Dumb Political Correctness

It shouldn't be, but in woke culture, it is.

Curious, I always took the term "woke" to be describe progressives, more specifically the extreme left. In this case I see the extremes critical of Degeneres/Bush relationship. Look no further than JoeFan postings about the topic here as an example. I'm sure if I went hunting the Fox News opinionists have also offered criticisms. That's of course in addition to those on the left (e.g. Behar and Hollywood).

So, it this a symptom of "woke culture" or more about tribalism? The latter references the extremes while the former only points to one side.

Maybe you are using "woke" to describe the partisan extremism?
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Curious, I always took the term "woke" to be describe progressives, more specifically the extreme left. In this case I see the extremes critical of Degeneres/Bush relationship. Look no further than JoeFan postings about the topic here as an example. I'm sure if I went hunting the Fox News opinionists have also offered criticisms. That's of course in addition to those on the left (e.g. Behar and Hollywood).

So, it this a symptom of "woke culture" or more about tribalism? The latter references the extremes while the former only points to one side.

Maybe you are using "woke" to describe the partisan extremism?

I have not seen any conservative who's giving Bush flack for being cordial with Ellen. Could you find one? Maybe, but there's a reason why Ellen had to directly defend herself, and Bush didn't.

I don't think you're wrong that the extremes are the problem. Twenty years ago, it would have been different. There would have been significant conservatives yelling, "hey, how dare he associate with that depraved lesbian!" Today, it's flipped, and it's mostly the extreme social leftists behaving ridiculously.
I have not seen any conservative who's giving Bush flack for being cordial with Ellen. Could you find one? Maybe, but there's a reason why Ellen had to directly defend herself, and Bush didn't.

I sit corrected. I haven't really cared to follow this "controversy" but after sone research now realize that headlines on conservative sites were simply covering the story. I'd assumed they were the inverse of Sarandon/Ruffalo but I was wrong. Eben Breitbart covered it fairly showing both sides within Hollywood, criticism and support for Ellen. Specific mention goes out to Neil Cavuto who gave an impassioned apeal for civility going so far as offering a defense of Rachel Maddow.

Reading the criticism of Sarandon and Ruffalo it seems the lightning rod was Bush specifically given his role in Gulf War 2. I'm empathetic to their sentiment but that's water under the bridge at this point.

Besides, I've never blamed Bush as much as the Neocons in his admin (Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.).
I sit corrected. I haven't really cared to follow this "controversy" but after sone research now realize that headlines on conservative sites were simply covering the story. I'd assumed they were the inverse of Sarandon/Ruffalo but I was wrong. Eben Breitbart covered it fairly showing both sides within Hollywood, criticism and support for Ellen. Specific mention goes out to Neil Cavuto who gave an impassioned apeal for civility going so far as offering a defense of Rachel Maddow.

Reading the criticism of Sarandon and Ruffalo it seems the lightning rod was Bush specifically given his role in Gulf War 2. I'm empathetic to their sentiment but that's water under the bridge at this point.

Besides, I've never blamed Bush as much as the Neocons in his admin (Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.).

I understand people getting on him about the Gulf War, but to have a civil society, you have to be able to appreciate other perspectives and points of view.

It can go both ways. I think abortion is about as morally depraved as it gets, but would I refuse to be cordial with someone just because he was pro-choice? Certainly not. Why not? Because I don't have the monopoly on deciding what's moral and what isn't. Furthermore, if we can't be civil to each other, then we can't have dialogue on anything. We just sit in our corners and ***** about how bad everybody is and how righteous we are. That's not good for a culture.
It shouldn't be, but in woke culture, it is.

I find one of the interesting things about woke culture is how it picks issues. We have seen them pour back over individuals histories to force them to into submission or sometimes to get them fired. But there is alot of folks they could go back like this on but choose not to. For example --

The people who got us into disaster in Libya
The people who got us into Syria in the first place
The people who lobby for foreign governments
The people who got us into Iraq
The people who contributed to the 2008 financial crisis

Why is that?
Joe, you know the point. It is to tear apart societal fabric of the US.

