is back up and running, and with it so is Ticket Reservation info. $100 per seat to reserve your place in line to buy "Select Seating" which seems to be limited to the Main Grandstand and suites, but it's really not clear after reading the FAQs posted.
I guess I'll reserve comment for now, but I have questions about other things I found unclear:
- Come March 1, if I've paid my deposit, can I purchase a seat for 1 year without getting a PSL, or is March 1 for PSL sales only?
- Also, does my $100 deposit apply to the ticket price?
- Before I buy a PSL, I need to know how long the USGP is secured to be held at COTA. Without that information, PSLs are a no-go for me and my family. Is that available?
- If I'm not interested in seating or suites on the main straight, but I do want tickets in other grandstand areas toward the back of the track, does the deposit apply to these?
I'll submit these and let you all know what I hear.