (i.e., pallets of cash on a plane thru Switzerland ala Obama). There are other ways for Mexico to pay for it than that.
Oh look, like the 'ol Reading Comprehension Monster has reappeared.

But maybe it's not your fault? The media seems to envision the Mex. Govt directly sending cash to the US Govt (i.e., pallets of cash on a plane thru Switzerland ala Obama). There are other ways for Mexico to pay for it than that.

Or it could simply be you have to twist and turn to try to add context to vapid applause lines? It's OK, I'm sure you'll find another meme based on misinformation. Maybe try FreakingNews to find another Photoshop competition winner like the HRC-OBL above?

The other ways you mention above have much greater impact on the US than Mexico. Keep efforting to find some way to alter the context to what Trump is saying. Did anyone notice that Trump's "deportation force" has transitioned from moving 11 million people to thousands? Yep, he flipped.
Because of Saturday Night Live's skit the first weekend after Trump made the statement. The President of Mexico walked into the Oval Office with a check and handed it to Trump. The liberal media has maintained that vision from the beginning and the lapdogs bought it.
Because of Saturday Night Live's skit the first weekend after Trump made the statement. The President of Mexico walked into the Oval Office with a check and handed it to Trump. The liberal media has maintained that vision from the beginning and the lapdogs bought it.

Yet your preferred candidate hasn't put any policy details out to counter that. Why is that if he's being misrepresented? Could it be that the applause line works in rallies because they actually believe it? Taxing Western Union doesn't quite sound like "Mexico will pay for the wall" does it?
Or it could simply be you have to twist and turn to try to add context to vapid applause lines? It's OK, I'm sure you'll find another meme based on misinformation. Maybe try FreakingNews to find another Photoshop competition winner like the HRC-OBL above?

Hey, at least you are consistent. Personal attack on the source, ignore the merits. You are definitely a creature of habit.

I think where you are stumbling on this issue is with the idea that, in order to make Mexico pay for the Wall, they must do so voluntarily. That the Mexican Govt must somehow cooperate with us in this effort. This is not the case.

But, as noted above, you are not the only one confused. It is also rampant in the media as well. Which reveals some of the genius of Trump on this and similar issues. All this focus and chatter about the Wall plays into his hands. This election is within sight for him if he could manage to stop undoing the good he did one day by tripping over himself the next day.
Hey, at least you are consistent. Personal attack on the source, ignore the merits. You are definitely a creature of habit.

I think where you are stumbling on this issue is with the idea that, in order to make Mexico pay for the Wall, they must do so voluntarily. That the Mexican Govt must somehow cooperate with us in this effort. This is not the case.

But, as noted above, you are not the only one confused. It is also rampant in the media as well. Which reveals some of the genius of Trump on this and similar issues. All this focus and chatter about the Wall plays into his hands. This election is within sight for him if he could manage to stop undoing the good he did one day by tripping over himself the next day.

Please point me to a single policy that Trump has put out that supports your stance. You'll need to simplify it for those of us that are reading comprehension challenged. I'd take that personal but you apparently don't make those arguments.

Maybe another meme? That may be the only appropriate way for Trump messages to be conveyed. Clearly detailed discussions aren't available because we are left debating the context of applause lines with this candidate.
As he shouldn't and won't. Look at what happens when he just leaves it hanging out there?

This is nothing new. It is "Presidential Campaigning In The US 101"

That's acceptable to you? It used to be that the voter pushed the candidate for specifics. Partisanship has turned us to enabling our preferred candidate.
Is this the best fake/real news ever?

Trump Sick And Tired Of Mainstream Media Always Trying To Put His Words Into Some Sort Of Context

NEWS IN BRIEFJuly 28, 2016
VOL 52 ISSUE 29 Politics · Politicians · News Media · Election 2016 ·Donald Trump

NEW YORK—Emphasizing that the practice was just more evidence of journalists’ bias against him, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stated Thursday that he was sick and tired of the mainstream media always attempting to place his words into some kind of context. “The corrupt news media is constantly taking the things I say and putting them within the larger context of politics and global events—it’s absolutely sickening what they do,” said Trump, adding that many of the comments he has made—including his call yesterday for Russia to hack into the emails of his presidential opponent Hillary Clinton and publish the contents—had been repeatedly and unfairly contextualized with relevant facts about the world and pertinent information about the situation in which they were stated. “It’s completely shameful to take words I’ve spoken or written and try to connect them to some kind of objective reality. I say something, and the next thing I know, a crooked reporter is telling everyone what I said along with a fact-based explanation of what its implications are and why it matters. It’s ridiculous, and it has to stop.” Trump added that he would not hesitate to ban any news organization from his campaign that continued to twist his statements by implying they held any specific meaning about or relation to the world we inhabit.

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