Of the many things that I strongly dislike about Trump is the fact that the major factor that separated him from electable Republicans was his constant talk about the Wall. Yes, all politicians lie to a degree, pivot once the general elections are in full swing, but a majority of Trump supporters became supporters because of his hard line stance on immigration and the wall. Remember the call, and chants of the crowds?
"What are we going to do?" "Build a wall" "Who is going to pay for it?" "MEXICO!"
Only the very slow, or people that live in the middle of the US who have no clue about people trying to immigrate or come here illegally would ever have thought a wall was feasible, or possibly work.
Mexicans walk through deserts, often dying along the way, try and swim across a dangerous river, trust someone who has packed them into the back of a windowless truck to let them out. Did any rational person really think they would be willing to do all of that, then come to a wall, and say, "Oh, there's a wall. Let's turn around." It was a ridiculous talking point, and I can only defend people who have no clue what it is like living close to a border.
That is why Trump's lie is so much worse than the usual promises and lies.
People really believed this, and better men lost the chance to be a viable candidate, and quite possibly the POTUS because of this lie.
For that, I find him despicable. For that lie, he will most likely ensure a Clinton victory. That is why it is different than the usual run of the mill lies, spins, flip-flops in my book.
"What are we going to do?" "Build a wall" "Who is going to pay for it?" "MEXICO!"
Only the very slow, or people that live in the middle of the US who have no clue about people trying to immigrate or come here illegally would ever have thought a wall was feasible, or possibly work.
Mexicans walk through deserts, often dying along the way, try and swim across a dangerous river, trust someone who has packed them into the back of a windowless truck to let them out. Did any rational person really think they would be willing to do all of that, then come to a wall, and say, "Oh, there's a wall. Let's turn around." It was a ridiculous talking point, and I can only defend people who have no clue what it is like living close to a border.
That is why Trump's lie is so much worse than the usual promises and lies.
People really believed this, and better men lost the chance to be a viable candidate, and quite possibly the POTUS because of this lie.
For that, I find him despicable. For that lie, he will most likely ensure a Clinton victory. That is why it is different than the usual run of the mill lies, spins, flip-flops in my book.