Dumb Political Correctness

I noticed awhile back at my local mall that instead of hotties, most ladies stores had ads featuring plus size women in the window. Let’s face it, there are just as many or more American women that look like 2019 as 1999.

I went to a high school band competition to see my grandson’s band march. I couldn’t believe how many overweight to outright obese teenagers were in band. Must be all that video game playing while drinking sugary drinks. Maybe we need more fat shaming.

It's a combination of bad lifestyle and bad example. It's easy to blame the kids, but they're following their parents' example. Both parents work, so nobody has time to cook. That means a lot of prepackaged crap and takeout.

And everybody's lifestyle sucks. Parents usually commute in their own cars to relatively sedentary jobs. Instead of playing outside, kids play videogames and play with their phones.

It's hard to stay in shape when you live on frozen pizzas, Micky-D's, and Chinese takeout and then spend most of your time sitting on your ***
True MrD
And lack of personal responsibility;
Is it hard to get out and hump it every day? Yes but how can you keep ignoring what you are doing to your body?
Excuses of busy life etc are NO excuse
True MrD
And lack of personal responsibility;
Is it hard to get out and hump it every day? Yes but how can you keep ignoring what you are doing to your body?
Excuses of busy life etc are NO excuse
We have had issues with our oldest daughter on this (and she is in marching band). The fact is that the schools want the kids to be sedentary all day absorbing their education (and propaganda), and then go home and do homework. The kids play games to decompress. It’s due to a bunch of conflating incentives in the wrong direction.
True MrD
And lack of personal responsibility;
Is it hard to get out and hump it every day? Yes but how can you keep ignoring what you are doing to your body?
Excuses of busy life etc are NO excuse
No one at school is telling them this. If anything they say be more sedentary to get better grades, and we can’t fat shame either. The kids are following the cues that their peers and teachers are telling them.
Thank goodness. Link. For 43 years, I assumed I couldn't menstruate because I am a man. Since the trans community has shown me otherwise, I've been worried about what kind of maxi pads I would buy for when my body catches up with the "science," and I start getting my period. I see them at the store, but I never felt like I could buy them without shame since the symbols and markings on them suggested that they were only for women. Thanks to the trans activist base and corporate virtue signalers, I can rest easy.
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There could be an upside to this. The porn industry is disgusting, and I wouldn't mind seeing it ruined. I would imagine the this could ruin it. I don't know too many dudes who are willing to pay money to see a girl whip out a penis that's bigger than theirs. There just aren't that many Garmels and Sangre Naranjadas out there.
There could be an upside to this. The porn industry is disgusting, and I wouldn't mind seeing it ruined. I would imagine the this could ruin it. I don't know too many dudes who are willing to pay money to see a girl whip out a penis that's bigger than theirs. There just aren't that many Garmels and Sangre Naranjadas out there.

Trust me when I say I don't want to see any trannies with schlongs. Nope. Nada.
Of course pics of you buying sanitary products anf feeking no shame .
? What else coukd there be?

I'm not sure what else there'd be, but I was a little nervous. We're talking about dudes menstruating. It's a whole new world. I'm not sure what to assume.

But for the record, I do the grocery shopping, so I buy pads all the time. I was a little embarrassed the first few times, but I got used to it. I just do self-checkout. Lol
It's a combination of bad lifestyle and bad example. It's easy to blame the kids, but they're following their parents' example. Both parents work, so nobody has time to cook. That means a lot of prepackaged crap and takeout.

And everybody's lifestyle sucks. Parents usually commute in their own cars to relatively sedentary jobs. Instead of playing outside, kids play videogames and play with their phones.

It's hard to stay in shape when you live on frozen pizzas, Micky-D's, and Chinese takeout and then spend most of your time sitting on your ***

This. As someone who recently completed 1.5 months of Whole30 eating I was dismayed at how much effort it takes to eat a wholesome diet devoid of unprocessed foods and that 90+% of nearly everything at the grocery store includes added sugar. It's not just "sugary drinks" but rather in the marinades, pasta sauces, salad dressings, meats and virtually every boxed food. We have a million different names for sugar.

On average American's are getting the same amount of exercise they did in the 80's. The food industry is our greatest challenge.
This. As someone who recently completed 1.5 months of Whole30 eating I was dismayed at how much effort it takes to eat a wholesome diet devoid of unprocessed foods and that 90+% of nearly everything at the grocery store includes added sugar. It's not just "sugary drinks" but rather in the marinades, pasta sauces, salad dressings, meats and virtually every boxed food. We have a million different names for sugar.

Yep, and they've even founds ways to make "sugar" worse than sugar. If I buy a Coke in a German store and look at the ingredients, I will see "zucker" (meaning cane sugar). If I buy a Coke on base and look at the ingredients, I will see high fructose corn syrup. And you're right. It's in everything. Unless you're making your own food from scratch, it's pretty hard to get away from it.

I also think Americans are conditioned for sweetness. I'm not a big sweets eater, but anytime I've eaten something sweet over here, I've always noticed that it tastes a little less sweet than its American counterpart. For example, European chocolate is usually a little creamier than American chocolate, but it doesn't taste as sugary. Ditto for cake and ice cream.

Ditto for sodium. Prepared foods (and restaurants) are a massive salt binge even if they don't taste particularly salty. You look at the sodium ingredients, and they are off the charts. On an occasional basis, it's not a problem, but if you're eating like that more often than not, you're asking for major health problems.

On average American's are getting the same amount of exercise they did in the 80's. The food industry is our greatest challenge.

I think that's true of adults, but I'm not sure it's true about kids. When I was a kid in the '80s, I along with every kid I knew played outside during the day every chance we got. In the summer, it was baseball from about 8:00 a.m. until about 6 p.m. at night with the occasional break for water and lunch. In the fall, it was soccer and football after school (depending on how much homework we had) and on weekends.

I think video games started the change. I think they give more immediate gratification than actual recreation. In a video game, it's pretty easy to hit a baseball 400 feet. In real life, it takes years of hard work and dedication.
I also think Americans are conditioned for sweetness.

Absolutely. Even after working for Starbucks for years I'm aghast at how many pumps of flavored sugar solution they put into nearly every single drink. Even the "iced cold brew" recipe is sweetened. I'll stick with Americanos every time.

Sucrose, dextrose, maledextrose, fructose, etc etc etc. We have hundreds of names for sugar that is put in virtually every American made beverage and processed food.

I actually like the bitterness of the European chocolates.

I think that's true of adults, but I'm not sure it's true about kids.

I'd love to see data on this. Yes, video games are a problem but I also remember spending hours and hours in the 80's on my Atari2600 and Nintendo NES. Living in urban areas kids aren't kicked out of the house and told to "be home when the street lights come on." With that said, they start in organized sports at a much younger age. My boys started in soccer at age 4 l, baseball at age 5, and were playing football at age 7 with basketball and wrestling seasons sprinkled in. They spent all summer growing up on neighborhood swim teams and Water Polo. We started skiing as a family too when they gave up basketball to fill the winter void. Now my youngest, as a HS Jr, spends much more time on training for football, wrestling and lacrosse than I ever spent on football and baseball in HS.

As an affluent urbanite, I realize that our anecdotal experience may not apply to all kids. I think the effect of video games on kids health is a bit over played.

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