General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

He bullshat a bunch of very, very stupid people with a laughably hardline and rigid position on the issue in order to defeat several candidates who had too much integrity to play his game. Now he's selling those people out. That's not a tack to the middle. It's a lie.

I'll readily admit that Trump's supporters are way too dumb to figure out what happened to them. They voted for him because of his persona and smack talk, and he'll keep that up, which will be enough of a diversion to keep them pacified. The used car salesman sold you a '87 Yugo for the price of a Rolls Royce. Most people would realize they had been taken once they saw the Yugo and pull out of the deal. But you all are going to merrily drive the Yugo around and believe it's a Rolls.

Hillary is a disgrace and horribly unethical. But on issues, Trump's the bigger liar at this point. She will govern closer to what she ran on than he will. As for Trump, if he's willing to bail on this, then his word is absolutely worthless. You have no idea what you're voting for at all. You assume it's better than Hillary Clinton, but you have no idea. It's pure speculation on your part.
BS. Trump has been a pragmatic businessman his entire life who negotiates to the middle after taking a strong position, and I expect he would act similar in political office. Any thinking man would know this. Hell, I told you this a few months ago. Just admit you're a trump hater and move on.
BS. Trump has been a pragmatic businessman his entire life who negotiates to the middle after taking a strong position, and I expect he would act similar in political office. Any thinking man would know this. Hell, I told you this a few months ago. Just admit you're a trump hater and move on.

Trust me. I knew he was a fraud long ago. Nevertheless, he didn't run as a pragmatist. In fact, he made fun of the pragmatists. He ran as a hardliner, especially on the issue of immigration. That was the core of his appeal.

And no, I'm not a Trump hater. I don't hate people I don't know. However, I'm also not going to let somebody take a piss on me and tell me it's raining.
Trump stated this for months. They all have to go then come back in through a "door in the wall". After all "either you have a country or you don't" was the Trump line that generally followed the questioning of how you deport 11 million people. Here is the video if it's not rendering for you.

He's flipping. Considering immigration was a top 2 issue for Trump, John Kerry lost an election for much less flipping in comparison.
Didn't Kasich flip flop on climate change and ACA once he jumped into the race? Good thing we don't risk electing this liar. I'm with H->
Government totally for sale for personal gain vs. Holds some positions I don't like and waffles on some things I do like. Easy call for me.
I'm also not going to let somebody take a piss on me and tell me it's raining.

We'll take a pic Deez. You want to be pissed on by trump or **** on by Hillary? That's your only two choice. Don't vote means getting **** on by Hillary.
If Kasich did not flip flop, he definitely "softened" his views on both to appease the conservative base. Trump is doing the same to try and attract more votes from the center left. While it is very politianesque, hard to say it is a lie.

I understand Trump is not the POTUS we necessarily need, but he is definitely better than the alternative. To compare his position change to HRC's lies is laughable.
We'll take a pic Deez. You want to be pissed on by trump or **** on by Hillary? That's your only two choice. Don't vote means getting **** on by Hillary.

Probably leaning in favor of Hillary defecation at this point. If she wins, she'll be crooked, but she'll have an opposition fighting her. Trump will not. Furthermore, Hillary is largely a known commodity. Voting for Trump is like jumping headfirst into a swimming pool without knowing if there's water in it.
but she'll have an opposition fighting her. Trump will not.

OK, that is HS right there. How much pushback is HRC getting from the press today, vs. what Trump is getting? How much pushback is HRC getting from her own party, vs. what Trump is getting? Trump would have WAY more scrutiny on his every move than HRC has ever had. I can't take you seriously anymore on this subject if you really think HRC would have more pushback than Trump. I mean, come ON.
OK, that is HS right there. How much pushback is HRC getting from the press today, vs. what Trump is getting? How much pushback is HRC getting from her own party, vs. what Trump is getting? Trump would have WAY more scrutiny on his every move than HRC has ever had. I can't take you seriously anymore on this subject if you really think HRC would have more pushback than Trump. I mean, come ON.

Never said she'd get more opposition from the media. She'll have to play ball with a Republican Congress. That same Congress will roll over for Trump.
Some interesting Florida voter registration trends

Voting for Trump is like jumping headfirst into a swimming pool without knowing if there's water in it.

Deez, I do respect your insight on a lot of topics, but I'm scratching my head on this one. There is no water in the pool with Hillary. We know it, we see it, and history shows it. Donald we really don't know if we are hitting cement or land in beautiful pool water and then climb out with a waitress holding a pina colada for us. I'm not going to pretend I know, but neither do you. But there is no doubt what we get with Hillary and it's continued Obamacare, CORRUPTION, new far left justices, more CORRUPTION, more refugees allowed in America, more CORRUPTION, War on police, more CORRUPTION, national debt at $25 Trillion (after 4 years, $30 Tril if she gets re-elected), more CORRUPTION, more poverty and people on food stamps, more CORRUPTION, more tax hikes, more CORRUPTION, supports black lives matter, more CORRUPTION, won't do a thing about trade agreements, more CORRUPTION, allow ISIS to continue to grow, more CORRUPTION, never any consequences for any of her actions, more CORRUPTION, and will be no law and order. The media will not cover anything negative that she does and she will get away with EVERYTHING.

Oh, did I mention that she's a pathological liar?
I have been thinking about this -- wondering what the judge might do about further non-compliance. Clearly, State is in stall mode. The legal team for State, including staff, puts in more hours of work fighting the law than does State's team complying with the law. District Court judges get tired of this stuff. So what will the judge do?

