I've been seeing a flurry of comments in the Twitterverse about illegal voting in Georgia. I thought I'd check what is being said about it here and, true to form, some of you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Up until 2018, the Georgia statute (sec. 21-2-385) allowed
disabled voters to have a family member return a completed ballot:
In 2019, that was changed to allow
any early voter to have a family member return his or her ballot:
Note that this amendment also removed the requirement that proof of the relationship be submitted to the clerk at the time of the vote.
Videos showing people dropping off a dozen ballots could show a ballot harvester, or it could show someone making sure his or her extended family's ballots are all returned and counted.
Ballot harvesting (i.e. going door to door and collecting votes from non-family-members) remains illegal in Georgia. It is likely that some of the videos show people dropping off ballots that were harvested illegally. That should be investigated and, where confirmed, prosecuted. But without further proof, the videos of people dropping off multiple ballots is meaningless.