Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

The forensic audit was about proving a pattern of corruption for all elections at every level on the ballot. Which means fake, falsified, tampered with ballots. Wait until Durham seeks more indictments. Clinton Foundation, others. Eventually, this may start making sense. We have corruption at every level. Forensic audits bring light to it, which we need! It’s all coming out just a lot slower than thought in the beginning.
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There are many different types of audits. Risk-limiting audits, sampling, recounts (hand and electronic), physical security, voter rolls etc. AZ Senate went with "all of the above" because it was a throw as much **** against the wall as possible and see what sticks strategy.

They went with all of the above because that's what a full forensic audit is supposed to entail.
So that hand recount was important? Didn't you diminish the importance of the hand recount?

I didn't diminish it. It just wasn't an issue after it was done. I said that just above this a few posts ago. Recounts are important to do but it's not the best indicator for fraud, unless the fraudsters are really sloppy. Sorry, Husker but Maricopa County played you last week
I didn't diminish it. It just wasn't an issue after it was done. I said that just above this a few posts ago.

So, it was important until the count showed that Trump actually lost votes? I think we are aligned on that.

Recounts are important to do but it's not the best indicator for fraud, unless the fraudsters are really sloppy. Sorry, Husker but Maricopa County played you last week

Keep in mind, the hand recount also investigated overcount (e.g. sharpies), Bamboo traces (e.g. China infiltration) and serial numbers/marks on ballots.

From that, they determined that there was problem with the duplication process where some printers didn't put the serial code on the ballot for the duplicated ballot and a claim that a batch of ballots were printed from a non-certified printing vendor. Both of those are process errors but hardly confirmation of fraud.

We were having such a fruitful conversation until you fell back on "Maricopa County played you last week". I'll take that as a sign that you are done trying to justify/spin the investigative findings.

SH will never be intellectually honest with you, his TDS will not allow it. He lives and breathes MSM narratives.

Yep, and we're not even done yet. We have the report for the stuff that Maricopa wouldn't turn over and the Kinematic report still to go.
Yep, and we're not even done yet. We have the report for the stuff that Maricopa wouldn't turn over and the Kinematic report still to go.

I doubt it concerns you but it should that the West Mall's resident QAnon evangelist and you are singing the same tune. You may not feel your position is crazy but you are standing adjacent to that position. Like the non-white supremacists who stood next to the white supremacists in Charlottesville, that should be a giant warning sign that you might want to reevaluate your position and media consumption habits.
So the smoking gun is images that can't be validated that "could" be invalid?

This MUST be fraud/corruption. No other explanation. /s

Completely implausible explanations:
1. Problem in the copy process in handoff between Maricopa County and CyberNinjas.
2. Problem in the scanning process that went unnoticed during heat of high volume voting periods
3. Incompetent and/or purposely ignorant CyberNinja investigators
I doubt it concerns you but it should that the West Mall's resident QAnon evangelist and you are singing the same tune. You may not feel your position is crazy but you are standing adjacent to that position. Like the non-white supremacists who stood next to the white supremacists in Charlottesville, that should be a giant warning sign that you might want to reevaluate your position and media consumption habits.

Revaluate my media consumption habits? LOL! Look in the mirror, bro. Why do you continually dig yourself a ditch that you can't get out of?
Revaluate my media consumption habits? LOL! Look in the mirror, bro. Why do you continually dig yourself a ditch that you can't get out of?

I'm not the one standing next to QAnon adherents screaming that military tribunals are around the corner or are already occurring in secret, grand conspiracies of corruption in ever level of government/media or a China takeover of the US government. To be sure, if I were it would cause a moment of introspection.
I'm not the one standing next to QAnon adherents screaming that military tribunals are around the corner or are already occurring in secret. To be sure, if I were it would cause a moment of introspection.

Just because he's wrong on an issue doesn't make him wrong on every thing. He knew what the Seattle insurrection was at the time while you were making excuses for the bunch. Do yourself a favor and just drop it, please.

Should I ignore his bitcoin advice as well because he's been 100% accurate on that?
Just because he's wrong on an issue doesn't make him wrong on every thing. He knew what the Seattle insurrection was at the time while you were making excuses for the bunch. Do yourself a favor and just drop it, please.

It hurts because you know it hits home which prompted your attempt to hit below the belt.

Should I ignore his bitcoin advice as well because he's been 100% accurate on that?

What BitCoin advice? Based on the time period he gave he'd done just as well in the stock market, even better if he was in specific stocks. One of his businesses is also a BitCoin ATM (love the entrepreneurship) but that piece of info also means he has a vested interest in the success of BitCoin. He's a Bitcoin evangelist and we can presume he has a significant financial interest in it's success.

In some ways, @AC's Bitcoint evangelism is similar to CyberNinja and the investigators. They both have a financial stake in the position they've taken and should come with a disclaimer not too different than when a media entity has a financial donor or is owned by an entity they are reporting on.
This is NOT the AZ Audit report but rather a fake report with a rewritten Executive Summary that claims CyberNinja's claimed the election should be decertified. Jim Hoft, the founder of Gateway Pundit is the name list and this link is reportedly linkied in several Gateway Pundit articles.

Here is an article from the Arizona Capitol Times pointing out the fake report being used by Gateway Pundit.

The draft – published alongside a Gateway Pundit article titled “Arizona Audit Final Report Was Watered Down” – includes the line “based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”


“This is a fake document,” Senate audit liaison Randy Pullen said in a text message.
I have got to spend more time here. This is such an important issue and I just haven’t kept up completely with @Garmel and @Seattle Husker on recent conversation. I recall something about Husker wanting to diss Garmel because he was looking like he aligned with @AC on some things. Feel free to put me in that boat. I think AC is over the target. Not sure on all the details but I think military will get involved before they let a puppet regime sell us out the China.
I have got to spend more time here. This is such an important issue and I just haven’t kept up completely with @Garmel and @Seattle Husker on recent conversation. I recall something about Husker wanting to diss Garmel because he was looking like he aligned with @AC on some things. Feel free to put me in that boat. I think AC is over the target. Not sure on all the details but I think military will get involved before they let a puppet regime sell us out the China.
I need to amend that last comment. I don’t think it’s a matter of the US being sold out to China or any other “Nation” for that matter. It’s a matter of of our country being sold out to a Chinese style social credit system run by elitists that eliminates freedom and pins us all under the thumb of tyranny. I think the military will step in before they let that happen.

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