BTW, I pushed these to the back burner yesterday due to the accident news, but I took a bunch of construction photos Monday morning. Any of you who follow my twitter feed (@austin_f1) may have already seen them, but for those of you who haven't, here they are:
For those of you not on Facebook, here are some highlights:
The west half of the Pit/Paddock Building, the media Center, and the beginnings of the Main Grandstand:
Grandstand construction going vertical on the west end near the Media Center:
Media Center and west end of Pit/Paddock Building:
East half of the Pit/Paddock Building:
East end of Pit/Paddock and the Medical Center:
Medical Center:
"The Wall"...LOL:
Scraper making the steep Turn 1 climb:
Turn 11 Hairpin ( R), Turn 10 (L), and the Longhorn Straight:
Hairpin & Longhorn Straight:
The Hairpin is pretty tight:
Longhorn Straight. Yesterday's accident likely happened somewhere in the area beyond & right of the straight in this photo:
Love the elevation: