Friends of Snoop_Dogg

For those who haven't visited, there are some great pictures and stories being posted there. Additionally, there is information about various benefits and other ways to help Elana and the boys.
Wow! Just saw this thread. I have stayed off this board pretty much since I found out my dad was terminal in late spring. I have seen Al's sig for months, but didn't realize Joe Mojica was Snoop_Dogg.

I feel awful! I remember encouraging Joe on here when he was battling the cancer full-bore, and he was a bit depressed. As time passed, he seemed a lot better(or at least he didn't post about the negatives as much). God bless his family!
This poll produced a non-profit company.

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--Do you smoke ?

--You accept drugs or use steroids ?

--You did not pay attention to your health

--None of the above

Please vote only once!
I never knew Joe except on here. I followed his fight with cancer. My wife has been fighting cancer for almost 5 years, and I took so much inspiration from Joe. I give thanks to God every day for Joe's example to others. Each year at the local cancer society's walk for cancer I donate for a luminary to Joe (Snoop Dogg). Thanks, Joe. RIP

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