Expunging U.S. History

There hasn't really been a debate and it's not an issue that anyone ran so I think it erroneous to say that this is representative of democracy. It is representative a small contingent getting very loud and having the media and name calling on their side. There is probably a group of leaders in these communities that wanted to take these steps and just felt like the statue-phobics gave them appropriate cover to take action. Just like so many of the CEO's these days, the safer place is to go with the media flow to avoid being labeled a racist. that is not democracy in action.

I think we'll look upon this later like we look upon McCarthy's Red Scare antics now. they get the country all spun up, get the media behind them and then do stupid things with that power.
I think we'll look upon this later like we look upon McCarthy's Red Scare antics now. they get the country all spun up, get the media behind them and then do stupid things with that power.

Good post overall. However, though the media did cover McCarthy, they were not favorable to him.
San Antonio Northeast ISD voted 7-0 to rename venerable old Robert E. Lee HS last night. They don't know what they'll rename it, but they felt they "had to get the target off their backs".

The NE School Board President said yesterday that the real reason they were changing the name of the San Antonio's Robert E. Lee HS was because "they had received threats of violence from both sides" (change it side and don't change it side). She said they feared the threats from the "change it side" more. She claimed there were threats of violence against children.

So much for not giving in to terror. She didn't say whether or not the threats were reported to police. I'd think the FBI would want to be involved in terroristic threats against school children. They're leaving the name unchanged for the 2017-18 school year, so that's puzzling. If they're that scared, they should have just caved in and renamed it Barack Obama HS or something the antifas would approve of.
NEISD is a terrible School Board. It is a ship of fools. I believe their decisions are made utilizing three monkeys and a rock.
My son graduated from Ronald Reagan High school. I wonder when they will be changing that name.
He was going after regular Americans and calling them "commies".

A few probably were actually commies, not that it matters, makes a difference or in anyway justifies anything McCarty was doing.
Actually McCarthy was proven mainly right after the USSR fell and the CIA looked at their records. At least that is what I read a while back.
Now our National Anthem is racist. The third stanza, which I can't say I've ever heard, goes like this;

"And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave"

Now the Dallas Independent School District has taken the following actions:

At Thursday's Board Briefing, the Administration recommended that the Board change the name of four schools:

1. Albert Sidney Johnston Elementary School
2. William L. Cabell Elementary School
3. Stonewall Jackson Elementary School
4. Robert E. Lee Elementary School

The Administration also mentioned that they were doing research on several additional schools. Many of you have asked for that list of schools, so I am sharing the list below. The only additional District 2 school on the list is Ben Franklin Middle School. I will not support a name change for Franklin since Benjamin Franklin clearly had many accomplishments that form the basis for why the school was named after him. I don’t believe this school was named after Franklin to send a signal of oppression and control.

1. Roger Q. Mills Elementary School
2. W. H. Gaston Middle School
3. Wilmer-Hutchins High School
4. James Bowie Elementary School
5. James S. Hogg Elementary School
6. John F. Peeler Elementary School
7. John H. Reagan Elementary School
8. Wilmer-Hutchins Elementary School
9. James Madison High School
10. Benjamin Franklin Middle School
11. Thomas Jefferson High School
12. David G. Burnet Elementary School
13. Stephen C. Foster Elementary School
14. Nancy J. Cochran Elementary School
15. Sam Houston Elementary School
16. Sidney Lanier Elementary School
17. John Ireland Elementary School
18. Kleberg Elementary School
19. William B. Travis Elementary/Middle School
20. William Brown Miller Elementary School


The Left is determined to wipe out the American History that I was taught and replace it with their own politicized version.
Renaming Lee High School is insane. People do not know anything about Robert E. Lee anymore, much less that he freed the slaves he inherited. It is very sad how ignorant our population is. I guess I can see how the anti-statue crowd finds Lee so offensive given that he does not fit their "the South was fighting over slavery" narrative.
Possible new names they can use:

Karl Marx H.S.
Hugo Chavez High
Snowflake Institute for the Perpetually Offended
Victim H.S.
Change Name, Change History and Solve Racial Problems Magnet School
How Can We Lose More Political Offices H.S.
When will Richard Pryor be burned in effigy?

"Effigy" means a model or replica of a person, not the person burning himself. Just an FYI.

And yeah, he was freebasing and set his hair and face on fire. He made the joke you referred to on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I actually saw that live at the time.
I guess the burning in effigy would be like when Richard Pryor would light a match and then bounce it slowly across a table as it burned. "What's this? ... Richard Pryor jogging."
I think he already was. He set himself on fire freebasing or some kind of drug related activity. Later he joked; "when you're running down the street on fire, people get out of your way".

"Effigy" means a model or replica of a person, not the person burning himself. Just an FYI.

And yeah, he was freebasing and set his hair and face on fire. He made the joke you referred to on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I actually saw that live at the time.

I guess the burning in effigy would be like when Richard Pryor would light a match and then bounce it slowly across a table as it burned. "What's this? ... Richard Pryor jogging."

There was a Cheers episode where one of Coach's old teammates dies and when a bunch of them gather they all tell stories of how the dead guy slept with all their wives and he was basically scum. Coach had had a cardboard figure of the guy made up. One of them says, "Let's burn him in effigy!". Coach replies, "The hell with that, let's burn him right here in Boston!".
"If I have done anything noble, that is a sufficient memorial. If I have not, all the statues in the world will not preserve my memory."
~Agesilaus II, King of Sparta
The Cypress-Fairbanks (Texas) Youth League announced that it won't play the National Anthem before games anymore. It's to prevent any possible controversy that might arise they say. Various other high school and little league teams around the country have been following Colin Kapernick's lead and "taking the knee". I'm sure the NFL and NBA will follow suit and suspend playing the Anthem too.

Now no prayer and no Anthem before games. Looks like another thing about the America I grew up in may be gone with the wind. Oops, is saying gone with the wind racist? I don't want to chase anybody into their safe space.
This is what I feared would be the eventual outcome Clean. We will no peace get hear the anthem before game because of these ingrates. Again showing how a few ingrates can indeed have results heretofore unimaginable. It's the old 'nose of the camel', truism.
I would rather the ingrates just quit. Heck I watched the nonstrikers play back when. Just play for crying out loud. Make your statement outside the stadium and NOT insulting my father.

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