Do you think a descendant of a slave might look at a Robert E. Lee statue different thanMcArthur?
Yes and I find UT's Malcom X Lounge offensive, but I have never felt like my individual feelings trump an entire group's wish to have a Malcom X Lounge.
44% of blacks are against removal while only 40% were for it according to that poll. Overall the polls average at 27% of americans and less than a third of people should not be enough to tear any monument they dont like for any reason down.
The Charlottesville statue was
commissioned in 1917 and erected in 1924. Do you think that has anything to do with the
revival of the KKK starting in 1915, hitting its zenith in the 1920's? Just a coincidence?
The second klan was completely independent of the monument movements.
The monument movement was led by the Sons of Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the Confederacy which are similar to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and Daughters of the American Revolution. All of those movements go around preserving monuments and historic sites. Members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group who along with the Daughters of the Confederacy, built almost all of these monuments. Harry Truman and Omar Bradly were members of the sons of confederate veterans. Maybe you have never heard of these groups or the daughters of the american revolution.
Dates are important. Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890. Daughters of the Republic of Texas was founded in 1891. Daughters of the Confederacy was founded 1894. The Sons of Confederate Veterans were founded in 1896. John Reagan (a UT statue taken down) founded Texas State Historical Society in 1897. All of these groups went around building monuments and preserving history. Preserving history was the it thing to do in the 1890s. These groups were building and lobbying for monuments 20 years before the second klan existed. Guess what? Monuments take time. We did not have a WW2 Memorial until 2004.
The Lincoln Memorial was built from 1914-1922 in the building monuments era. Do you think they built it because of the Klan? Jefferson memorial was 1939. Klan related?
The second Klan was the result of the movie the Birth of Nation. The second klan was not in its heyday pro South. It was pro white supremacist America. Read the wikipedia plot of "Birth of a Nation." The movie wasnt promoting the South. It was promoting a UNITED WHITE UNITED STATES! The KKK was based in Indiana and was pro the Union. Their flag was the Star Spangled Banner NOT the Confederate Flag. They were a bad movement that wanted to take our country a bad direction but their rise and fall in the 20s did not correspond to the "honoring the south" movement which started well before and continued well after.
From the Southern Poverty Law Center: 4. There were two major periods in which the dedication of Confederate monuments and other symbols spiked — the first two decades of the 20th century and during the civil rights movement.
I have addressed the above, but CNN claimed the flag in Columbia, South Carolina was put up in 1961 because of the Civil Rights. CNN later retracted this when it was proven it was put up for the 100 year anniversary of secession.
So let's see. A massive monuments movement for all American history started in the 1890s and many monuments followed. Then the 100th anniversary of the civil war happened. Then add to the fact that monuments are often built randomly way after the events happen like the WW2 memorial due to funding and other issues.
Neither of you have southern heritage and are looking at a culture you dont understand from an outsiders perspective. You are going for the simplest explanation (racism) which is ignorant and inaccurate.
Groups claiming the statues were put up for racism have given you an incomplete historical picture. They are like what you may consider the "Fox News" of history haha.