Contempt is possible although they hate that remedy against the Govt since its taxpayer money. But they will do it if forced. The problem here, I think, is that State doesn't give a crap about that. They are loyal to the regime may rather pay civil fines than produce the remainder of these document before the election. One thing I considered was the judge compelling the personal appearance of John Kerry himself, and not by phone, but *** in chair. This would tick Kerry off since he's already busy plus it's not really his problem. I have seen judges threaten to do something like this but never actually do it. We will see what happens.

If Kasich did not flip flop, he definitely "softened" his views on both to appease the conservative base. Trump is doing the same to try and attract more votes from the center left. While it is very politianesque, hard to say it is a lie.

They're not similar. Kasich has said he believes in climate change and that man contributes to it but never claimed to know for sure on either point. Some have said it's a flip-flop that he later said climate change isn't proven and therefore supports the coal industry. However, it isn't. One can believe in something but acknowledge that it isn't proven and therefore not want to take draconian public policy moves on the assumption that is proven. Those points aren't inconsistent. Some say he flip-flopped by being critical of Obamacare while accepting the Medicaid expansion. That's not a flip-flop either, because they really aren't the same issue. In addition, Kasich didn't make either of these his signature issues and didn't leverage them to defeat other candidates.

Trump dug in very hard on illegal immigration - building a wall and deporting the illegal immigrants. Furthermore, he exploited that issue to paint his opponents as candyasses and sell-outs - even candidates who didn't support amnesty. It was by far his top issue and the core of his appeal. Now he's changing his position on it and basically adopting Chuck Schumer's and Barack Obama's position. That's indefensible and blatantly dishonest.
Deez, I do respect your insight on a lot of topics, but I'm scratching my head on this one. There is no water in the pool with Hillary. We know it, we see it, and history shows it. Donald we really don't know if we are hitting cement or land in beautiful pool water and then climb out with a waitress holding a pina colada for us. I'm not going to pretend I know, but neither do you. But there is no doubt what we get with Hillary and it's continued Obamacare, CORRUPTION, new far left justices, more CORRUPTION, more refugees allowed in America, more CORRUPTION, War on police, more CORRUPTION, national debt at $25 Trillion (after 4 years, $30 Tril if she gets re-elected), more CORRUPTION, more poverty and people on food stamps, more CORRUPTION, more tax hikes, more CORRUPTION, supports black lives matter, more CORRUPTION, won't do a thing about trade agreements, more CORRUPTION, allow ISIS to continue to grow, more CORRUPTION, never any consequences for any of her actions, more CORRUPTION, and will be no law and order. The media will not cover anything negative that she does and she will get away with EVERYTHING.

Oh, did I mention that she's a pathological liar?

I know Hillary is sleazy. You don't have to convince me of that.
We can agree to disagree on whether Kasich flip flopped, changed stance or softened his views. It does not bother me. The primary reason I did not support Trump was because of previous positions I did not think he had changed. Candidates often move towards the center after primaries. If it is before the election, how is it a lie? On the other hand, HRC commits perjury and has a strong history of openly lying to the public over serious issues. I do not like either, but prefer Trump.
We can agree to disagree on whether Kasich flip flopped, changed stance or softened his views. It does not bother me. The primary reason I did not support Trump was because of previous positions I did not think he had changed. Candidates often move towards the center after primaries. If it is before the election, how is it a lie? On the other hand, HRC commits perjury and has a strong history of openly lying to the public over serious issues. I do not like either, but prefer Trump.

You do realize that we're haggling over whether we'd rather eat dog crap or cat crap, right?
You do realize that we're haggling over whether we'd rather eat dog crap or cat crap, right?

Deez, this is the problem I have with what you say. I agree and disagree with you. I agree Hillary is dog or cat crap. Donald we don't know yet. I'm talking about policies. If you don't like him as a person I get that. But he's too honest to a fault and Hillary is a pathological liar. So I don't get how you can compare the two like hey are both crap. We really only know Hillary is Crap. Stay tuned to see if Teump is if he's elected.

If you think his flip flopping is bad, I'd rather a candidate see the light and change his view instead of going down the same path of failure like Obama has done. He doesn't learn.
Donald is "honest to a fault?" That sounds exactly like something MSNBC would run in a banner with the crying-laughing emoji next to it.


This is a devil-you-know vs. devil-you-don't situation. WSJ showed today that NO former members of the Council of Economic Advisers from Nixon through today are publicly supporting Trump, including hard core GOP guys from Dubya's stint as POTUS. They seem to be falling on the same side as Deez in this conversation... you don't just vote for Trump because of Hillary's ****. His anti-global, anti-free trade stances could be disastrous for all classes.
But he's too honest to a fault and Hillary is a pathological liar.

Too honest to a fault? Your realize we're talking about him flip flopping on his defining issue, right? Not exactly a case of honesty to a fault.

And we have different assumptions. You assume that it can't get any worse than Hillary. At a minimum you assume that Trump can't be worse. He can be. (In fact I have no doubt that he will be worse on foreign policy.) You also give no credence to partisan politics. Hillary sucks, but the GOPs recent history has been confrontation with Democratic presidents and weakness with Republican presidents. In other words, they'll contain Hillary as they contained Bill and Obama, and they'll roll over for Trump as they rolled over for Bush.
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