Gay marriage ruling

There are also studies about the affects of growing up without a father, which can be applied somewhat to same-sex female couples. I don't think studies have been done to see the effect of growing up without a mother because the cases are so rare.

I didn't read the study about children raised by same-sex couples but it shouldn't be hard to find lesbian couples who have been artificially inseminated to compare with heterosexual parents and heterosexual couples who adopt to compare to same sex couple who adopt.
Your idea would be closer to comparing apples to apples but adopted children have gone through some type of disruption in their life that the artificially inseminated child did not go through. I think we should compare typically developing children that were adopted at birth by a gay couple to those adopted at birth by heterosexual couples. It still wouldn't be perfect because gays are often seen as less desirable and get the children with no willing adoptive straight parents.
This is coming, cant really stop it now

There is no way to prevent this from happening. A muslim (or anyone but muslims are the ones whose religion sanctions this) claims one wife, probably the one with the most kids. Then the other wives just apply as single mothers.
Where is the money coming from?
Anyone that thinks a marriage is simply between only two people is imposing their hateful, old-fashioned beliefs on the rest of us. Take your hate elsewhere.
they did not say I have to marry another man so I am okay with that. As for polygamy, I find it hilarious that anyone would want to marry one woman, much less several. But if they are that stupid, it is ok with me. The women, I mean.
they did not say I have to marry another man so I am okay with that. As for polygamy, I find it hilarious that anyone would want to marry one woman, much less several. But if they are that stupid, it is ok with me. The women, I mean.
The women may need the money, but the man would be crazy
Just because you disagree with a ruling does NOT mean the Judge is an activist.

Gay rights is not the same as polygamy. There is a difference between "being born this way" and a religious belief or lifestyle. Think about the tax code. Gay people are asking for equal treatment. What do you do with polygamists? How many deductions? Who makes medical decisions? Who gets preferencial tax treatment upon death? Those issues would mean a change in the tax code for polygamy. Gay marriage does not need any changes...just equal treatment.


There's NOTHING in the homosexual relationship which cannot be addressed legally. HIPAA has already been addressed, ditto civil union. Taxes? You know what we ALL need tax reform.

the answer there is to abolish the income tax and eliminate the tax return all together. That worked for a long time and this nation wasn't a doormat (btw, are we supposed to be the biggest/baddest on the planet? mess w/ anything I don't like and I nUKe ya!)

I'm not suggesting ALL homosexuals are engaged in an agenda to destroy the family, but that agenda DOES exist. It exists in the fouled-up thinking which is based upon feeling.
I'm not suggesting ALL homosexuals are engaged in an agenda to destroy the family, but that agenda DOES exist. It exists in the fouled-up thinking which is based upon feeling.

My experience is that homosexuals want to adopt the family agenda, not destroy it. Heck, I've always been shocked by homosexuals that pay serious money for a child. We have some family friends (males) that paid $75k for a single son that was born a month before my youngest. The egg donor was a 6'+ Scandinavian woman who was a grad student in Stanford's Mechanical Engineering program. The kid may be a genius based on my perceptions. I'm not sure my wife and I would have paid $75k up front were that the cost of procreating.

What does a homosexual that wants to "destroy the family" act like?
What does a homosexual that wants to "destroy the family" act like?

They spend enormous amounts of money to purchase giant Scandanavians that have the mental capacity to become mechanical engineers that will build giant , transformer like robots that destroy families. THATS WHAT THEY ACT LIKE!
My experience is that homosexuals want to adopt the family agenda, not destroy it. Heck, I've always been shocked by homosexuals that pay serious money for a child. We have some family friends (males) that paid $75k for a single son that was born a month before my youngest. The egg donor was a 6'+ Scandinavian woman who was a grad student in Stanford's Mechanical Engineering program. The kid may be a genius based on my perceptions. I'm not sure my wife and I would have paid $75k up front were that the cost of procreating.

What does a homosexual that wants to "destroy the family" act like?

if you've gotta ask, you wouldn't accept the answer ...

so you can be self-inflating with composing your own response because that's all that matters to you anyway.
if you've gotta ask, you wouldn't accept the answer ...

so you can be self-inflating with composing your own response because that's all that matters to you anyway.

So, you don't have any desire to explain your statements. You aren't by chance a Trump supporter, are you?
SH ... RE Trump ... HARDLY.

