Dumb Political Correctness

Mass Dems are pushing a bill to criminalize speech.
They want to make it a crime to call someone a "*****," with offenders facing prison time

The really dumb thing (well, one of them) is the same people supporting this decision are the ones saying "Boys need to learn to appreciate works of fiction with female protagonists" and "Stop assuming that people have to conform to stereotypes of their demographics."
Huh....maybe I don't want to move back to Texas. How in holy hell did anyone find a jury in Texas to come up with a verdict like that?

The article says "Dallas jury"
The judge's bio says Family Court
So If you were thinking about having your nutsack waxed, you'll have to find a willing person to do it. You can't just put on a dress, call yourself a woman, and demand that someone do it. Link.
So If you were thinking about having your nutsack waxed, you'll have to find a willing person to do it. You can't just put on a dress, call yourself a woman, and demand that someone do it.

There's a case coming before the Supreme Court this year that addresses whether LGBTQ are protected by the Civil Rights Act. If not, all these crazy law suits may go away.
There's a case coming before the Supreme Court this year that addresses whether LGBTQ are protected by the Civil Rights Act. If not, all these crazy law suits may go away.
Remember when Phyllis Schaffly was hollered at when she said during the 1970’s ERA movement that the other side wanted boys and girls in the same bathroom?
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There's a case coming before the Supreme Court this year that addresses whether LGBTQ are protected by the Civil Rights Act. If not, all these crazy law suits may go away.

The trial court should have wiped its *** with that case and sanctioned the plaintiffs. It's one of the most frivolous pieces of crap I've ever seen go to the Supreme Court. The law and the legislative intent could not be more clear.
Even the bill's author knows it goes against our constitution.
WTH are Dems thinking?
The easy and simplest answer is that they ARE NOT thinking. As a collective whole, they seem to lack that ability. Whether the capacity exists is another issue...but if the capacity exists, they damned sure don't ever seem to exercise said capacity.
Huh....maybe I don't want to move back to Texas. How in holy hell did anyone find a jury in Texas to come up with a verdict like that?
The sad thing is that I (along with many other women) were being called out as fear-mongers just a few years back when we were speaking out about such things when the push was being made for all the 'identity' crap...
So the whacked out woman is not the biological mother and the father has a video from when the boy was 3 telling his father the mother told him he was a girl
and 11 of 12 on jury voted to strip the father of rights and give the child care solely to the whacked out woman?
I wonder why?
There is a study by the Mayo Clinic that details all the negative ramifications for people who transition including the harmful effects of giving young children chemicals before puberty
At the very least the judge should rule on nothing being done until he is 18

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