Elliott Taking Shots At Staff

50+ years ago and prior, all but about 5 or so scholarship football players on the squad at UT Austin (and almost all other schools as well) probably didn't even have any plan at all to come to Austin, play a couple of years, get an agent, and go pro.

Or even play 4 years and get to go pro.

Many were probably thinking, and being advised, "you know, son, you need to get that general business degree so when you go back home to Fort Stockton or Falfurrias or Mexia you can get a banking job or selling real estate or insurance...." Of course those jobs paid more than NFL jobs back then.

However, they really were students, at least a good amount of them. Not necessarily "scholars", but came to Austin to play football and try to get a degree and maybe leverage that and their UT football connection to get a better job than they otherwise might have been fated to, say working cattle or pigs or baling hay in the 105 deg F summer sun.

Now, so many are just mercenaries, many not even Texans, having no particular childhood dream to play football for The University of Texas at Austin, nor learning that allegiance even while playing for UT, nor having any interest at all in getting a degree.

Okay, fine, they've got their personal interests to protect. Understood.

So does The University of Texas at Austin.
Hell, I am one of those that think if you leave before your bowl game you should have to repay the full value of that year's scholarship. Does anyone think that if a kid tore his ACL the first game of the season, there's any chance a coach would jerk his scholarship for the year? No, what these guys did is different than leaving early for the draft, and it was a **** move. If the don't like the coaches, I get it, but you just got a free year at the University of Texas. You do owe something for that.

All this is to say that if Herman said something like "they screwed us, they screwed you" I totally understand it. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing in the world, but it wasn't exactly undeserved and we've all been frustrated. The BC article had it right, "You chose to go pro, quit whining and go be a pro!"
Tom Herman has at his disposal one of the great travesties of college football in regards to the NFL draft. The player is such a nice guy that I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone, so he may not be the ideal person for this, but his story is ideal. He did not leave early, but he did listen to "friendly agent wannabes", who went around the NFL telling teams "if you won't give us $xyz amount, don't bother to draft our guy because we have that offered by (name a team)". Indeed they had no offer. Indeed they had no idea what they were doing and no ethics. The kid fell from first round to fourth or fifth round. Purpose of the story is that these kids need to learn whom they can trust and whom is ******** - coaches fall into both categories as our school's history shows. Most seem to gravitate toward the flashiest car, most gold & diamonds, rather than ethics and experience. I have long been a proponent of a class for football and baseball players taught by visitors who are experienced agents with a history of success with our former players, and who have demonstrated ethics handling their clients. Also provide the players with honest evaluations and what to expect monetarily for their likely draft position.
Tom Herman has at his disposal one of the great travesties of college football in regards to the NFL draft. The player is such a nice guy that I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone, so he may not be the ideal person for this, but his story is ideal. He did not leave early, but he did listen to "friendly agent wannabes", who went around the NFL telling teams "if you won't give us $xyz amount, don't bother to draft our guy because we have that offered by (name a team)". Indeed they had no offer. Indeed they had no idea what they were doing and no ethics. The kid fell from first round to fourth or fifth round. Purpose of the story is that these kids need to learn whom they can trust and whom is ******** - coaches fall into both categories as our school's history shows. Most seem to gravitate toward the flashiest car, most gold & diamonds, rather than ethics and experience. I have long been a proponent of a class for football and baseball players taught by visitors who are experienced agents with a history of success with our former players, and who have demonstrated ethics handling their clients. Also provide the players with honest evaluations and what to expect monetarily for their likely draft position.
I think that's a hell of an idea, and likely could be formatted in such a way as to cost the universities almost nothing!
Tom Herman has at his disposal one of the great travesties of college football in regards to the NFL draft. The player is such a nice guy that I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone, so he may not be the ideal person for this, but his story is ideal. He did not leave early, but he did listen to "friendly agent wannabes", who went around the NFL telling teams "if you won't give us $xyz amount, don't bother to draft our guy because we have that offered by (name a team)". Indeed they had no offer. Indeed they had no idea what they were doing and no ethics. The kid fell from first round to fourth or fifth round. Purpose of the story is that these kids need to learn whom they can trust and whom is ******** - coaches fall into both categories as our school's history shows. Most seem to gravitate toward the flashiest car, most gold & diamonds, rather than ethics and experience. I have long been a proponent of a class for football and baseball players taught by visitors who are experienced agents with a history of success with our former players, and who have demonstrated ethics handling their clients. Also provide the players with honest evaluations and what to expect monetarily for their likely draft position.
Great idea, but it wouldn't change any minds as the players would tune out any negative of leaving early. The football guys have been pampered from the first day they put on pads are generally are totally unaware of what the real world is like. At least the baseball guys don't lose anything by just being drafted.
Tom Herman has at his disposal one of the great travesties of college football in regards to the NFL draft. The player is such a nice guy that I have never heard him say a bad word about anyone, so he may not be the ideal person for this, but his story is ideal. He did not leave early, but he did listen to "friendly agent wannabes", who went around the NFL telling teams "if you won't give us $xyz amount, don't bother to draft our guy because we have that offered by (name a team)". Indeed they had no offer. Indeed they had no idea what they were doing and no ethics. The kid fell from first round to fourth or fifth round. Purpose of the story is that these kids need to learn whom they can trust and whom is ******** - coaches fall into both categories as our school's history shows. Most seem to gravitate toward the flashiest car, most gold & diamonds, rather than ethics and experience. I have long been a proponent of a class for football and baseball players taught by visitors who are experienced agents with a history of success with our former players, and who have demonstrated ethics handling their clients. Also provide the players with honest evaluations and what to expect monetarily for their likely draft position.
Completely agree
Great idea, but it wouldn't change any minds as the players would tune out any negative of leaving early. The football guys have been pampered from the first day they put on pads are generally are totally unaware of what the real world is like. At least the baseball guys don't lose anything by just being drafted.
So do you think a rule change would make it better? Maybe if a guys falls to the later rounds he has a choice to stay or go but the team that drafts him holds his rights meaning if he goes sooner the following year the original team gets first right or refusal
As far as I recall, Herman has never said anything publicly disparaging Elliot, so not sure why Elliot took to twitter to publicly denounce him for it.

He probably could have called or emailed this to Tom Herman, you know, man to man.
My guess is the team was contacted privately by Herman or Orlando and told to either stay away from Elliott or risk some extra up-downs or stadium steps or "random" drug tests.
So do you think a rule change would make it better? Maybe if a guys falls to the later rounds he has a choice to stay or go but the team that drafts him holds his rights meaning if he goes sooner the following year the original team gets first right or refusal
That will not work because the players depend on agents to talk them up before the draft, and agents advance funds and "stuff". About all I can think of is a panel of NFL GM's get together and review each player with remaining eligibility and wants to enter the draft by 01 November. If the GM's agree that a player will not go in the first or second rounds, the player can still enter the draft, but without an agent. The NFLPA will never go for that, and finding honest agents would be impossible anyway. The only other hook is, as some have suggested, if they leave for pro ball before their eligibility is exhausted they have to pay a full year's equivalent of tuition and room and board plus $50,000 for wasting coaching time on them.
It is hard to believe Elliott or any of the players that left early if they complain about Herman after we played better without them in the Texas Bowl. If your team plays better without you, the coach was not the problem.

No one is going on and on about the culture change narrative this time around, but some of Charlie’s players were obviously team morale problems and we are better off without them regardless of their talent level.
It is hard to believe Elliott or any of the players that left early if they complain about Herman after we played better without them in the Texas Bowl. If your team plays better without you, the coach was not the problem.

No one is going on and on about the culture change narrative this time around, but some of Charlie’s players were obviously team morale problems and we are better off without them regardless of their talent level.
Thank you, that is what I wanted to say and you said it perfectly. He is a Charlie product. Maybe Herman didn't let him watch TV on his couch and he's still crying about it.
It is hard to believe Elliott or any of the players that left early if they complain about Herman after we played better without them in the Texas Bowl. If your team plays better without you, the coach was not the problem.

No one is going on and on about the culture change narrative this time around, but some of Charlie’s players were obviously team morale problems and we are better off without them regardless of their talent level.
This is a great post, HTOWN...
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It is hard to believe Elliott or any of the players that left early if they complain about Herman after we played better without them in the Texas Bowl. If your team plays better without you, the coach was not the problem.

No one is going on and on about the culture change narrative this time around, but some of Charlie’s players were obviously team morale problems and we are better off without them regardless of their talent level.
What does Charlie have to do with any of this? Did Elliott have to sit out any games or miss a start and be suspended for any part of the season, I don’t think he did but correct me if I’m wrong please. But if he didn’t that means he did everything Herman and the others coaches asked of him in the classroom and on the practice field. He is the same guy that bench his leading td wr and 4th in rec yards for some unknown reason so he clearly doesn’t have a problem with the punishment for his guys.

I’m not taking anybody’s side because I don’t think a player should disrespect his coach and coaches shouldn’t disrespect his players either. And for the ones who are upset about the guys skipping the bowl game and leaving the team “high and dry” if you were not upset at Herman for leaving Houston during bowl prep why be mad at the players for leaving it’s the same thing and the defense didn’t play any worse or any better than it had all season out side the Maryland and maybe the kstate game. Outside those two they played like the defense we saw all year.
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What does Charlie have to do with any of this?

Bad culture:yes: leading to creating players with bad attitudes.

Also, I do not know if you watched the Texas Tech game, but our team was indeed better in the Texas Bowl.
Bad culture:yes: leading to creating players with bad attitudes.

Also, I do not know if you watched the Texas Tech game, but our team was indeed better in the Texas Bowl.
I think you can make that case for both coaches then because Herman had to suspend some of his recruits this season also but yeah I watched the Texas tech game I also watched the same Texas tech that Charlie managed to beat with what most consider less than talented players. But I also remember the games and our team with Elliott included seeing them shut down the pokes and the Sooners holding them well below the high team averages.

Just don’t think anybody should be throwing stones from a glass house both parties involved are the blame but of course Herman being the coach it’s easy to just say oh it’s just a disgruntled player and people roll with it. Bottom line the off season is just tooooooo damnnnnn longggggg I’d rather be watching football instead of talking about last year
That will not work because the players depend on agents to talk them up before the draft, and agents advance funds and "stuff". About all I can think of is a panel of NFL GM's get together and review each player with remaining eligibility and wants to enter the draft by 01 November. If the GM's agree that a player will not go in the first or second rounds, the player can still enter the draft, but without an agent. The NFLPA will never go for that, and finding honest agents would be impossible anyway. The only other hook is, as some have suggested, if they leave for pro ball before their eligibility is exhausted they have to pay a full year's equivalent of tuition and room and board plus $50,000 for wasting coaching time on them.
I don't have a problem with any player leaving after their Junior year. Every scholarship is a one-year agreement between a college and an athlete. They are not guaranteed to be renewed each year, so leaving after a season is completed is not unrealistic. Leaving when there's still a game to be played is a crock of *********!
Charlie Strong was the worst football coach in Texas history. Strong taught the Texas team how to lose, Herman is teaching the Texas team how to win. The only winning team Elliott played on at Texas was when Herman was the head coach and passed on the opportunity to get the winning season for Texas. I will throw stones at Strong all day long and twice on Sunday. To Elliott, Strong and the rest of Charlies little angels that passed on the Bowl game that gave Texas a winning season: See Ya, you be safe now. You losers.
To Elliott, Strongand the rest of Charlies little angels that passedon the Bowl game that gave Texas a winningseason: See Ya,you be safe now. You losers.

I never thought about this before, but these players did leave without ever having had a winning season in their UT careers and did forgoe such an opportunity.

At least when Herman left U of H early he had won a conference title and major bowl game the year before, bringing glory to the program. These players left bringing us nothing and did not even care enough about the program or their UT careers to try and leave with the small dignity of at least saying they had one winning season while they were here. You would think they would at least want a winning season or bowl win after having lost to Kansas.
How many games did Connor miss this year? Throughout the time he was gone we couldn’t seem to be able to block 3 rushers with 5 guys up front but yeah they played so much better without him. The tape don’t lie I mean why else did we have to hire a new OL/cooc this offseason since they played so much better without him but I guess that’s charlie fault also huh we had a 2000 yard rusher last year with just about the same OL what went wrong?
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How many games did Connor miss this year? Throughout the time he was gone we couldn’t seem to be able to block 3 rushers with 5 guys up front but yeah they played so much better without him. The tape don’t lie I mean why else did we have to hire a new OL/cooc this offseason since they played so much better without him but I guess that’s charlie fault also huh we had a 2000 yard rusher last year with just about the same OL what went wrong?
The comment applies more to Elliot than to Connor.
I don't have a problem with any player leaving after their Junior year. Every scholarship is a one-year agreement between a college and an athlete. They are not guaranteed to be renewed each year, so leaving after a season is completed is not unrealistic. Leaving when there's still a game to be played is a crock of *********!
I don't have a problem with them leaving after their third eligible season either. My issue is sitting out the bowl game
(unless they redshirted and graduated)
. Yes, it is a business decision, but as with all business decisions, there is a cost. The cost for not playing in the bowl game should be a year's worth of tuition and room and board refund and a monetary penalty to reimburse the University for wasting coaches time.
The comment applies more to Elliot than to Connor.
Take a look at the usc game the game against the pokes and OU the defense held them below the season average with him on the field. I’m not saying they played worse without him I’m saying they played up to the standard Orlando had set after the Maryland game they played as a unit as they did all year long. One man don’t make a show it goes on but we can’t negate the impact he had all year because we may be upset with him at the moment
I never thought about this before, but these players did leave without ever having had a winning season in their UT careers and did forgoe such an opportunity.
Since the beginning, this has led to me questioning their will to win. Yeah, it's a "business decision." Well guess what, the NFL is one tough a$$ business to earn a living in. Without an exceptional drive to win, I really wonder how these guys will pan out. It will be interesting to watch.
Since the beginning, this has led to me questioning their will to win. Yeah, it's a "business decision." Well guess what, the NFL is one tough a$$ business to earn a living in. Without an exceptional drive to win, I really wonder how these guys will pan out. It will be interesting to watch.
Fold like cheap chairs. You know it, I know it, they don’t know it.