I find folks don't want to discuss issues which bring truth to the issue/struggle of homosexuality. So, it's not that I have no desire to explain myself, I'm just aware by the virtue of the question, it's HIGHLY unlikely you want to know; at least not through a medium such as this.

It's ok ... but your presumptions are WAY off
SH ... RE Trump ... HARDLY.

I find folks don't want to discuss issues which bring truth to the issue/struggle of homosexuality. So, it's not that I have no desire to explain myself, I'm just aware by the virtue of the question, it's HIGHLY unlikely you want to know; at least not through a medium such as this.

It's ok ... but your presumptions are WAY off

The nature of the question? It was an honest question.

What does a homosexual that wants to "destroy the family" act like?
perhaps I'm wrongly associating you with the typical BBSer, but based upon your previous posts, I'm not sure you'll accept it. Maybe I'm selling you short again. So ... I'm gonna trust you'll read for comprehension and not for a buzzword/phrase to attack and use in a quibble.

The reference is to the political agenda which started with "tolerance." Which is actually not unique ... we all must tolerate people from time to time ... but of course, that was insufficient for the political agenda ... there was a progression of "pleas" which culminated in the unholy union of government and religion ... the business of administering marriage as an institution. This process of conditioning includes the effort to redefine words; gay being the most abused. An emotional state of happiness/content. Some folks' wives' middle name. Nope, perverted to mean a homosexual (man) ... the agenda has even commandeered the rainbow as their symbol, that same symbol to remind us of the Great Flood and that it won't happen again. That's not where I'd want to be, btw. But I digress slightly.

I recognize folks are free to live their lives how they want, but using this abnormality as a wedge to shame is dishonorable because even THAT isn't the end game. This is an axis of attack on the family. You might say ... how does that affect me?

Well, the presumption the relationship is the same, number one. The ordinance of marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. It's set apart: Holy. Marriage is a reflection of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His Bride; The Church. There are LOTS of other relationships and some of them even approach the intimacy (not necessarily sexual) of a marriage, but NONE of them meet the condition, that blessing ... that ordination.

The process of equivalence has rippled several different manifestations; confused adopted children, now there is even discussion about some sort of surgical procedure to allow a male to carry a child???

Then there's the demonstrated acts of government compelling businesses ... private/sole-proprietorships ... to pay fines for refusing to participate in events to which they objected. Underscoring EVENTS, not people. That affects me. That affects every business owner. For the govt's perspective, it gets bigger with every petition to "do something." The pharmacy owner, the pizza joint, the photographer ... the list is growing exponentially. Destroying the ability to provide for the family is a destructive action.

AFA the act or the desire ... we all have our cross to bear. Forgiveness is available because God is faithful and just. He promises it, with our confession of that very thing. Homosexuality is a sin which is being flaunted, not just repeatedly confessed/repented/struggled. This is my personal theory, so I fully expect ridicule, but that's OK ... read it and weep, as they say.

Given ... we are incredibly selfish creatures. No one has to teach a child to misbehave, it's innate. The child is selfish, as so we remain without guidance. We have a damaged soul at birth, a dead spirit.

Given ... there is the gift of celibacy ... the lack of sexual desire for the opposite sex. We are told being celibate is the best way to be a minister of Christ's gospel.

Given ... we rationalize all sorts of irrational behavior ...

Determined ... the man who realizes he is not attracted to any woman, and, because of selfish nature, seeks to satisfy himself then rationalizes "I must be a homosexual." So, I believe there actually is a small percentage of the self-proclaimed homosexual community who have the gift of celibacy, but they've rejected it. Then there are a great many others who have simply "joined the crowd" The crowd in which they've placed themselves and refused to depart from that company.

It doesn't take much objectivity to see this condition is celebrated ... almost like someone is a superhero for declaring their homosexuality. If it's really just another "normal" way of living, why make a deal out of it??? Because in THAT special treatment comes the confusion for the next generation as they are learning to tie their shoes. Destructive action to the family.

I abhor the denigration of another, and certainly violent acts against another for simply being different; for whatever reason. I will be the first to engage in defense of another; rude behavior by one isn't justified by whatever confusion exists in another. Think Capt Call here. Done it many times before, I expect I'll do it a few more times before I'm physically unable and have to just use a weapon. ;)

What's often missed ... and I'm not 100% on this ... recognition of the difference in PEOPLE, individuals ... who deserve respect as humans, if nothing else (and there's always plenty else) ... and the bad ideas in the political agenda. They are separate. Questioning the idea is not berating the person. Feigning offense at a challenge of the idea is dishonorable, too.

