Dumb Political Correctness

Mine would be "poop goes over there."



Took the AlitaChallenge today - it was a fun movie. Had a few plot issues but basically a good time. Solid 3.5 stars.
So Dems want 16yos And illegals to have the right
What could go wrong?
For our country

Trump derangement syndrome has made the Dems insane. They’re willing to flush the system we’ve used for over 200 years right down the crapper. they’d let non-citizens and 16 year olds vote. They ‘d scrap the electoral college. They’d bankrupt the country with insane socialist giveaway programs. Anything, I mean literally anything to win.
So Dems want 16yos And illegals to have the right What could go wrong
The Dems could win more elections for starters.

They want 16-year old illegal aliens (who liked the Ghostbusters remake) to vote.

It does reflect some desperation on their part, as if, by their own estimation, they have only a small window of time to get done what they think needs doing. They are in a hurry. They think their window is closing. Why is that?

Here is a theory -- it is all Trump's fault. Original, I know. But maybe he has created too many good jobs? Because with jobs come paystubs and with paystubs come the realization everyone gets at some point that the Govt is the world's biggest thief. Which means that with a good US econ, Dems will always lose a chunk of these otherwise reliable voters. What Dems need to hold political hegemony is a permanent underclass. They need people dependant upon Govt aid. This is where voter reliability comes from. It is the primary source of their power. New jobs, low unemployment and rising wages are a threat to Dem political power. They don't like it. They dont like a prosperous country. How perverted is that?
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What Dems need to hold political hegemony is a permanent underclass. They need people dependant upon Govt aid. This is where voter reliability comes from. It is the primary source of their power.
Joe, you've nailed it - unfortunately. The Dems want voters who are indebted to them for government handouts. They don't want to solve any social ills - they want to perpetuate them, so those who are dependent on their handouts will continue to vote for them. Anyone who uses his God-given ability - and hard work - to rise from the underclass is likely to realize that he is now paying taxes to fund those giveaway programs for others who won't work as hard as he did. Pitiful indeed.
Joe, you've nailed it - unfortunately. The Dems want voters who are indebted to them for government handouts. They don't want to solve any social ills - they want to perpetuate them, so those who are dependent on their handouts will continue to vote for them. Anyone who uses his God-given ability - and hard work - to rise from the underclass is likely to realize that he is now paying taxes to fund those giveaway programs for others who won't work as hard as he did. Pitiful indeed.

No matter the issue, these people never look from the perspective of "What is best for the country?" Nor, "What do the people want most?" Nor, "What did they elect us to do?"

It is always the same analysis for them -- they ask, "How do we use this to our benefit?"" And "How do we turn this into something that motivates our voters, and suppresses theirs?" This is their first and usually only metric. This simple formula explains everything they do.
So they respond that "Black Lives Matter" - because in their mind, they don't matter to some people.

That's why "All Lives Matter" was a silly response (even though "All Lives Matter" or less awkwardly "Every Life Matters" would have been a great slogan for BLM to have used instead). Because the left wasn't implying "Black lives matter [and some other lives don't matter]", they were implying "[I believe] black lives matter [but my political opponents don't believe this]".

The problem I have with this rationale is that just because you're old enough to fight doesn't mean you're mature enough to make important decisions

Joining an organization where you can be ordered to lose your life for the sake of a general or politician's pride is a pretty big decision. It hasn't always been a decision of course, but it certainly is today.

I would argue if you have never paid property taxes you are not a full citizen and should not enjoy 1-to-1 voting rights with those who have.

Renters pay property tax too, they just do it through a middleman.
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I did not know that property owners/developers get property tax breaks for subsidized housing.Maybe that is necessary to get them to offer subsidized places.
Joining an organization where you can be ordered to lose your life for the sake of a general or politician's pride is a pretty big decision. It hasn't always been a decision of course, but it certainly is today.

It's a big decision, which is why I'd be more willing to let 18 year olds vote if they actually join the military.
The dark beer looks good. The brisket looks like it has been sitting out for a day, and the rolls obviously are out of a package.

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