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I dont follow the football brainiac site closely but did think this is an interesting tweet tonight.
Gabriel A. (@Gabe_TFB) tweeted at 9:40 PM on Sun, Oct 27, 2019:
If ****’s really going down, imagine siding with the $10 million plus staff, ridiculous, players first, that’s where I’m at. #HookEm
I have absolutely no idea what that means except maybe some change is coming. I've calmed down a bit, after all the pissed off posts I've made.
I've always liked TH, but he is about to lose everything he is building because this team is losing games and is on a skid that they can't seem to come out of. We got lucky and beat Kansas only because we got the ball last.
It's funny, when I saw the blowu defense absolutley own our offense like they did, my first thought was were they stealing our signals, then TCU owned us as well they aren't stealing crap we are so predictable it's like watching David McWilliams offense all over again. So far this year we have 3 losses but only one was to a team with more talent on the field. I don't know where the disconnect is, but the buck stops with leadership. Before Kansas, I have backed our coaches all the way. but kansas gave me pause on our DC now TCU makes me want to blow this whole thing up.
Tom wants to be up there with Dabo Sweeney and Nick Saban, well he better realize he isn't getting there with this staff. Hand was a great hire, but we have other offensive coaches who need to go. Giles was a good hire, but we have other defensive coaches that need to go. As of right now, I'd walk Wareheim, and let Beaty take over TEs and special teams. I'd walk Orlando and let Ash take over. Everyone else is on notice. DB and Wr coaches are on notice. Beck is on notice as well, the only reason I don't walk Beck is because it's too difficult to switch OC in the middle of the season But once the season is over a complete reshuffle is not off the table.
Next season Tom has no excuses left, he has no skins on the wall to save himself. He is no longer dealing with Charlie's kids he is 100% his recruits and he needs to be held accountable. We have more talent than any time since Mack's glory days, we have a senior QB and lots of talent in the QB room. The only thing this team is missing is leadership from our coaches.
Why does this feel like 4 years ago and I'm talking about Charlie Strong again....