That dad is a total hypocrite. 100%.
In fairness, based on how the media has been reporting the issue, he may have convinced himself that the daughter was the guy's biological daughter, If guys can get pregnant and have periods, then surely two guys together can make a biological baby right? I mean that's... logical... right?
Wait, they actually called it "Drag Queen Storytime"?!
This is a big deal in the Northeast, and apparently the parents claim that they love it. Which of course is what they would claim.
He should have been ignored, but he wasn't. And since he wasn't ignored then, I don't see why he should be ignored now when he's trying to set the record straight. If a lie is trumpeted and exploited, the subsequent truth should get the same attention to undo the previous lie.
This is so typical of the liberal hide-the-ball strategy. They push a narrative and are warned of where it will lead, and they attack and bully into submission, adding that all your worries are just hyperbole rooted in hate and fear, and no one really wants to do what you claim they're doing. And once it turns out that we get what we expected, the response is "hey don't look at us! You just need to ignore it and let it go away... like we forced you into doing the last time we had this discussion."
So now we have:
- Pedophilia publicly being defended (which we knew would happen)
- Abortion up to the moment of birth defended (which was the natural conclusion)
- Gender lines becoming completely arbitrary (because we "ignored" and/or accommodated followed SH's advice)
-Weaponized "MeToo" moments where "Believe All Women" actually means "Believe All Liberal Women" (because hey, the personal is the political!)
- A generation of people who actually believe they have never lived in American prosperity and that America is a force for evil in the world, as is Western civilization (because progressive academics took over education and we were assured that they were the smart people that we should be listening to.)
- Active attempts by activists that have (successfully) bullied people into closing their businesses and ruined their lives (or tried to) for holding to their religious beliefs about same-sex marriage (when we were ASSURED that "if you're in a straight marriage, what do you care what other people do? They aren't coming to get you, they just want to live in peace.)
- Actual government lawsuits attempting to force churches into accepting specific lifestyles or beliefs in their private hiring and firing processes (when we were told that there was a separation between church and state, and NONE of us want to violate that.)
I could go on. But yeah, we should just ignore all these things, forget where they came from, and above all, don't hold people responsible for stupid, irresponsible, and dishonest arguments they made 10 and 20 years ago.