For Real ....Herman “IS” Done!!!

I used to like Herbie, a few years ago the Ohio St bias from him drove me nuts.
Using a tweet from that coach? I don’t think Hebie wants UM to pick UT.
Always amuses me that people on a college fan message board bemoan big money donors and high football coach salaries. This is a college site. I mean, not everyone who goes to college is meant to become a multi millionaire, but why do people on here cry about the success of others? Isn't graduating from college supposed to lead to a good, successful career?

For Chrissakes, it's the freaking market that dictates these salaries. Don't like it? Then don't watch and buy merchandise, tickets, etc.

Otherwise, STFU because you just sound like a bunch of whiny *** titty babies.
I agree, that's a pretty piss poor track record. Yet you think, therefore, that we are in position to approach a coach we want with this attitude?

All I can say is that I am really, really glad you're not in charge of negotiations with Urban Meyer. To hell with your health concerns! To hell with what your wife thinks! Take the job now, on our terms, or we walk. We're Texas!!!

On the bright side, I suppose the deployment of that tactic would have already given us fans our answer as to whether UM will be the next man up...

I must have done a really poor job of expressing myself. I don't think I said "to hell with your health concerns or to hell with what your wife thinks, We're Texas." If Meyer came into the interview not knowing what it was about not having discussed these issues with his wife before hand, I don't know what to say about that.

If he expressed those concerns to CDC during the interview and said he didn't know if he wanted to coach again but CDC still offered him a concrete job proposal, then CDC isn't as smart as I thought. Tell him you understand, and you want him, yes. Even basic parameters. But a concrete offer? I don't think would be wise.If he ends up refusing everyone knows you had to settle for second choice.

If Meyer said he wanted the job, and we offered, and then he said he needs to think about it, then I think he would be less than frank with his prospective new employer. Not a great beginning.

That was the point I was trying to make.
Announcers last words....
"If you're Texas....and you're going to make a change...there's only one name out there....If you can't get him....let this man (showing Tom) try and build it."

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