So, that's the Cliffnotes version. Take it or leave it, but our society has not improved from the attempt to redefine marriage. It doesn't benefit from formal recognition of perversion as normal. It just doesn't. That's not said in prejudice, malice nor as a pejorative. It's said with the sincere objective of answering your question.

Clearly I disagree but I'm not here to denigrate your opinion. Your point about the celebration when someone comes out of the closet is spot on. Let's evaluate the reason for this though. For centuries and generations men and women have been shunned, abused and psychologically damaged due by society. In some countries (Primarily Muslim) they face death for being homosexual, a state of being that modern science is attributing to genetics though the search goes on for the "gay gene". Is it any wonder that when someone demonstrated the courage to face the shunning and still persevered that they would be celebrated by their community? Seriously, when is the last time you've seen someone beat to death for being heterosexual (reference to the gay man beat to death in Wyoming simply for being gay)?

The statistics seem to be questionable but I've seen where as much as 10% of the population could be gay or bisexual. That makes is a defect along the lines of being left handed or blue eyed. At that point is it really a defect?

The more homosexuality is accepted in the community the less celebrated it will become. It's a big deal for the early adopters of the "coming out of the closet" but after awhile is it really a big deal?

Shaark, how many professed homosexuals to you have the privilege to know? I ask because I wonder if that might at least soften your stance. I have 2 1st cousins that are gay and they were born and raised in conservative Nebraska. One is a strong Catholic to this day, though he has a partner of 12 year. He was raised by my grandmother on a farm. At 2 years older than me, you could tell he was clearly different than me by the age of 7. Preferring to play dolls with my younger sister while I played cars and later ran around the farm with the .22 rifle shooting birds. To this day I'm not sure if my 94yr grandmother would accept that he's gay because it would most assuredly mean disowning her favored grandson. She's that strong of a Catholic.

The other cousin is a lesbian. Oh, she experimented with boys growing up but was a tomboy from day 1. She attended the U of Wyoming (where that boy was beaten to death) and realized then that she was 100% attracted to girls. Per conversations with her she experiences scorn and ridicule often, especially from the senior citizen crowd living in small town Nebraska. Despite that, she's in a better place.

Most recently, my eldest son's best friend admitted he's gay to my son. Well, he was actually outed by another boy in their group who stole his phone and read texts to another female friend of his. Needless to say, the "friend" who outed him is no longer either of their friends but this kid is still the best friend of my son going on 10 years now. This boy openly talks about being gay with us but has not told his very liberal parents for some unknown reason. Needless to say, he describes the coming out as a "weight lifted off his chest".

Just last week another son went to football camp with his HS team. As an evening activity each player is expected to write a letter to the team outline their goals for the next season and something the team doesn't know about them. One boy (I coached him in youth football) alerted the team he had attempted suicide, was Buddhist and declared he was bisexual. I've always known this kid to be stellar in the character department. Why did he announce those things? Was it to celebrate his state? Who celebrates a suicide attempt? No, I'm assuming he said those things because it was important that these teammates knew him. By opening up, he doesn't need to carry a heavy secret. This kid was ready to deal with the consequences. Time will tell whether his announcement has any impact in his social circles but I'm quietly proud of the kid for his courage. Don't mistake that as "celebration" but rather recognition of strong character which is something I sincerely hope my 3 sons possess.

One of my good friends is the gay man I've spoken of earlier in this thread who spent $75k to get a son. He grew up in Houston, came out to his father his junior year of high school. The father couldn't accept it and literally kicked him out of the house, disowning him. Can you imagine a father doing that? He was class President and later would be valedictorian getting a full-ride to Texas A&M. Want to know how he lived the rest of high school? On couches and homeless shelters, never letting any of his classmates know his situation due to embarrassment. I can't imagine persevering in that situation. He's now a VP at Microsoft and one of the smartest people I know.

This was a longwinded post so I apologize for the length. Why did I tell these stories? To share insights that being "gay" is still a challenge in society but is subsiding. My strong feeling is that being homosexual is not a choice. Who would risk the ridicule? Yes, the LGBT community has been nearly effective as the NRA in pushing their agenda to the forefront. They've forced monumental change in a very short historical time period which has blowback consequences. Change that occurs over time is less disruptive to our social fabric. This is why Ruth Bader Ginsberg laments the Roe V. Wade decision because it forced change too fast. Fortunately, I suspect your children or their children will be much more accepting of these changes, like my son and the football team. They've grown up with acceptance and no longer see it as a big deal like we older people do.

