Flying Job At UT


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Just saw a job posted on the aviation forum I am on. Looking for a Cessna Citation, also known as a "Near Jet" or "Slowtation", First Officer. They want someone with a degree and time and type rating in that airplane. Could be an EEOC posting as they have someone in mind, perhaps.

Not sure what sucker would take this job for this woke university and be on call 24/7 and available at a 1.5 hour notice.

Wow, what a POS job.

Good luck!
Is a Cessna Citation a POS? Lol.

When he was in the Navy, my grandfather flew every hot fighter plane the Navy had from about 1940 until about 1960. However, for private use, he flew a Ryan Navion. That was basically a moped with wings.
Periodically, the State has these sorts of jobs with different agencies. For some, they are just wanting a State check with retirement benefits and nowhere near the stress of dealing with people that comes with many jobs.

Last time TDCJ posted a position for pilot on the Vomit Comet, it was posted, then re-posted and, as I recall, extended yet again.
Is a Cessna Citation a POS? Lol.

When he was in the Navy, my grandfather flew every hot fighter plane the Navy had from about 1940 until about 1960. However, for private use, he flew a Ryan Navion. That was basically a moped with wings.
Not a POS, just a very basic jet. Not really befitting the University of Texas. Hell, maybe a better plane would be considered racist though.
Citation = Low and slow

Last I heard the school was using either a King or Queen Air. With the money they waste, you would think we would have a G-4 at the minimum but preferably a G-5+ or maybe a Canadair. Hell, even Harrison Ford has a G-4; arguably the ugliest Gulfstream in the world, but it's still a Gulfstream.
Citation = Low and slow

Last I heard the school was using either a King or Queen Air. With the money they waste, you would think we would have a G-4 at the minimum but preferably a G-5+ or maybe a Canadair. Hell, even Harrison Ford has a G-4; arguably the ugliest Gulfstream in the world, but it's still a Gulfstream.
I knew you would comment.

Harrison is probably one of the worst pilots on the planet.
Harrison is probably one of the worst pilots on the planet.

I didn't know he had a pilot's license. I know he hires pilots to fly that ugly piece of crap. The top is the ugliest green over a white bottom. The green is kind of a mix of ugly army fatigues and the color of green peas dried on a plate.

I have also been told that he is dumber than a bag of hair.
I didn't know he had a pilot's license. I know he hires pilots to fly that ugly piece of crap. The top is the ugliest green over a white bottom. The green is kind of a mix of ugly army fatigues and the color of green peas dried on a plate.

I have also been told that he is dumber than a bag of hair.
How he has managed to keep it after multiple incidents is beyond me. Oh wait.."celebrity".

Yes, I won't argue that second paragraph.

I see what you mean...

I used to tell Akers that the reason we lost Marcos Dupree was because that damn Citation wouldn't get us to Meridian fast enough.

I called Fred at home on a Sunday night and told him we had lost Marcos. He told me not to worry because Tommy was sitting outside his house. I told him that I just got off the phone with Marcos' mother and she was cold as ice. He objected, and I told him I had a friend's Citation being fueled at Hobby, so he needed to get his *** to Mueller NOW! Before we got there, Barry had finalized the "financial arrangements" and they were gone. I was told Barry was on a Lear, but he never confirmed that.

Since the airport at Meridian doubled as a military base, could we have gotten a 727 or 737 in there. Damn that would have been expensive, and not nearly as quick
The comfort of the pilot and the ability to fit my anteater boots between my seat and the bulkhead are two vastly different things.

With the knowledge that Airbus is being built in Mobile, and all but three executives were screened and hired through AIDT has helped make me more comfortable with Airbus.
The comfort of the pilot and the ability to fit my anteater boots between my seat and the bulkhead are two vastly different things.

With the knowledge that Airbus is being built in Mobile, and all but three executives were screened and hired through AIDT has helped make me more comfortable with Airbus.
Most corporate pilots I know prefer, when they have to airline somewhere, the A320. Slightly bigger cabin compared to the 737.

Up front, it is more advanced and spacious for sure. Love it. It's magic.
Ah, okay, I misunderstood.

Yeah, I was always a Boeing fan until I got to Frontier and flew the Bus.
Boeing overruled their engineers when designing the 737 max. 777 and 787 are great airplanes back when engineers had the last say.