Education (Not Just UT)--Marathon Voucher Debate in Austin

The self-esteem push fails largely because/when it praises for artificially low bars. eg. it is ok to praise a 4 year old for coloring inside the lines. It is bad to praise a 7 year old for the same simple outcome.

They do that, because they feel like they have to praise a kid for something and that there's no place for constructive criticism.
North Texas Voters/Taxpayers push back, voting NO on big bonds and tax increases.

Over One Billion $ Bond for Frisco ISD—Shot Down by voters.

Northwest ISD, Big Bond—Shot down by voters.

Rockwall ISD — Voters voted NO on their proposed bond.

Birdville ISD — Voters say No way Jose.

Argyle and Coppell —NO!!!

The Educrats are dumbfounded. Frisco ISD has passed every Bond since the early 2000s

No more.
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Pissy little educrats in Northwest ISD now “threaten” to implement larger class sizes after the Voters turned them down for their big school Bond.
Anyone know what the situation on the 9.99% rule is in these districts?

CyFair has battled that problem since the early 70s when they built their second HS; now they have 13-14.
these bond packages end up being a wish list, rather than a needs list. Many of these districts have gone from asking for functional school facilities to "show pieces". And rather than ask for things incrementally as needed, they try to do the bulk bond and then sell the thing not on merits but on emotion.
A certain amount of state funded $ should be allocated annually to the education of each child. That $ then follows the child to whatever school he or she picks--public or private.

Round Rock ISD voters split -- yes to technology, arts and general funds, no to big $ athletic facilities improvements:

The tide has turned.

Educrats don't have cakewalk elections to approve massive $ bond projects anymore. Not in Texas.

Goodbye to things like Allen ISD's stupid $100 million broken stadium.
The Canon

How is the Canon-the books all high schoolers must read in Texas public schools chosen? Or is there even a required Canon anymore?

It seems that some of the books every high schooler used to read are not being assigned any more.
Round Rock ISD voters split -- yes to technology, arts and general funds, no to big $ athletic facilities improvements:

I guess that's progress, but what I'd really like people to do is think about the math. That's over $3,300 plus interest for every man, woman, and child in the district. Is that really worth it just to make some contractors extremely rich making minor improvements?
I guess that's progress, but what I'd really like people to do is think about the math. That's over $3,300 plus interest for every man, woman, and child in the district. Is that really worth it just to make some contractors extremely rich making minor improvements?

What is wrong with you? Those poor "public servants" may not be able to make it without that kickback $$$ you're taking away from them.

1500 bills filed. Many deal with education funding and school choice.

UNT says incoming Freshmen are not prepared for basic math courses.

The 8-year-old had a piece of candy stuck in her throat, unable to breathe.

Auri applied the Heimlich maneuver on Suri and possibly saved her sister's life.

It's a skill she had learned only hours earlier in a babysitting training class sponsored by the McKinney Fire Department with help from Baylor Scott & White nurses.

(If the timing seems too good to be coincidental, it may not be just coincidental. The materialists only see part of the picture.)

Great job to the kid who paid attention in class and saved her sister from choking.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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