Elliott Taking Shots At Staff

I don't have a problem with them leaving after their third eligible season either. My issue is sitting out the bowl game
(unless they redshirted and graduated)
. Yes, it is a business decision, but as with all business decisions, there is a cost. The cost for not playing in the bowl game should be a year's worth of tuition and room and board refund and a monetary penalty to reimburse the University for wasting coaches time.

A team not making a bowl game is also wasting the coaches time, should they be reimbursing the University? :)

The University and the coach get paid extra for the bowl game, there is no added scholarship for the player, you still get the same classes and the same books. I think it just shows lack of character, lack of dedication and poor sportsmanship. Not the kind of player I would draft.
Neither you nor anyone else can name a successful coach who is not an *******. It is built in the job description.
This is one of the components of my perspective on the whole matter. Seeing these guys whine, or transfer, or go public with negative comments because coach hurt my feelings, or he is unfair, or a big meany...
laughable. Is this football? Are we mice?....or men??
Go tell it to Belichick or Saban and see what they say.
I believe they would say something like dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Or maybe just get the F off my field.
And that’s all that needs to be said. My way or the highway anything else all you gonna get is an excuse and a confrontation. Let your team leaders dig in the kids *** they spend more time with him than the coaches do.
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From BON --

" .... In comments made to the media at the Texas High School Coaches Association convention and reported by the Houston Chronicle, Herman said that he was “disappointed” and “surprised” by Elliott’s tweets.

“Not real sure where that came from because we’ve never had an issue with him,” Herman said. “He was a tremendous player for us. We feel like he developed a ton in his one year with our staff. We wish him nothing but the best in his quest to fulfill his dream in the NFL.”

One of the closet players to former head coach Charlie Strong in the entire program, Elliott opted to depart from Texas prior to the bowl game against Missouri. Elliott was not in attendance in Houston when the Longhorns defeated the Tigers, either.

* * *

Why the coaching staff didn’t want players to associate with Elliott is still unknown and will likely remain that way if Herman gets his wishes. Nor was there anything else for Herman to say publicly about the matter after declining to release a statement in its initial aftermath.

From the the staff’s perspective, this is something to put in the past, but the tweets could reverberate on the recruiting trail and in narratives surrounding the Texas program under Herman."


See also https://www.chron.com/sports/longho...esponds-DeShon-Elliott-criticism-13097946.php
Neither you nor anyone else can name a successful coach who is not an *******. It is built in the job description.

I'm going to 99% agree here. But I grew up on Tom Landry. He was able to get it all done without being a full blown *******. I had a buddy that was one of the old 60s Cowboys that just passed away last year. And he'd sit and tell stories and he never once said Tom. In fact, as a large 70-something man, he'd still often say, "Mr Landry."

There are great coaches who aren't ********, but regardless, it's a rare few birds that demand excellence, command respect, don't settle for anything less than the best, and leave you feeling like you shoulda done more.

For those coaches, there are many players that just need to move along quietly and respectfully. It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I would expect TH to be more mature and diplomatic than his players, DE included, and I believe this^^^quote from him reflects that.
Mack, Lincoln Riley, Butch Davis, Mark Richt, Bowden, Dabo,... there are plenty of well thought of coaches who are not turds. That said, the list is substantial of ones who are viewed as, at best, aloof. Stoops, Switzer, Saban, Urban, Woody Hayes, Les Miles, Gundy.

I'd say it goes both ways.
Tony Dungee is said to have never yelled at or cursed at his players. Granted the NFL player is a different beast than the college player.