This kills me. Jester/snoopdogg etc was one of the earliest Austin 3:16 members with me and a few others back when it was the the only "other board" other than Cactus.
He and Elena used to entertain me at work via IM way back in 2001.
this sucks.
I feel so awful for his kids and his wife. I know most everything has been said here before, but i dont know...rambling I guess, but they always amazed me.
I have never known someone who had the deck stacked up against them so high and then to punch through it time and time again.
Joe was funny, smart, and a great person to chat with at 10 AM or 3 AM. Plus the dude had guts. I wish I would have stayed in closer touch after I moved back to Austin from Atlanta. I really wish I would have come over to Smurfette and LHFan68's place when he was there.