Gay marriage ruling

Apparently our, USA definition of civil union is not always the same at the Vatican.
There have been clarifications from the Vatican on what the pope meant.
Official translation done by Fr. Thomas Rosicia of the pope's remarks

“Marriage (matrimony) is between a man and a woman. Civil states want to justify civil unions in order to regulate (normalize) different arrangements of cohabitation; – prompted by the necessity of regulating (normalizing) economic aspects among people, for example in providing health insurance or benefits. This consists of different kinds of living arrangements which I wouldn’t know how to enumerate with precision. We must consider different cases and evaluate each particular case.”

so he doesn't exactly but neither does he not.

Like Prod said there can't be very many people who would be against civil unions and it may be that the Pope isn't either
but we still don't know
Mr D
As is oft times the case what is law is not the same as how people feel.
I said people , not the laws of the State of Texas.
Recent polls reflect a change in how people feel. Maybe soon the government will catch up
Sounds great. Im in for your plan. I was asking more about your personal beliefs on the point of marriage being to have children. Its not something I hear often so Im curious.
Larry, due to you being in the education process, I am pretty sure you know the results of children raised in a family setting with both male and female role models versus children raised in other environments. (single parent home, shack jobs etc). You see it everyday.
Marriage is a bond that does not require children, but the marriage bond and family setting does give children a better chance.
I never said marriage was created for kids, I simply said that it was a stigma if you weren't. So even those who weren't religious would find their way to a JP or something to follow the lead of the religious and get married. To not do so put you in the minority.

Being born out of wedlock or even getting married is going the way of being fat. Once so many do something it becomes the norm even if it will never be right.
I agree that the government should have no say in what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home and who they have relationships with.
The issue is tolerance or acceptance by society as a whole in regards to the law.
No ones cares what two sexual deviants do if they are in an adult homosexual relationship. This is tolerance.
A whole lot of people care about allowing two sexual deviants to LEGALLY marry as this would indicate sexual deviancy to be normal. This is lack of acceptance.
I think the issue of marriage purpose to have children is a red herring.
Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. Children are a blessing, however having children is not a requirement.
I am not happy being right about the report on the adverse effect of children adopted by sexual deviants, but it is common sense and could really not have had any other outcome.
Tolerance: indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own.
Pretty sure I understand the term.
I admittedly only looked at the headlines of the study that said children do worse with same-sex parents. I went back to read more about the reseach and found what I was expecting. The researcher didnt compare apples to apples. He compared student from broken homes that went on to live with gay adoptive parents to children that were living with their biological parents. Its obvious that kids that have been through so much **** that they cant live with their parents are going to do worse than children from stable home. Its a poor piece of research that got national headlines - a common theme thanks to the garbage that is our media. Sad that the researcher is a UT prof. I know its slate, but they are right about this part:
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100% agree. A stable loving home is the most important factor. Two biological heterosexual parents may be the best, but its all splitting hairs compared to the lives that many children live.

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