Thank you very much for sharing your viewpoint.
SH ... thank you for your calm response. I regret presuming you would be just another "fly off the handle" feeler. I apologize.

Let's evaluate the reason for this though

The reason includes the rebellion within to manifest the condition. I understand what you're saying, but the disagreement regarding the way the condition comes-about is fundamental and I do not expect you'd agree with anything which stems from what is ultimately a choice. A LOT of money has been spent seeking a scientific basis.

At that point is it really a defect?

The numbers are irrelevant. Wrong is wrong. It's wrong to drive while intoxicated. A LOT of people do it ... if EVERYONE did it, there'd be nothing right about it. The numbers only make ourselves FEEL better about it, and then even self-generate. Reference my point about "legitimate homosexuals" who've rejected/missed their gift of celibacy.

but after awhile is it really a big deal?

It will always be a big deal because it will always be wrong. It'll always be an aberration. It will always be perversion. As we've been so repeatedly told, homosexuality has been with us for a LONG time.

I'll note in those societies which celebrated the perversion ... they fell from within. I won't cast the full culpability of that upon this single causation, but that the Romans --- then the mightiest nation-state the world had ever known (sound familiar) --- fell, included the fact they accepted as normal homosexual relationships. This "missing the mark" isn't exclusive to the European culture, either. Read about the tribes in what is now Sierra Leone. I ran across this during the Ebola news outbreak (I'm NOT saying ebola was a result of homosexuality, different time, same area.) A similar event is recorded in what's now Thailand/Laos. There is evidence of the Biblical story in Sodom and Gomorrah. We even use the city name in our etymology and law for crying out loud. Should that not speak to the graveness of this sin?

You list an array ... numbers are our friends? ... I do not discount the people involved in this, but I also know that because we live in a fallen world there is all kinds of destruction in all manner of places. This is one of 'em. The difference is this one has been accepted by many in our society as normal. We will not survive that.

But again, I will indulge your question. Yes, I know as many as you've outlined. It breaks my heart when I think of them. A couple of em appear to have life all together ... but I also know they are waging a war within themselves. It's not because of bigoted people or "close-minded" society, though that's certainly a threat (ref the Sheppard boy and too many others), but because their conscience knows the difference in right and wrong so they try to cover it with excellence in other areas of life ... a pursuit of winning for them, and the appearance of "all together" to the rest of the world. To say they were driven would be an understatement.

one of those is in the family. His actions have been the source of great weeping and gnashing of teeth. Recognizing his place as a family member, not just another person, I've tried my best to recognize the struggle. He hasn't helped with his own recognition. He's used it as a means to inject strife. He was asked to "keep it away from the family." That meant the "public display of affection." Hey, that sounds familiar ... the US Military has in its UCMJ a prohibition of that very thing when in uniform. He couldn't abide by that request. As I, father of two young boys, caught them on a couch upstairs during a family gathering at another family member's house. The couch was on a "landing"? upstairs in front of a window. I cannot convey to you the overwhelming urge to bull rush the entire entanglement, two homosexuals and a couch and me ... all out the window falling to the ground. How disrespectful of a simple and clear request. They couldn't even find the bedroom and lock the door???

In my work, I deal with homosexuals on a regular basis. Many do their jobs and press-on. A few are "social warriors" and prowl for a fight. Because. just because. I have nothing for the latter and expect respectable people would also abhor that behavior and speech. While I disagree with the lifestyle, I do respect the priority in the former: do your job.

We are each other's "grace training aids" and I try to remember I'm a FORGIVEN saint. Forgiven by The Master, Jesus Christ, and that there, BUT for the Grace of God, go I. So when I place the lover of my soul as my focus, I can remember that and therefore show the grace shown to me while providing the reproof and correction for their own sake. My sake is attended because of Him, not me.

That condition of recognition is NOT a "look down my nose." it's knowing and realizing ... appreciating ... I, too, was bound for eternal separation before I accepted, by faith, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have no reason, cause, justification to boast about ANYTHING I've done or avoided doing.

Humbly submitted,
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