I noticed awhile back at my local mall that instead of hotties, most ladies stores had ads featuring plus size women in the window. Let’s face it, there are just as many or more American women that look like 2019 as 1999.
I went to a high school band competition to see my grandson’s band march. I couldn’t believe how many overweight to outright obese teenagers were in band. Must be all that video game playing while drinking sugary drinks. Maybe we need more fat shaming.
It's a combination of bad lifestyle and bad example. It's easy to blame the kids, but they're following their parents' example. Both parents work, so nobody has time to cook. That means a lot of prepackaged crap and takeout.
And everybody's lifestyle sucks. Parents usually commute in their own cars to relatively sedentary jobs. Instead of playing outside, kids play videogames and play with their phones.
It's hard to stay in shape when you live on frozen pizzas, Micky-D's, and Chinese takeout and then spend most of your time sitting on your ***