All the things you mention plus woke persecution of those who don't go against traditional morality/culture, accomplish the goal above. Tear it apart so that people will be miserable enough and angry enough at life to vote for a socialist.
I find one of the interesting things about woke culture is how it picks issues. We have seen them pour back over individuals histories to force them to into submission or sometimes to get them fired. But there is alot of folks they could go back like this on but choose not to. For example --

The people who got us into disaster in Libya
The people who got us into Syria in the first place
The people who lobby for foreign governments
The people who got us into Iraq
The people who contributed to the 2008 financial crisis

Why is that?
These people have mental problems and frankly deserve our pity. However, it is their mistaken belief that to feel better, they need to tear someone else down, presumably folks that are somewhat similar (real or imagined) to the people that hurt them in the first place.
Joe, you know the point. It is to tear apart societal fabric of the US.

The purpose of it is to expel conservatism from the Overton Window and to discourage converts to conservatism. If people can't dialogue, then minds can't be changed. People will get woke propaganda in school and from media, and they'll virtually never hear anything to counter it, and when they do, it'll be considered socially taboo. That's how a guy like Kim Jong Un can be considered a monster by virtually the entire world, but his people think he's great. Tons of propaganda is drilled into the North Koreans. They virtually never hear opposition, and if they do, they're taught to view it as basically satanic.
Her truth is pretty unattractive to me.

And frankly this new "body positivity" trend is a bit disturbing. I don't think we should make fun of fat people, because it's rude. However, I don't think it's smart to tell everybody that their body is "ok" or "good" regardless of its size either. If you're obese like that woman is, you're asking for major health problems. If she stays like that, she could easily die before she's 55, and that sort of thing has major social and financial implications. We shouldn't ridicule people like her, but we shouldn't encourage them either.
Does CK really make product that large??
The point that MrD made aesthetics aside this is not healthy is important. This is not overweight, There is a reason this is called morbidly obese.
I agree this is a health issue, they making ok to have additional health risks. I remember being in better shape running town lake (yeah I know it’s called something else) and seeing a large person running or walking, I had great respect for them.
I agree this is a health issue, they making ok to have additional health risks. I remember being in better shape running town lake (yeah I know it’s called something else) and seeing a large person running or walking, I had great respect for them.

Not only that but you are co-paying for it now, and will be paying more in the future. #ThanksObama
And frankly this new "body positivity" trend is a bit disturbing. I don't think we should make fun of fat people, because it's rude. However, I don't think it's smart to tell everybody that their body is "ok" or "good" regardless of its size either. If you're obese like that woman is, you're asking for major health problems. If she stays like that, she could easily die before she's 55, and that sort of thing has major social and financial implications. We shouldn't ridicule people like her, but we shouldn't encourage them either.
If everyone is healthy, who will use all the free healthcare?
I noticed awhile back at my local mall that instead of hotties, most ladies stores had ads featuring plus size women in the window. Let’s face it, there are just as many or more American women that look like 2019 as 1999.

I went to a high school band competition to see my grandson’s band march. I couldn’t believe how many overweight to outright obese teenagers were in band. Must be all that video game playing while drinking sugary drinks. Maybe we need more fat shaming.
I noticed awhile back at my local mall that instead of hotties, most ladies stores had ads featuring plus size women in the window. Let’s face it, there are just as many or more American women that look like 2019 as 1999.

I went to a high school band competition to see my grandson’s band march. I couldn’t believe how many overweight to outright obese teenagers were in band. Must be all that video game playing while drinking sugary drinks. Maybe we need more fat shaming.
Less sugar and carbs.
I noticed awhile back at my local mall that instead of hotties, most ladies stores had ads featuring plus size women in the window. Let’s face it, there are just as many or more American women that look like 2019 as 1999.

I went to a high school band competition to see my grandson’s band march. I couldn’t believe how many overweight to outright obese teenagers were in band. Must be all that video game playing while drinking sugary drinks. Maybe we need more fat shaming.
We need a LOT more fat shaming.

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