Education (Not Just UT)--Marathon Voucher Debate in Austin

I hope school choice passes. But have to ask how would students from poor districts get to a private school? Would the school bus system be expanded to get kids to private school locations?
Do private schools get fed funds to offer free breakfast lunch and after school snacks?

Edit. Looked it up. The Fed Free meal program IS offered to non profit private schools.
Trying to find out if there would be plans to get poorer kids to private school locations.
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If public school teachers really love teaching so much, and love the children, why don't they support the vouchers? They could take jobs in private schools where learning, and teaching, conditions are typically MUCH, MUCH BETTER...? In that way, they could be doing what they love (teaching) more effectively and in a MUCH better environment.

It seems that, if public school teachers were actually in it for the kids, they would support the vouchers.


I agree, but I think the teacher's unions have fed them a bunch of lies. It is the government teacher's unions who stand to lose the most.

In Texas, the unions have the teachers so under their spell that they don't even think there are teacher's unions in Texas. The TSTA calls itself an association and tells teachers they aren't a union. But they are, and they are connected to the NEA and therefore the federal swamp.
I hope school choice passes. But have to ask how would students from poor districts get to a private school? Would the school bus system be expanded to get kids to private school locations?
Do private schools get fed funds to offer free breakfast lunch and after school snacks?

Edit. Looked it up. The Fed Free meal program IS offered to non profit private schools.
Trying to find out if there would be plans to get poorer kids to private school locations.

I'm getting all the Greg Abbott memes on Facebook now supporting the school choice bill.

In one of them is says that the ESAs in the bill will cover things like that. Not sure how.
Since Nonprofit private schools already get fed money to provide free meals and snacks maybe getting school bus routes to include private school locations is doable.
As long as they are not electric school buses :lmao:
If public school teachers really love teaching so much, and love the children, why don't they support the vouchers? They could take jobs in private schools where learning, and teaching, conditions are typically MUCH, MUCH BETTER...? In that way, they could be doing what they love (teaching) more effectively and in a MUCH better environment.

It seems that, if public school teachers were actually in it for the kids, they would support the vouchers.

1) Teachers in private schools make much less than public school teachers. I was on the board of one with a waiting list for several years. Our teachers came in two varieties:

A) Those who were outstanding and truly loved helping kids learn. Coaches made less than half what area public school coaches make.

B) Those that needed a paycheck and were family or friends with someone on the board.

The "poor" kids that couldn't afford the tuition were provided free education, but no state or federal money was involved. Transportation was a problem, but we tried to help them with rides - to those that know me, NO, we were not on the Northshore program.

The voucher program is pure ********! If there is a private school in Houston SMSA that the proposed pissant amount makes a difference, it must be a nursery school. Most quality private schools are $30,000 - $40,000 a year, and some even more.
What sucks about the current system is that home-owning parents (most parents) pay once through the exorbitant school property taxes. Then, if their local school is not meeting the needs of their child, they pay again to their private school. They're paying double, and that's what is bullsh!t in all this.
Bottom line: the money should follow the child. That could be to a public school (some of which are good), a private school, or homeschooling.
The good public schools have little to worry about. If they're doing a good job, people will still want to send their children there.
What sucks about the current system is that home-owning parents (most parents) pay once through the exorbitant school property taxes. Then, if their local school is not meeting the needs of their child, they pay again to their private school. They're paying double, and that's what is bullsh!t in all this.
I resemble that remark. Seven years of being double-dipped.

Many benefits that public schools don't even know about much less participate in. Beyond programs like "summer scholars", the ability to participate in far more activities than a kid can in public schools. An athlete doesn't have to decide in eighth grade to choose between football and basketball.

I would say that private schools produce a more well-rounded student, but social pressure is unbelievable at most
The good public schools have little to worry about. If they're doing a good job, people will still want to send their children there.
Take a look at SBISD. It was a great school district, them the Board got taken over by out of state carpetbaggers, who have continually demonstrated that they don't give a damn about the kids or their education.

HOW MANY COVERUPS of guns & threatened violence with the administration asking kids and parents to "let it get out"?

Take a look at the district rankings for the Houston SMSA. Where is SBISD? Friendswood ISD is the best in this area and Mont Belvieu (Barbers Hill) is highly ranked. (For old timers, our former baseball player David Denny retired as AD and (I think) Superintendent.

BTW, Friendswood is no longer a "Quaker" community, although the dislike between the Quakers & the Mennonites has transferred to Pearland/Friendswood schools.
I resemble that remark. Seven years of being double-dipped.

Many benefits that public schools don't even know about much less participate in. Beyond programs like "summer scholars", the ability to participate in far more activities than a kid can in public schools. An athlete doesn't have to decide in eighth grade to choose between football and basketball.

I would say that private schools produce a more well-rounded student, but social pressure is unbelievable at most
We've had kids in both public and private schools. While the public schools did just fine with one child, they did not meet the needs of another. Plus the public school, in just a few short years, went from a safe place conducive to learning, to a noticeably rougher place where your girl might not necessarily be safe. On top of that, the level of classroom disruptions became unacceptable--even in many of the advanced classes. The good teachers started bailing out.

Public school administrators are often cowardly nowadays when it comes to expelling youths who need to be expelled. They are ignorant of the fact that a small % of bad apples can ruin the whole crop if they're left unchecked and not rooted out and sent to the "alternative" school.
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Friendswood ISD is the best in this area and Mont Belvieu (Barbers Hill) is highly ranked.
Friendswood - kids of rocket scientists, Quakers, and degreed professionals. Lots of high-IQ individuals there. Very low crime rate. Almost no multi-family housing within the ISD ala Southlake-Carroll.

Mont Belvieu - oil -- in the pre-Robin Hood days they were flush with $$$$$$$. The strategic petroleum reserve is there.
Friendswood - kids of rocket scientists, Quakers, and degreed professionals. Lots of high-IQ individuals there. Very low crime rate. Almost no multi-family housing within the ISD ala Southlake-Carroll.

Mont Belvieu - oil -- in the pre-Robin Hood days they were flush with $$$$$$$. The strategic petroleum reserve is there.
Indeed, Mont Belvieu has the salt domes, but the world price of propane is the Mont Belvieu price like oil is the price at Cushing.

How much will the new supertanker facility in Corpus hurt the LOOP and Mont Belvieu?
the world price of propane is the Mont Belvieu price like oil is the price at Cushing.
How much will the new supertanker facility in Corpus hurt the LOOP and Mont Belvieu?
Depends on how much storage they are constructing at LOOP and MB. The projects do not want to pay for any more storage than necessary to facilitate the loading. More likely pipelines from storage to the onsite transfer storage at the loading site.

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