Sometimes you don't realize you are in the presence of greatness.
After graduating from UT, I never would have guessed which of my professors would become the most famous. I took an ancient through medieval Art History class for my fine arts elective with
Denise Schmandt-Besserat as the professor. Very interesting class, and she's a big Francophile. For part of her life, her home church was the great Cathedral at Chartres (even greater than Notre Dame). She's also a really nice human being.
She was already a well-regarded Archaeologist and Egyptologist at the time I took her class. Anyway, her research studying the advent of written language made her known to academics worldwide by the turn of the 21st Century. (Hint--writing came from accounting on clay tablets in the Ancient Near East. She proved it.)
Her book,
How Writing Came About, was listed by
American Scientist as
one of the 100 books that shaped science in the 20th century.
"Cited as one of the top scientific theories of the twentieth century is Denise Schmandt-Besserat's novel approach to the question of how the Mesopotamian writing system known as cuneiform developed. Her work has pushed the horizon of literacy back several millennia. After careful study of ancient "tokens," she realized these fired bits of shaped clay represented a form of communication, the record of ancient business transactions. Previously unaware of their significance, archaeologists had found many tokens in sites dating back as far as the early seventh millennium BCE. By matching the markings on these to later cuneiform symbols, Schmandt-Besserat has shed new light on the evolution of early writing, especially cuneiform, which is now understood to be only in part pictographic. Thus, writing owes its existence principally to accounting, and we owe much to Professor Schmandt-Besserat."
Congrats Professor!

Move over Indiana Jones--this is a real life great Archaeologist!
Denise Schmandt-Besserat - Wikipedia
Denise Schmandt-Besserat
How Writing Came About by Denise Schmandt-Besserat (Ebook) - Read free for 30 days