Deez, I do respect your insight on a lot of topics, but I'm scratching my head on this one. There is no water in the pool with Hillary. We know it, we see it, and history shows it. Donald we really don't know if we are hitting cement or land in beautiful pool water and then climb out with a waitress holding a pina colada for us. I'm not going to pretend I know, but neither do you. But there is no doubt what we get with Hillary and it's continued Obamacare, CORRUPTION, new far left justices, more CORRUPTION, more refugees allowed in America, more CORRUPTION, War on police, more CORRUPTION, national debt at $25 Trillion (after 4 years, $30 Tril if she gets re-elected), more CORRUPTION, more poverty and people on food stamps, more CORRUPTION, more tax hikes, more CORRUPTION, supports black lives matter, more CORRUPTION, won't do a thing about trade agreements, more CORRUPTION, allow ISIS to continue to grow, more CORRUPTION, never any consequences for any of her actions, more CORRUPTION, and will be no law and order. The media will not cover anything negative that she does and she will get away with EVERYTHING.
Oh, did I mention that she's a pathological liar?