Dumb Political Correctness

Now people need to stand near the memorial in shifts with batons or baseball bats and beat the hell out of anyone who tries this again.

How long before they try to burn the White House down?

Knock over the Washington Monument?

We already know that their dreams are made of these ....
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They need to set up a fake monument of Nixon in the Mall with trap doors on all sides that open up occasionally and spits them out into the Potomac.
If I was advising them, I'd say,

"The momentum is on your side but it is teetering. Stick to maximum pressure to remove Confederate icons but stop doing it yourself. The politicians will fall over like dominos now. Seize the moral superiority that you are about to drop. NEGOTIATE on other more forms of racism that only you get. They are willing to talk, but don't extort them. You have the power to come out of this where you want to be but not with mob rule."
If I was advising them, I'd say,

"The momentum is on your side but it is teetering. Stick to maximum pressure to remove Confederate icons but stop doing it yourself. The politicians will fall over like dominos now. Seize the moral superiority that you are about to drop. NEGOTIATE on other more forms of racism that only you get. They are willing to talk, but don't extort them. You have the power to come out of this where you want to be but not with mob rule."

My recommendation, as the monuments are falling they should stand under them to catch them.
Can cancel culture reach out and tap Jimmy Kimmel?
If he were a Republican, it would
But if he were a Republican, he would never have a show
Here, he uses the n-word 6 times

What is the standard that should be applied to these people and these situations?
Whatever that standard is, it needs to be applied the same to all.
Right now, the standard seems to be that if Kimmel were a Republican, he would be fired and fed to hungry lions.
So be it

What is the standard that should be applied to these people and these situations?
Whatever that standard is, it needs to be applied the same to all.
Right now, the standard seems to be that if Kimmel were a Republican, he would be fired and fed to hungry lions.
So be it

We know that would not be acceptable for any conservative. Period.
But he will get away with it.
What is the standard that should be applied to these people and these situations?
Whatever that standard is, it needs to be applied the same to all.
Right now, the standard seems to be that if Kimmel were a Republican, he would be fired and fed to hungry lions.
So be it


Too late. You're a virtue signaling white guy which means you have no credibility. You should be fired. Your vitriol demands your ouster. You are a world-class hypocrite at the top of your lungs.
I had a feeling all the Bubba Smollett stuff was a hoax

The FBI says the “noose” was was a garage pull down and has been there at least since last year. They refused to charge or even acknowledge a crime was committed.

Bubba certainly milked the “love” and attention generated by a obviously fraud claim. And NASCAR sadly went along with a hoax to avoid being called out.

What a joke

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Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people
Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.

Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.

But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks, officials said.
Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people
Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.

Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.

But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks, officials said.
[Mack] And, that's fair. [/Brown]
Oregon county issues face mask order that exempts non-white people
Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.

Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.

But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks, officials said.

We don't need no stinkin' equal protection of the laws.
I am very close as well. But I hate th idea of letting these people ruin all sports.
My view is that that football, both college and pro, are something of a conservative institution in the US. Not exclusively but predominately. The NFL under Pete Rozelle led the way in the pro game wrapping itself in patriotism and the flag. His goal was to have the NFL replace baseball as the #1 sport and become the new American pastime. The anthem, the flyovers, the flag itself presented by sharp-dressed soldiers pregame was all be design. It worked and the NFL's patriotic angle became part of the story of how football surpassed baseball as #1. And the US Military itself even got on board and became huge sponsors of football telecasts.
Now imagine you were a political operator tasked tasked with the job destroying the conservative voting block in the US. What would you go after? There was faith, of course, which has been under long term assault from the left. But then one of them decided undermining the love of football might also be a good path to achieve their goals. And so football became a target. The side that hates conservatives and hates Republicans having political power set out to fracture that support. It's working, look at you as just one example.
ont think this was Kaerpenick's goal. He is not that smart, plus he had he own personal demons he was working through when he first squatted on the flag. Same for our own players now. But you can bet there were others who saw the opportunity and encouraged them along the way. This is the "useful idiot" theory. There are some big time political players behind the scenes here taking advantage. Abandoning sports is letting these turds win.

Woke Culture came after football
Next up had to be NASCAR, right?
Bubba Wallace is getting the Kaeeprnick world tour treatment today by the media, even though it was all nonsense
How could the rope knot be a noose left for Wallace when photos show it has been hanging there for at least a year, perhaps longer?
And the stats indicate Wallace might even be a worse driver than Kaepernick was a QB

This incident proves all this stuff is not really about knots or flags or statues.
It's about their hate for us
They hate us.
They hate the United States of America
And if they could, they would rip it all the way to the ground.
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Carlson notes the FBI lets rioters destroy monuments daily but sent 15 agents to investigate Bubba Wallace’s knot as if it were a nuclear bomb.


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